Background Blitz: You Can't Get There From Here (Ended)

Started by Snarky, Fri 25/04/2014 18:17:25

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You Can't Get There From Here

For this Blitz, you have to draw a background with (at least) two separate walkable areas, where you can't simply walk from one right onto the other. Despite the title, it doesn't need to be literally impossible to get from one place to the other, but it should implicitly involve e.g. climbing, jumping, swimming, taking a detour, fixing a broken bridge or ladder, getting past a locked door, etc.

No format restrictions.
Let's make the initial deadline 11. May, 2014, with the opportunity to ask for extensions if needed.

Edit: Voting is now open, until 22. May. See details in this post.


Those backgrounds you picked are very inspiring. I wish I had skill to enter.


This is a great theme.  Those backgrounds look fantastic, great references.  I'm looking forward to seeing the results!


I've just finished a background that I'm going to use in a game. Can I submit it here?
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Hmmm, usually it's been a rule that it should be something you make for the Blitz, not something you already have lying around. I guess the idea is that the Blitz should inspire people to make more backgrounds (plus the contest even-playing-field aspect, I suppose, though as we routinely extend the deadline, I'm not so concerned about that).

On the other hand, what matters more to me is to have different AGSers sharing their art, and to see their different takes on one idea. Plus it seems that every entry encourages others, and the more the merrier! So I'm inclined to let it in, unless there are objections.

How about this? You choose whether you want it to be an official Blitz entry, and at the end the people voting can decide whether they want to consider it a valid entry or not. Otherwise you can just post it here as a non-competing exhibit.

(I actually just happened to get an idea for a BG that would fit the theme, and if I do make it I'll post it as an outside-of-competition example.)

Dropped Monocle Games

Okay, I haven't taken part on a background blitz before but I'm trying to get better at making backgrounds... so I'm going to join this one
here is the idea I have at the moment, I'll just keep updating this post as I go :D


In the works (30/04/14)

wasn't happy with the lighting, so made everything darker ;) (2/05/14)

more work done! (6/05/14)


High-Res version

Quote from: Snarky on Sat 26/04/2014 14:24:19
How about this? You choose whether you want it to be an official Blitz entry, and at the end the people voting can decide whether they want to consider it a valid entry or not. Otherwise you can just post it here as a non-competing exhibit.
Good Idea! I would like to see the background too :)


Hey all, there's some nice examples here.

I look forward to seeing everyone's interpretations.

Here's mine, about halfway through painting, i would have done more but i took advantage of the nice
weather and did some fishing. ;)

The plane needs a lot more work and there's no foliage yet but i'll submit what i have on the 11th.

Edit: 11/05

Here's what i have, it's unfinished as things got busy for me. If i had more time i'd add lots more foliage and
sort the sky out, i'd also add the native's village in the bottom left corner.
However, i don't want an extension, two weeks was a fair amount of time.

Anyway it was fun to work on and i'll probably spend the time to finish it.



Okay Snarky, sounds fair. I'll reserve this space for my background.
Not posting now because I have objects in the room that I'll incorporate into the background.

Edit: this background is fresh, finished it today (26th April) and it happens to be "right" for the theme. I wouldn't ask to join if it was something I had stored.

as you can see there's still some line work to perfect. But I will not work on it a lot more. So I may or not keep working on it... And with this last interesting phrase I wish all the participants good luck and happy inspirations!
Working on a RON game!!!!!


Well, you actually can get from here to there, but you might wind up as a hood ornament on the 120 Limited that does not make this stop.

If I can find the time, I have a couple of additional things I'd like to try here, but I can't promise anything.

Edit: Rainy Sunday kept me indoors, so I did a bit with my image:

Edit 2: Still Sunday, and still raining. Dumped a couple more things into the scene, but I maybe should have quit while I was ahead.


I tried doing something a bit different to what I normally do, and so of course it came out looking exactly like everything else I draw, boohohohohoo :cry::=:


Great stuff so far, guys!  I'm impressed at how good they all are, and the variety of styles!


Oh, I would like to play too! And here I will submit what I have before I think better of it.

So far, not a lot of texturing. I might come back to it before the deadline, but I'm also trying to get other stuff done. Hopefully the image explains itself.

*Edit: More textures. And I think I'm done with this one.


Quote from: gingersnap on Sat 03/05/2014 00:34:23
Oh, I would like to play too! And here I will submit what I have before I think better of it.

So far, not a lot of texturing. I might come back to it before the deadline, but I'm also trying to get other stuff done. Hopefully the image explains itself.
That's pretty slick. Kinda reminds me of that apartment room in Technobabylon. You should do 3D BGs of it! :D
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


Yes, 'cause between the Wadjet Eye remake and the Occulus Rift remake, we're certainly in need of another one. (roll)

Love seeing so many cool and varied entries. For some reason, I always like it when you have a screen with sections you can't reach directly. It gives a little tantalizing glimpse of somewhere you're only going to get to later by a different path.

Monsieur OUXX

Quote from: Babar on Sat 03/05/2014 12:55:52
Kinda reminds me of that apartment room in Technobabylon.
Well when I drew it I could never DREAM of doing something as AAA as gingersnap did. It makes me wanna cry :~(
On a different note : I'm probably entering the game -- I'm reading through our game script to see if a background could match the theme. Two birds with one stone, y'know. I'm certain the motivation can help produce a better result.


If anyone needs an extension, please let me know before the deadline.


Mines unfinished, but lets face it, even with an extension I probably won't have the time to finish it anyway. So I'll post it, just for the sake of participating. :)

There are those who believe that life here began out there...


Great minds think alike :)

Great entries everybody!

Monsieur OUXX

Is the limit the 11th INCLUDED, or excluded?

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