Background Blitz - Roses & Moonlight - Winner Announced.

Started by Misj', Wed 01/07/2009 16:58:01

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One day left for this Blitz...

If someone is working on something (and need a few more days) please tell me, and I'll extend this Blitz till Monday (because even though I don't like extensions, I'm a little too buzy this weekend anyway).

Otherwise I'll try to come up with a more inspiring Blitz at the start of next week.


I'm working on something and will get it up today, but please, someone tell me I'm not the only one!

Here we are, background for a cutscene that involves... well, roses. And moonlight. And a windmill. I like windmills.

Privateer Puddin'

I started on something! I could probably get it done by the deadline.


I'm working on something, but I don't know if I get it done in time. We'll see ;)

I made it before the deadline :D I have two versions, a bright and a more grim version.
It's called: `It not all...'
A fictional detective adventure game. This is the first scene, the muderder scene:

Life is like an adventure without the pixel hunts.


The topic only evoked some sappy romantic images, so I went with a fantastical idea. Not happy with the outcome - it was a quick one and I ran out of time. Includes, as it happens, trees with a some personality:

Looking for a writer


Let the voting commence in the usual categories

Idea: Was it an original/creative interpretation of the theme?
Atmosphere: Was an interesting world created? - Did the scene evoke a feeling?
Design: How well the elements are designed, from clouds to doorknobs.
Composition: How well the elements are combined to create a pleasing whole, and lead the viewer to the points of interest.
Functionality: How well it would work as a background, with clearly defined entries and walkable areas, as well as a good viewing angle.
Technique: How well it's rendered, in no way meaning the more elaborate the better.

QuoteThe topic only evoked some sappy romantic images,
I would probably have gone either for a romantic scene (Arabian nights style), or the exact opposite: horror. In Dutch the saying is often used in a negative or sarcastic setting, and could apply to anything from happy, romantic, dreamy to thriller, horror, depressed. I therefore thought it might make an interesting subject for a Blitz. People could really go all the way in almost any direction (even those - I think - who don't know the Dutch setting). :)

Privateer Puddin'


I'm going to make a habit of voting for the blitz, because I like seeing how different people interpret the same idea differently. Which I guess is the point of it anyway. :) Ok:

1) Idea: Wyz
The tiny rose lying beside the bloody corpse is good - was the victim giving or receiving it when he was accosted? By having that one rose there, despite being part of the criteria, it immediately creates a whole story.
2) Atmosphere: loominous
Two bent trees standing on a romantic spot in the moonlight... Nuff' said.
3) Design: loominous
I think designing the trees to look like warped hags is a good idea - it makes them old, but they still don't care about claiming their undying desire for each other. :)
4) Composistion: Wyz
I have to go for Wyz again here. Personally, the darker version seems better, as it draws your attention to the rose more, which is the focal point of the background.
5) Functionality: Ghost
For this category I was tied between Ghost and Privateer Puddin', but in the end I had to settle on Ghost's windmill scene, just down to a wider walkway.

But they're all very good, I might add.


The same as Atelier except I'd give composistion to loominous.


Tie between loominous and wyz, but while both scenes are pretty "trope" (not in a bad way, but combining strong elements), I saw less crime scenes than fantasy-tree-stuff, so wyz wins by a close shave.

See above.

Without doubt. Wonderful artwork.

See above. I'd really love to see a whole game in that style.

Privateer Puddin'
The clean lines make it simple to get animations, walkable areas and even special effects in.


Votes were counted:

Idea: W W W = Winner: Wyz
Atmosphere: L L W = Winner Loominous
Design: L L L = Winner Loominous
Composition: W L L  = Winner Loominous
Functionality: G G P = Winner Ghost

Overall winner (votes and categories): Loominous, but I think they were all had very good qualities.



Quote from: Ghost on Mon 13/07/2009 00:48:15I'd really love to see a whole game in that style.

I second that! I've seen your stuff before, and I'm surprised nobody has asked you to work on their project.

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