Fortnightly Writing Comp: Nonsense

Started by Calin Leafshade, Mon 15/03/2010 10:00:45

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Calin Leafshade

So with Alice in Wonderland being re-released I thought we could honour Mr Carroll(sp?) with a writing comp.

So your task is to write some nonsense and I mean nonsense in the literary sense not just stuff that makes no sense.

If you're unsure what is meant by "nonsense" read The Jabberwocky.


Make up words which seem like real words but arent. "T'was brillig"
Mess with word order.
Make things talk that cant usually talk ^_^

My brain says you have until about April 1st and i always trust my brain on dates because i'm terrible with them.


Time to visit my pot dealer
dream the dreams more ryrered,
get out quill and ink in a hurry
before I get too tired  :P

Just wanted to get that out of my system, great theme CL, I'll try to think of something.

p.s. smoking pot is bad, kids, DON'T do it
I don't want the world, I just want your half


This is really is not my strong point. Far from finished but I could not find it in me to continue but nevertheless here is what I came up with:

Merildren hurthered 'round,
Quiking a seat on the ground;
“Oh my!” they cried in haprise,
Tears of joy in all of their eyes;
For there sat a watalok,
Happily singing "Tick-n-a-Tock";

Merildren - Merry Children
Hurthered - Hurriedly Gathered
Quiking - Quickly Taking
Haprise - Happy Surprise
Watalok - A walking, talking clock

See, I suck at this sort of writing. Oh well, maybe next time.

[edit] Also for those who don't know you can check out both of these wiki entries: and [/edit]


Methinkelinks you plaingotten to utarilize the werm 'hapuming'.

Anian: Doping should definitely be permitted in this competition.

Edit: Great theme, bý the way, Calin. The use of the original Carroll-speak was one of the few things I thoroughly enjoyed in Burton's Alice. I will see if I can come up with something.


Drug tests on  competitors mandatory. Anyone found not intoxicated will be disqualified!


Quote from: Technocrat on Wed 17/03/2010 16:10:23
Drug tests on  competitors mandatory. Anyone found not intoxicated will be disqualified!

What about Finnegans Wake style nonesense? That should be easy seeing as how it's St. Pat's day...

Mmmmmm, Jameson and Journals.
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!


I walked on a sunny day, without my beautiful legs
it was fun  and I had it right in my day.
but I lost what I wanted to be say.

And so I the famous Toojiggle.
made all the fish in the party go wiggle.
The emotion was fine, and the mood was apart
And all said to me "What a wonderful start!"

The cup of tea was sitting alone
and I felt bad about it, I felt like a plone.
Some words had no meaning to it
But I said them with joy!
The cup felt really strangely with it
and I screamed "Ahoy"

It's the poem you write
That makes things bibbleory
I had nothing to add
So I felt really sorry
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Calin Leafshade

Quote from: Questionable on Wed 17/03/2010 21:20:44
What about Finnegans Wake style nonesense? That should be easy seeing as how it's St. Pat's day...

Finnegans Wake is considered to be nonsense.. or rather it *uses* nonsense in places so thats fine.


Not sure if this qualifies, as I wrote it a while ago, but thought I´d just throw it into the mix anyhow:


Ere the imey sork'n worls
The morgol drits and shagb calls
Me armnd tarly swings the birlt
With orxn tarm dyand and falls

Effet topora bargl sorn
Ility wheat ility corn
Me armnd tarly swings the birlt
Marn coral pind seels orn forlorn

Bar sogoth pombo minky feet
Wong tondy sorrows sivel sweet
Me armnd tarly swings the birlt
And noxy fakards preek the street

I had a lot of people try and figure out which century and by which poet that was :D.
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone

Calin Leafshade

Ok so no more entries!

Voting starts now!





Gravity for me...he has some amazing silly words in it!
Please follow our progress on IndieDB!

<a href="" title="View Dustbowl - A Wasteland Adventure on Indie DB" target="_blank">Dustbowl - A Wasteland Adventure</a>

Calin Leafshade


I hate to make this a tie but I like Barbells the bestest!
All my trophies have disappeared... FINALLY! I'm free!

Calin Leafshade

well since there's a tiebreak i'm going to step in a vote for Gravity. The rhythm of his piece just sat so nicely with me.

so Gravity wins!

Gravity *always* wins in the end


I vote for Gravity as well...if that matters, anyhow....

If you ask me, though, he shouldn´t have provided the definitions list :D
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone

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