problems with ogv video

Started by kursh, Sat 05/10/2024 08:50:02

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Thanks for your time. I have readed that post of 2023. It seems a problem of ags or the way we created de ogv file. ( i used vlc)

Im watching here..


If I may, I'd like to insist on the "pitch black screen" again. And I mean when the screen is 100% black (#000000) .  :P

I made a quick 20 secs video that I exported in MP4 and converted in OGV.
And as always, it looks perfect in VLC.

Please notice the long black screen moment around the 9th second.


Then, I recorded how that video plays in AGS.
And there you will see that the black screen moment is "ignored" and that at the end the video stops at the last frame, waiting for the music to finish.


And that's why we have the illusion that the movie goes faster than the sound, when in fact those black frames are skipped.
Maybe they're considered "empty" or something?

Crimson Wizard

@Rik_Vargard could you please make a video that contains only black frames, and then a single non-black frame in the end?
(or a single frame at start, then black frames, and single frame at end)
With such video it will be much easier to investigate what the video decoder is doing.


The thing is that my video has only few black frames (less than a second) at the start.. but sound goes about 2 o 3 seconds later. i hope you can detect whats really happening! :D


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Mon 14/10/2024 00:33:57@Rik_Vargard could you please make a video that contains only black frames, and then a single non-black frame in the end?
(or a single frame at start, then black frames, and single frame at end)
With such video it will be much easier to investigate what the video decoder is doing.

I made a 2 seconds video with one colored frame at the beginning and one colored frame at the end.


I hope this is what you asked?

Crimson Wizard

Quote from: Rik_Vargard on Mon 14/10/2024 08:57:50>>

Please tell, how do you normally convert this to ogv? I'd like to use exact same method and settings, to be certain that i'm testing same situation.


While we wait for Rik answer... i used VLC convert with Theora video codec and vorbis sound codec.


Ah yes, I sent you the MP4 file... here's the converted OGV >>

I use this website to convert the videos >>
The only setting I fill in is the first; the bitrate, I set it at 20000 kbps

And this is the info about their compression >>

Crimson Wizard

I was only able to confirm the problem, and found an old mail-list entry about a very similar error in Theora decoding:

From my understanding, it goes down into libogg (OGG reading library). It's not likely that anything in the engine code itself is causing this, but libogg skips certain data packets for some reason.
... OR our code that uses libogg does not react and handle specific result.

But I never used libogg library myself, so cannot tell yet.

I still have a backup variant of comparing with VLC code, but I will need more time to figure out how to read it and what to compare...


Quote from: Crimson Wizard on Thu 17/10/2024 09:05:46I was only able to confirm the problem, and found an old mail-list entry about a very similar error in Theora decoding:

From my understanding, it goes down into libogg (OGG reading library). It's not likely that anything in the engine code itself is causing this, but libogg skips certain data packets for some reason.
... OR our code that uses libogg does not react and handle specific result.

But I never used libogg library myself, so cannot tell yet.

I still have a backup variant of comparing with VLC code, but I will need more time to figure out how to read it and what to compare...

Thank you for that report and for taking the time to look into this  (nod)

I guess that for now, we'll just have to avoid black frames  :)


thanks you both for your time. Maybe its time to try some near "black" RGB(10,10,10) frames.. maybe it works.. maybe no.... :D


Sorry to necrobump the topic, but we've just hit this particular "bug" while doing final versions of ZJ cutscenes... and also found a workaround that works.

It was especially baffling, as I clearly remember encoding OGV videos for Zniw Adventure, with everything working fine, yet today neither mine, nor my video editor's files seemed to play properly. Both were skipping all duplicate frames. Nothing worked - VLC export (with various settings), Shortcut on Mac, even using ffmpeg via cmd.

The solution? Use ffmpeg2theora instead.

The very same files that caused issues with plain ffmpeg worked absolutely fine on ffmpeg2theora, without any changes to videos themselves.


And then what do you use to convert your file to .OGV? And are there also settings you change?


Quote from: Rik_Vargard on Fri 03/01/2025 21:33:43And then what do you use to convert your file to .OGV? And are there also settings you change?

Nothing actually, just converting the source *.mov/*.mp4 file to *.ogv via ffmpeg2theora. We only specify the highest quality and target FPS:

Code: ags
ffmpeg2theora -v 10 -F 24 /path/to/source/

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