Started by Vel, Sat 12/07/2003 20:57:22

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Okay all, here's my MAGS entry. It is called recess. You play me(how modest) during a recess. The rest is pretty self explanitory. The game includes:
5 rooms
4 characters
witty dialogues

Download http://he.terranx.com/vel/Recesstalkie.rar And the game has some random values and non-linear choices, so play twice!!
Thanks to terranRICH for hosting


ok... i got 8 points and then the bell ringed... whats the point of the game? some pointless comments to eachother? Though funny made ;)


Minimi, you can talk to the kids till I say that Ive had enough of them. There is even a puzzle with two possible solutions, but I'll let you discover that yourself. And dont forget to vote!


Maybee I'm still making myself a MAGS-game.. just for the fun ;)


Its good. But I think the bell takes too long.


Maybe it runs too slow on your machine?


I can only enter two rooms. The classroom and the hallway. How do you get to the others?


Ummm....Well...Two rooms are playable
Others are:
the poster, the credit room and the title screen
Sorry for the cheap trick. Otherwise, did you like it?


Yeah, it was fine. :) I think I've seen that classroom somewhere before here.  



my bg blitz rules!! Great game Vel , gonna see if I can get a higher score though ... good reply value there !


Dissappointing, this game is a complete cross between KQ3 and SQ3, with inferior graphics, you need your head read.

Moderator This thread should be locked immediately as it contains, illegal warez and pron.

Interesting Game Vel, a bit confusing in what you're supposed to do, and what the point is, but I did like the dialogs, although it was a bit hard to read Trents dialog as the colour was pretty similar to the window sill.

What is the highest vel-factor? I got 14, played a couple more times and got 14 and 13.

A bit rushed, maybe a few more interactions but appart from that, I enjoyed it.


Timosity, tomorrow I am going on vacation, and thats why I had to rush it a bit. I think the maximum is 15 or 16, but it depends on random values.


Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
are belong to you


when Is my voice going to be used? ::)
* N3TGraph airguitars!


Recess talkie version released!
This new version features voices of:
Myself(exaclty 69 lines)
Yufster(I spose Ill have at least 100 dls for this)
Eldkatt(as trent)
N3tgraph(as drake)

Download part one at http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://f2.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/ABFzP27ufu0NidMnH374QVVAiOrqy682QFEAIBYZ6SR8LZEvAHzynYcroJsPO69PDovVWb-zw4Efpm6odO9FT-dgdso/Compiled.part1.rar

and part 2 here http://invis.free.anonymizer.com/http://f1.grp.yahoofs.com/v1/ABFzP859rjkNidMngWVW-VRBVGy-vRextBoQAgy2tFgmFQpbPOU9En7cKZnzYiZYl1j8d9DKewf-MMcojB_seg59B3A/Compiled.part2.rar

If anonymizer does not work, you'll have to sign up for this yahoo group: Http://groups.yahoo.com/group/veliarts

If anyone would like to host it, he is welcome.


Foz, 1st: there is no point in describing this ags game with irony, for you have not played it. If you wish to do so, sign up for the yahoo group. 2ns. It already got reviewed, for it is a mags game. There is no point in comparing it with a medium length game. If you want something to comapre flashbax to, wait for about a month. Then I will release my attempt at getting at least a nomination for the ags awards.


OKay....... Then I suppose you know what mags means....... I made this game in exactly 8 days.........



Nice game.
The voice acting was so-so, the main character (I assume that's you, vel) sounded very unnatural, Drake's was fine and so was the other guy who's name I cannot remember at the moment.
Now Alicia's part was pretty good, but there is still some room for improvement.
As a game I like it, pretty innovative and fun.
I got 14 points  woohoo \0/

PS. I was surprised to hear  that Yufster speaks with an american accent...
I expected an irish one.
Oh well.

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