Background Blitz - Under the Influence - Winner Announced!

Started by oraxon, Sat 14/07/2012 02:27:55

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Food Glorious Food has wrapped up, so why not try...

Under the Influence

What does it look like to be under the influence of something or someone?

- love fills a dingy apartment with warm light.
- under hypnosis, the world turns German Expressionst.
- you wake up in a car, drunk, going the wrong way on the freeway. (pictured above, inspired by reference)

Must be AGS compatible.

Voting starts Aug 1.

Be creative, have fun, please post anything you got. Your idea can influence someone else. :)

Daniel Thomas

So I probably didn't use the word right, I was probably more thinking of affected. Either way, I'm posting it. :)

The idea that each year a heavy flood traveled across the lands which after thousands of year have caused erosion to the mountain the town was built on.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Quote from: Daniel Thomas on Wed 18/07/2012 01:20:59
So I probably didn't use the word right, I was probably more thinking of affected. Either way, I'm posting it. :)
The idea that each year a heavy flood traveled across the lands which after thousands of year have caused erosion to the mountain the town was built on.

How long have you been drawing, I'm pretty sure so far your the best artist I've seen on here.


Hooray! Great job Sir! Now that's the way to start off a Blitz! :)

Daniel Thomas

Thank you!
How long I have been drawing? Hmm, 6 years or so..
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Other ideas for "under the influence":
- a 1960's hippie pad seen during a bad acid trip.
- a drawing style under the influence of a famous artist.
- a seance, under the influence of ghosts
- a bedroom during a fever dream

One day left, so if anyone needs more time, just write in!


Congratulations to Daniel Thomas!

Gold medal for your terrific landscape under the influence of erosion.
You scared off the competition! ;)

Thanks to everyone who took a look at this Blitz.
Looking forward to the next one!


I just have to stop by and say that zyndikate's background is so-o-o very good! It's too be expected, of course, but you never cease to impress me. Definitely a winning piece, no matter the competition. Congratulations! :)

Daniel Thomas

Thank you guys!
I will have a new comp up and running this weekend.
Check out The Journey of Iesir Demo | Freelance artist, check out my Portfolio


Quote from: Daniel Thomas on Sat 04/08/2012 04:24:17
Thank you guys!
I will have a new comp up and running this weekend.

Grats. You got the best art I've seen on this site.

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