Module Script Template (RickJ)

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RickJ's module script template:

// Module: <module name>
// Author: <first name> <last name> (<forum name>)
// Require: AGS 2.7, <module1>..., <moduleN>
// 1 Abstract
// 2 Description
// 3 Revision History
// <yy-mmm-dd> <forum name>,   created original version
// 4 License
// This  module  is  free  software;  you  can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License
// as  published  by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 
// of the License, or any later version.
// This module is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
// WITHOUT  ANY  WARRANTY;  without  even  the  implied  warranty  of 
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License along with this library; if not,write to the Free Software
// Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307  
// USA.
// Copyright (C) yyyy  <holder>

// Configuration Constants

// Static Variables 

// Utility Functions

// Static Functions

// Member Functions

// Ags Standard Events                     
   function game_start() {
// This is the first event that is triggered after the game is loaded
// into memory.  It's purpose is to initialize the game.  

   function repeatedly_execute() {
// This event is triggered each game cycle. Addition of code to this 
// even should be done carefully to avoid unacceptable performance 
// degradation.  If there is way to avoid putting code in this event 
// then it is generally advisable to do so.

   function repeatedly_execute_always() {
// This  event  is  triggered each  game cycle, even  when a blocking 
// routine (eg. speech/cutscene) is in progress.  Blocking  functions 
// cannot be called from this event handler. Addition of code to this
// event should  be  done carefully to avoid unacceptable performance 
// degradation. If there is a way to avoid putting code in this event
// then it is generally advisable to do so.

   function on_event (int event, int data) {
// This  event  is  triggered in response to a number of standard AGS
// game events. See the AGS  manual  for more details.  The EVENT and 
// DATA parameters are used to decode the specific event as follows:
// EVENT                         DATA
// eEventEnterRoomBeforeFadein   new room number
// eEventLeaveRoom               room number they are leaving
// eEventGotScore                number of points they got
// eEventGUIMouseDown            GUI number
// eEventGUIMouseUp              GUI number
// eEventAddInventory            inventory item number that was added
// eEventLoseInventory           inventory item number that was lost
// eEventRestoreGame             save slot number

   int      PrevKey;
   function on_key_press(int keycode) {
// This  event  is triggered whenever a keyboard key is pressed.  The
// parameter  KEYCODE identifies which key was pressed.  All possible
// keycodes are given below.  See the AGS manual for more details.
// 1..26     Ctrl+A .. Ctrl+Z    8         Backspace (Ctrl+H)
// 9         Tab (Ctrl+I)        13        Enter (Ctrl+M)
// 27        Escape              32        Space
// 48..57   '0' .. '9'           65..90   'A' .. 'Z' (uppercase)
// 359..368  F1 .. F10           371       Home (numeric pad)
// 372       Up arrow            373       PgUp (numeric pad)
// 375       Left arrow          376      '5'   (numeric pad)
// 377       Right arrow         379       End  (numeric pad)
// 380       Down arrow          381       PgDn (numeric pad)
// 433..434  F11 .. F12         

   function on_mouse_click(int button) {
// This event is triggered whenever a mouse button is pressed.  The 
// button parameter identifies which mouse button was pressed as 
// follows:
//    eMouseLeft,       eMouseRight,       eMouseMiddle,
//    eMouseLeftInv,    eMouseRightInv,
//    eMouseWheelNorth, eMouseWheelSouth

   function unhandled_event(int what, int type) {
// This  function is called when an interaction is run, but no events
// are listed  in  the  AGS  interaction  window.  The WHAT  and TYPE
// parameters tell you what the player did. Their possible values are 
// listed below:
//    WHAT TYPE Hotspot Interaction     WHAT TYPE Object Interaction
//     1    1   Look at                  2    0   Look at 
//     1    2   Interact with            2    1   Interact with
//     1    3   Use inventory on         2    2   Talk to
//     1    4   Talk to                  2    3   Use inventory on 
//     1    7   Pick up                  2    5   Pick up
//     1    8   Cursor Mode 8 on         2    6   Cursor Mode 8 on
//     1    9   Cursor Mode 9 on         2    7   Cursor Mode 9 on
//    WHAT TYPE Character Interaction   WHAT TYPE Nothing Interaction
//     3    0   Look at                  4    1   Look at 
//     3    1   Interact with            4    2   Interact with
//     3    2   Talk to                  4    3   Use inventory with
//     3    3   Use inventory on         4    4   Talk to
//     3    5   Pick up 
//     3    6   Cursor Mode 8 on 
//     3    7   Cursor Mode 9 on 
//    WHAT TYPE Inventory Interaction   
//     5    0   Look at 
//     5    1   Interact with (currently not possible)
//     5    2   Talk to 
//     5    3   Use an inventory item on another
//     5    4   Other click on 

   function dialog_request(int parameter) {
// This  function is called when a dialog script line "run-script" is
// processed.  PARAMETER  is  the value  of  the number following the 
// "run-script" on that line of the dialog script. 