AGS wishlist, from Pumaman's list

Started by Radiant, Mon 26/04/2004 15:18:47

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I've read Pumaman's extensive list of ideas for AGS (it comes with the latest non-beta version) and came up with the following wishlist... I believe most of these should be relatively easy to implement, and very useful. Some of them may already have been done, sorry about that if I haven't noticed it.

Suggestions taken from your Future file
* save current line number in script editor when exiting editor and returning
 similarly, it should remember its last search string.
* How about shift-F3 searching backwards?
* export/import single GUI
* option for objects to block at their base / make characters & objects block like walls
* script 'modules', or #include (especially to break up a large main script)
 (easy way for instance is allowing three of them, to be edited by pressing
 ^1, ^2 and ^3, then the compiler simply concatenates them)
* option to not draw bottom half of character in areas, ie. shallow water
 (with option for a view to be displayed at the character's new bottom, for
 splashing water)
* make ctrl-A cycle none, walkable, walk-behind, hotspots, none.
* Patch system, to allow patching of finished games AND to incorporate other team members
 changes into the editor
* option to see room areas semi-transparent in editor
* right-click in edit hotspot/area/walkable/walkbehind editing should
 select the color you clicked on for drawing (rather than copying the cursor
 contents, which could be done in the room options panel as it is now)
* hotkeys for hotspot editing: L for line, D for draw, F for fill
* Option for new QFG3-style speech, where if no speech view it displays
 at the top as if there is one, rather than doing LEC-style as at present
* button to cycle through GUI Objects on a GUI
* allow to start drawing areas outside of the drawing area
* change tempo of music
* Loop oscillate animation (1-2-3-4-3-2-1-2-3-4 etc)
* zoom in on Areas tab, esp. for walk-behinds
* some function that does MoveCharacterBlocking() but that aborts the movement if the
 player clicks the right mouse button (or presses ESC); the function returns false if
 it was thus interrupted, true if it completes
* sound panning option to set left-rightness of a sound (eg SetChannelPan)
* Make characters block so you can't walk through them.
* stop chars moving through each other
* AddNewObjectToRoom(x,y,pic) to add a new object with no interactions
* multi-select in sprite manager
* walkable area have sound effect for footsteps
* function GetSubstring (string source, string dest, int start, int end)
* talking idle-anim - eg. blinking/flexing muscles. should be overlaid on top of
 normal talking anim occasionally
* option to skip entire dialog by pressing ESC
* manual setting of character zoom level (eg. for effects like character shrinking)
* option to flip frames of animation left-to-right


QuoteSome of them may already have been done, sorry about that if I haven't noticed it.

I noticed a lot of things in the file that are implemented already, so I thought about shortening it to reflect how much has been accomplished.

But I'm not sure if that text file is outdated and CJ actually keeps a more updated list.
And merely suggesting entries to remove would be the same amount of work for CJ as going through it himself, so I dropped that idea.

But it sure could use an overhaul... *hint, hint  ;D


Yeah, I really need to sort out the to-do list - there are quite a few implemented and duplicated features on there, it needs an overhaul.

Originally, when I wrote the feature tracker the aim was for it to take over from the to-do list; but the effort of adding things to it and updating their states means that I haven't really kept up with it. Perhaps what I really need to do is keep bug-fixes and minor features on the to-do list, but put all larger features onto the tracker.


Quote* walkable area have sound effect for footsteps
...This is something really-really needed. If it exists already, someone tell me how to use it!  ???
Quote* option to not draw bottom half of character in areas, ie. shallow water
Good one.


Quote from: InCreator on Mon 26/04/2004 21:32:52
Quote* walkable area have sound effect for footsteps
...This is something really-really needed. If it exists already, someone tell me how to use it!  ???

Of course it exists. Read the manual, it's in there.



You will also see something marked "NO SND". If you click this, you can enter a sound number that will be played when this frame becomes visible on the screen. This is especially useful for footstep sounds.

The search feature is a wonderful thing. :)
Status: Trying to come up with some ideas...

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