Tune Contest! December 13 - 24. DRAMATICS!!! NOW CLOSED. Congratulations Jens!

Started by EldKatt, Thu 13/12/2007 13:10:15

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This is the tune contest, where your job is to make a tune. Do whatever you like, however you like, as long as you somehow stay within the rules. You have one week.

The rules, or topic, or however you want to see it, for this week is:


The celebrated director Steven McCheddar calls you from his Hollywood office. He explains in excited tones that he is working on a brand new movie, which he is certain will be on the world's collective lips for years to come. And guess what? He wants you to make the music. But only if you can prove to him that you are capable of crafting that kind of audio magic that makes audiences laugh, cry, or suspend disbelief, touching their emotions in that refined manner only possible with the latest moving pictures from that capital of Western culture called Hollywood.

To prove to him the potency of your melodramatic prowess, you must compose the music to some kind of scene likely to be found in McCheddar's movie. Pick any trope or cliché--he assures you that it will be there.

In other words, I want you to make the musical counterpart of a last kiss, an epic fight, a Big No, or anything else you can think of related to drama or cheese. Have fun. Judging and closing will commence no earlier than the December 20. And probably not much later.


Well this was a amusing theme, here's my tune:


I think I went a bit over the top in the end of the tune  :P


Turnout is low. Does anyone else have any intention of participating, or should I go ahead and judge and close this? Answer now.

[Edit: Why did I ask this before it actually closed? Stupid. Ignore.]


i was going to make something, but then i just realised that the closure date was today...
since i can't see myself getting anything done till the weekend, it would be best to just choose a winner.
i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


A good friend dead. After burial, you drive your car to home and you remember all the good moments with our friend... sad...

Here's the tune:



as the contest is closed yet ... here's a file that I started a few days ago and abandoned later on because I couldnt manage to get some structure and melody in it.


Le Woltaire

Goodbye my Love.
You faint away.
Why couldn't you stay.
Just here with me.
Yes I am so sad that you leave.
I am so sad but maybe you return
to stay with me forever.

Yes I love you my dear.
You are so wonderful.
Yes, Wonderful!

Love is more important
than everything in the world.
Love is the language between man and women.
And this is the reason
why a man has to look where to find a woman.
Yes, oh my dear.

Oh my dear.
I love you so much.
I love you my girl!



i used to be indeceisive but now im not so sure!


Alright. This worked out fine, despite my foolish impatience at the closing day. Good job, everyone!

I was planning to be ambitious and actually write some comments about each entry. I would like to do this, but it's Christmas, I'm short on time, and I really feel more obliged to close this contest and let people get on with their lives. If anyone is itching to know what I thought of their entry, they will ask somehow. As if. So.

The entries were all very enjoyable to listen to, and it was far from obvious to me how to pick the winner, but I have done this, because such is my grim duty. And the winner is:


This means that you get to start the next tune contest! Lucky you!

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