Adventure Game Studio

AGS Support => Advanced Technical Forum => Topic started by: ratracer on Tue 30/09/2003 15:11:17

Title: Suggestion: More Location types
Post by: ratracer on Tue 30/09/2003 15:11:17
Currently, if I'm not mistaken there are
four location types
0 nothing, GUI or inv
1 hotspot
2 char
3 object
would it be possible to have new ones? like 4 for region? or even subdivide the type 0 to separate nothing, GUI and inv, although this could mean trouble with "legacy" games...
Title: Re:Suggestion: More Location types
Post by: Pumaman on Fri 03/10/2003 18:40:19
Well, GetLocationType is designed for interaction handling, to see what type of thing they clicked on.

If it returns 0, you can split up the result manually by using GetRegionAt, GetInvAt, and so forth.
Title: Re:Suggestion: More Location types
Post by: ratracer on Sat 04/10/2003 23:12:43
I guess you are right, I did what I was wanting to do with just two script lines using GetRegionAt...