Barn Runner: Don't Jerk The Trigger of Love

Started by Ponch, Sat 08/01/2005 00:14:13

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Well, I just discovered the joys of MicroTech Instant File Hosting. (Thanks to Rui Pires for telling me about it).

This is a mini-game I made last summer when I was first writing the arcade code for my long-in-the-works Barn Runner: The Forever Friday. This early build of the code is pretty primitive. The targets only track left to right at various speeds and at various distances and altitudes relative to the player. They also "pop" to face the player in a shoot/no-shoot scenario that requires you to make the decision to pull the trigger before the target disappears. Also, the targets don't shoot back or spawn other targets when destroyed (this is only a gun range, after all.) The gun reloading animation also had yet to be implemented at this stage of coding so you have to make do with a flashing "Reloading" graphic.

So while many of the features that are now coded into The Forever Friday do not appear in this early build (nothing shoots back at you and there are no hit points for you or the targets, for example), I think it still serves as a nice demonstration for the arcade possibilities of AGS.

You can retry the ranges as many times as you like until you pass them (or switch to the Hand icon and USE the door behind you to leave the game) and the Spatha pistol holds three shots per clip so keep that in mind when squeezing the trigger.

And with that, let's roll those screenshots!

Debbie looks on while Prick prepares to get it done.

Behold the awesome power of my first person shooter code!!!1!

Sometimes range trials drag on late into the night.

Well, that's it. It's not a true adventure game but I hope that it serves as a mild diversion until I can get the full-sized Barn Runner: The Armageddon Eclair (which I made way back in 2003) online in the next week or so.
Click here to immerse yourself again in the mind-numbing experience that is Barn Runner and I hope you might even enjoy it!


Looks cool. I'm looking forward to the release of many more Barn Runner games.

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