Gaspop & Revenants

Started by PhantomNorik, Thu 04/10/2007 21:45:00

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Since the Gaspop website doesn't exist anymore and the chances of them being completed are slim to none, is there

any chance, Chrille, that you could release what you have completed of Revenants, Pleurghburg: The Asylum, and

Calsoon1Plus? It would make many disappointed people happy. What ever happened to Calsoon1Plus anyway? I've

always wanted top play Revenants, as it looks great and the demo is my favorite game. Playing it would be a dream

come true. Please consider releasing it.
Who needs an avatar?


Yes indeed. How can we get Chrille working again? :D


I honestly don't know what to think about making games nowadays. I still think about what might be fun to do and how to do it. The problem is I hate to scale things down. Things always get too ambitious. Another problem is that I don't spend as much time on the computer nowadays. Previously I could spend entire days just working on a game which is probably not something I would do today. Even then I never really got close to finishing either of the more ambitious projects. Since Revenants I've planned several games and made tools to help make those games in MMF, but after loads of work making those tools I just don't have enough energy left to make any actual content.

I guess I'll probably think of something that I can pull off. Eventually.

Regarding releasing old unfinished games. There isn't much worth showing of The Asylum. I still want to make Revenants in some way though, even if I do have to scale it down. I'm not letting go of that.

As for Calsoon. That game was made in one week as a joke for a friend. Calsoon+ wouldn't really be worth releasing. The few very minor changes would still make it the same crummy game.

I still own the gaspop domain. However, since I just wasn't making anything new for a long time and since the index kept getting hacked I just threw up a blank index until I have something new worth showing.
GASPOP software


If you seriously plan to release Revenants, don't scale down anything, even it takes 10 years to complete it, even if you need to find a team to help you, don't scale down anything.

Privateer Puddin'

I'm sorry, it's my fault, I cursed both Revenants and Byzantine back at Mittens 2003 by saying they were two of my favourite ags games based on their demos.

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