Gemini Rue Error:save_game:unable to open savegame file for writing

Started by markthedrummer, Mon 01/04/2013 12:26:26

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I bought Gemini Rue through GOG but can't launch the game, I get the error message

Error:save_game:unable to open savegame file for writing

ACI version 3.21.1115

The error message also tells me to post the details on the AGS Tech Forum......

Thanks for any help


Peder 🚀

What windows are you using? If win7 try running as administrator maybe? Just a wild guess..

Crimson Wizard

IIRC Gemini Rues saves in user folder, which should not be forbidden for writing by non-administrators... I was thinking about something like extended unicode characters in path, but AGS seem to deal with these properl ywhen saving game (my username is in cyrillics, and it works for me).



I'm running Windows 7, my account is an admin one

My system is an Imac running bootcamp and the game is installed on an external FW drive (along with all my Steam games).


Look inside c:\Users\Saved Games\
Is there a Gemini Rue folder?
If not, try creating one.



There are 2 files in C Users saved games Gemini rue

They are agssave.001 and agssave.999

Update; Just noticed that the folder saved games had the attribute hidden and read only which I unticked and now the game runs

Thanks for your help everyone that replied

Happy Easter!


Look at the date, when were they created?
Try deleting the 999 one and run the game again (001 is a standard save, probably an auto-save, 999 is the reset save).
Or try deleting both and running it again.

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