Trent Robertson is an 18 year old kid from Utah who enjoys playing and creating games. Also know as LaBoheme (the Bohemian) and Sirus Squire, he has been a fan of the adventure genre from a very young age, starting with Hugo's House of Horrors (I think). His website La Boheme Productions is currently under construction.

This is a vanity page.
This page is a shameless example of egotism!
The author is pretty darn hot, though. You have to admit that.
AGS forums profile

Games in Production

Hero of the Rune - An adventure/rpg hybrid similar to the Quest For Glory series.
Rune2-5 - Working titles of the next 4 games in the Hero of the Rune series.
Fight Pit - Working title of a gladiator fighting game, meant to the feature the battle system of Hero of the Rune.
Ælemental - Short puzzle oriented game featuring several forms of vision. Idea only.
Devil High - 'During a school pep rally, zombies start emerging from the tunnels underneath the school.' In this game, you control 3 different characters to bring down a demon-summoning cult. Features cinematic techniques.