Moving on a ladder

Started by Peegee, Sun 04/09/2022 10:11:50

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Hello, what would be the best solution to add ladders and the corresponding anims. Of course, it is necessary that if we click on a zone of movement at the top, the character walks to the bottom of the ladder, makes his ladder assembly animation according to the height of the ladder, and that he continues moving it to the point where you clicked. Apart from changing characters, the Up and Down movements being already used, I don't see how to do it, and again, I don't see how to continue the movement automatically at the top of the ladder.


One possible way it can be done is there's a walkable area that is line like that takes the character across the ladder, and in the ladder the character has a different view - I think regions may change a character view so this can be done without scripting.

Depends on how the ladder, character and background are though, since it's all an illusion.

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