Lone Case walkthrough
Lone Case: Locomotive Breath OFFICIAL WALKTHROUGH
After the intro finishes pick up the dart next to the garbage can then enter the bar. After the dialog use dart on television. Then use whatever drink you have chosen on Dave. Then into the bathroom, pick up the crayon, the feather , and try to open the door. After that use the trash can , then use the box by the sink. Use the box again, then after the small video, use the box again. When outside head to the donuts store. Then use the jukebox three times. Then talk to Joe about everything. The head outside and use the door on the middle of the screen. Then use donut on yourself. Then climb the stairs and head to the bedroom. When the small intro finishes examine the trash can, then pick up the toolbox, then examine the hole, then use the box to the top left corner of the room. Then use key with the toolbox. Then use screwdriver on window , crowbar, and simple use on the window. Use window again. Once at the hospital, use or examine the drawer and pick up the keys on the door. Exit the room and head to the reception. There use nail polish remover on fire and pick up the patent application then head to the corridor till you find the elevator. Once there use your keys on the elevator button. Then head A. Once there use the medical bag and head to management pick up a card. Then open up your inventory and use nail polish on DVD Case, then head to the elevator and head C. Talk to the undertaker about everything and interrogate him about your boss;s death. Then use ink traces with card. Then signature with doctor's form then give form to undertaker. Now exit the hospital. Then head the subway and use the boxes. When prompted talk to O'Riley till you can end the dialog. Then use screwdriver on your glass to make a hole. Then screw on hole, then crowbar it. Once outside, open up your inv and use poison on syringe , and then poisonous syringe on cookie. Then select the poisonous cookie and use it on the chimp. Then use your gun on the other glass.