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Mouse Gesture system module is an input module created by Besh.


The idea of this system was born when I start to work to "Child of the Moon". I coded this to cast spell in a way that looks like "Black & White" miracles.

This first version recognizes 20 different gestures (4 lines, 8 circles, 8 arrows).


// Script header for module 'Mouse Gesture System'
// Author: Gabriel Ferri (Besh)
//   Please contact me about problems with this module.
// Abstract: This system recognizes the mouse movements.
// Dependencies: AGS 2.71 or later (not tested on previous versions)
// Functions:
// MouseGesture.Activate(bool state)
//      Activates/deactivated Mouse Gesture System.
//   MouseGesture.SetMouseButton(MouseButton button)
//      Sets the mouse button used for the gesture. The default is LEFT mouse button.
// Actually, only LEFT and RIGHT mouse buttons are allowed.
//   MouseGesture.AddLine(GesturePoint direction, float tolerance, String name)
//      This adds a simple line gesture.
// direction: specifies the direction of the movement (eLeft, eRight, eUp, eDown).
// tolerance: is an absolute value used to simplify the movement (from 0.0 impossible to 4.0/5.0 simple)
// name: is the value returned by the system if this gesture is recognized.
//   MouseGesture.AddCircle(GesturePoint start, GestureDirection direction, float tolerance, String name)
//      This adds a circle gesture.
// start: specifies the gesture starting point (eLeft, eRight, eUp, eDown).
// direction: specifies the direction of the movement (eClockwise, eCounterClockwise).
// tolerance: is an absolute value used to simplify the movement (from 0.0 impossible to 15.0/20.0 simple)
// name: is the value returned by the system if this gesture is recognized.
//   MouseGesture.AddArrow(GesturePoint arrowhead, GestureDirection direction, float tolerance, String name)
//      This adds an arrow gesture.
// arrowhead: specifies where the arrow is aiming (eLeft, eRight, eUp, eDown).
// direction: specifies the direction of the movement (eClockwise, eCounterClockwise).
// tolerance: is an absolute value used to simplify the movement (from 0.0 impossible to 10.0/15.0 simple)
// name: is the value returned by the system if this gesture is recognized.
// Srting MouseGesture.Name
// Contains the name of the recognized gesture.
// float MouseGesture.Vote
// Contains the vote of the recognized gesture (from 0.0 no gesture to 1.0 perfect gesture).
// bool MouseGesture.isGesture
// Sets to 1 when by the system when a new gesture is recognized.
// Use:
//    Add gestures and give them a name. Remenber to activate the system.
// IMPORTANT - in repeaditely_execute function add:
// if (MouseGesture.isGesture) {
// MouseGesture.isGesture = false;
// ...
// ...
// }
// This code is needful to capture recognized gesture (not a great solution but works fine :-))
// Example:
// MouseGesture.AddArrow(eUp, eClockwise, 10.0, "ArrowUp");
//   MouseGesture.AddCircle(eRight, eCounterClockwise, 15.0, "Circle");
//   MouseGesture.AddLine(eLeft, 5.0, "LineSX");
// MouseGesture.AddLine(eRight, 5.0, "LineDX");
// ...
// //script for Room: Repeatedly execute
//  if (MouseGesture.isGesture) {
//    MouseGesture.isGesture = false;
// if (MouseGesture.Name == "ArrowUp")
// Function1();
// else if ((MouseGesture.Name == "Circle") && (MouseGesture.Vote >= 0.6))
// Function2();
// else if (MouseGesture.Name == "LineDX")
// Function3();
// else if (MouseGesture.Name == "")
// // no gesture recognized
// }
// Revision History:
// 09 Jun 06: v1.0  First release of Mouse Gesture System module
// Licence:
//   AGS Mouse Gesture System script module
//   Copyright (C) 2005-2006 Gabriel Ferri
//   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
//   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
//   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
//   version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
//   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
//   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
//   Lesser General Public License for more details.
//   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
//   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
//   Foundation, Inc, 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
