Animation Competition (Part III) - CEO of Animaniacs (Ends Mar 15)

Started by rharpe, Mon 02/03/2009 01:35:41

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Animate the CEO from Animaniacs. This sprite was captured from the Sega Genesis Animaniacs game.

The CEO just heard that he is gonna make a lot of money -- animate his expression and body movement in some sort of victory dance or celebration.

Good luck and have fun!

"Hail to the king, baby!"


Here is my first attempt at an animation.  It's not quite what I was trying to do, but I ran out of time.


And the winner is... alex!!!! (the one and only contestant!)

alex, you have the stage! Thank you alex for entering...

Mods, this one may be locked as well.
"Hail to the king, baby!"


Winner Winner Chicken Dinner!


It's the same that happened when I hosted my last animaion comp and evenwolf won.. but didn't host a new one.

I can understand that joining the competition is too much work for most people but hosting a new one shouldn't be a problem really....

Well, I suggest that someone who has an idea starts a new one since alex hasn't been online for quite a while now.


Quote from: Twirlly on Thu 07/05/2009 15:36:53
What's going on with this comp? It's my fav  ;D
Twirlly, I nominate YOU to do the next Animation Competition! (alex must have fallen off the planet?!)
"Hail to the king, baby!"

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