Animation Competition: Behind the Mask

Started by derboo, Sun 08/06/2008 18:27:58

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A sprite is supplied, with a theme.
Participants must use the given sprite for their animation
Each competition will last 11 days
The starter of each competition will decide on the winner.
The winner, who will decide on the next competition's theme, must also supply a sprite.

Theme: Behind the Mask.
The winner of the last competition is to create the next one, right? Since I'm only a beginner at creating sprites, i'll take my masked guy a few of you may know from C&C as a basis:

The task is to unmask him in a creative way, no matter if the way of unmasking or what's behind the mask is creative.

Eleven days... then the deadline should be around the 19th... I don't know what time zone to take as basis.


What surprise: The mask wasn't a mask at all..


Nice entry. I hope this time we get to see some more competition than the last round...


Quote from: derboo on Mon 09/06/2008 23:03:49
Nice entry. I hope this time we get to see some more competition than the last round...

Me too. Actually I'm thinking of making a second animation for this one, cause I have another idea. And it's sad you were the only one posting a resurrection-animation, which was a good theme too. I would have done one if I just would've been aware of these competitions at that time.


I will enter this one, then if just for the sake of keeping this comp alive, i'm busy with my games but I'll make sure to make time, I promise.
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


This is what really happens to you when you get into a trap in Prince of Persia:

The mask has been removed, but the face is still not uncovered. Genius!



How about your promise, Questionable? Should we wait?


Should have mine up tonight!

Couldn't reply... internet problems, sorry.
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Grrrrrr.... Internet isn't letting me upload it. I'll go over to a friends house after work tomorrow and try it there.

Sowwy everybody
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


Hmm, i guess it's about time to close this competition... sorry, Questionable.

1st place goes to matti, I really liked the idea of the mask being the only part thats NO mask. Also, i dig the animation for the arms.
2nd place is Lionmonkey, also a very creative, though pretty violent, idea (not much more violent than the original Prince of Persia, thats true ;) ).

Maybe I'll get around to making tropies this weekend...

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