Monkey 05 06

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Revision as of 02:52, 10 September 2006 by *>Monkey 05 06
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Monkey_05_06, otherwise known as "monkey", "0506", "Married in '56", "Michael Rittenhouse", etc. is CJ's biggest antagonist, SSH's arch-nemesis, a terrible Photoshopper, and lives with his mom. He's 18 from Texas, USA, and would love to get the hell out, but is financially incapable, so instead has turned to game-design. He's not really better-off.

Monkey has been working with AGS since early 2004, and has made some contributions, among them a few script modules and a crappy pointer tutorial.

He has thus far worked on only one game project, of which only a crappy beta demo of the GUI system was released which has since been recoded (mostly). He rarely ever visits the IRC channel, but when he does he makes sure everyone thinks he's really Babar, causing so much confusion and frustration that Roger just kicks everyone out.

Most, or, more likely, all of this was written by '0506 himself and should
    not be taken literally, excluding, of course, the factitious parts.