Adventure Game Studio

Community => Adventure Related Talk & Chat => Topic started by: Dualnames on Mon 04/04/2022 19:29:36

Title: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Dualnames on Mon 04/04/2022 19:29:36
Hello, everyone! THE TIME IS UPON US! :shocked:

On April 9th 20:00 BST the actual ceremony is happening.

As per usual, there is an AGS client to connect to the virtual ceremony.


- AGS Awards Ceremony Client: v7.0.3

- Downloads:
Windows (.zip) ( â€" 454 MB
Linux (.zip) ( â€" 472 MB
MacOS (.zip) ( â€" 457 MB

If you want to try it out in advance, you are welcome to join prior to the ceremony. If you have a previous version of the client, you'll be unable to join in, please download this one.

Windows: Run the AGS Awards 2021.exe
Linux: I believe either running ags64/ags32 or startgame will start the client.
MAC: The app is codesigned, I believe either running or simply running the app, will start the client.

If you are planning on streaming, make sure you go to settings and select streamer mode.

Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 7th Testing, April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: Cassiebsg on Mon 04/04/2022 20:50:52
wow, that was fast :o
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 7th Testing, April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: heltenjon on Tue 05/04/2022 22:22:41
Time to put the download out?
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 7th Testing, April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: Stupot on Fri 08/04/2022 03:12:58
Quote from: Dualnames on Thu 07/04/2022 13:42:51
Click here (//http://)

When I first tried downloading I got an error message saying it could not download securely.
I solved it by changing "http" to "https".
Perhaps you want to change this in the link and future links so that no one else has the same issue on the day.

Edit: I edited out the link to prevent people from downloading an out-of-date version. â€"Snarky
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: Dualnames on Fri 08/04/2022 04:15:09
Will do, for now, primary test was somewhat of a success. Right now only remaining issue is the "follow" mode, where an arrow appears over an avatar selected fromthe list to the left.
If that doesn't work out, I'll disable it for the ceremony.

Thanks to the small group of people that attended the testing of the client, it has helped us a lot! Can't wait to see you all in the ACTUAL THING!!
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 7th Testing, April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: Cassiebsg on Fri 08/04/2022 20:12:18
I'm still waiting for the tables, chairs and waiters...  ;) (laugh)
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 7th Testing, April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: Kastchey on Fri 08/04/2022 20:52:35
Hm... That's not a bad idea at all ;)
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Info [April 7th Testing, April 9th Ceremony]
Post by: Snarky on Sat 09/04/2022 07:53:11
Next year we'll introduce DLC, where for a small donation on you can buy virtual hors d'oeuvres, drinks and snacks. You'll be able to spill your drinks on other guests to tint their avatars, and they'll have to pay us more money to clean their outfits. Ka-ching!

Hey, Saturday 9. April! That's...
Title: Re: AGS Awards Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Dualnames on Sat 09/04/2022 15:12:53

Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: FransisKransis on Sat 09/04/2022 15:40:05
Sweet! Here's hoping for even more Smashing Pumpkins at the ceremony!
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Dualnames on Sat 09/04/2022 17:36:48
Did a small update fixing an issue i created myself yesterday, if the zip you downloaded contained "v1" in its name you should be good! If not, please redownload from the first post on this topic <3
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: vga256 on Sat 09/04/2022 17:37:12
Can confirm the macOS version works like a charm. Great job.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: cat on Sat 09/04/2022 20:02:48
Join us now!

In case, none of the client versions is working for you, you can still join using any IRC client. The server is #awards
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Snarky on Sun 10/04/2022 09:26:41
Excellent work on the client again, Dualnames!

A handful of bug reports. I know you have the "too many sheep" one already, so I won't submit that. (I was running the Windows build on a Mac using Wine, in order to be able to use copy/paste for the chat input.)

Here is the crash from the performance/dancing:


And here is a scaling bug affecting one of the avatars (notice that the pink Eskimo under the cursor is half the size of the other one, my avatar):


I suspect this may be an engine bug, related to how the old "low resolution sprite" setting that would double the pixel size in high-resolution games was changed. Perhaps if someone starts the game with a high-resolution character and switches avatars to a low-resolution one, it doesn't properly update the setting? But that's just a guess. If I'm not mistaken, the anomaly persisted across a crash on my end.

I didn't catch a screenshot of it, but I think there was still some problem with how PMs were shown in the participant list. IIRC, I saw in the list that there was a PM from someone, clicked on the icon, but the PM window that opened was from someone else (a response to a PM I had sent). I imagine that the PM had arrived, but then the participant list had been reordered without moving the icon to the new place in the list.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Laura Hunt on Sun 10/04/2022 10:12:16
Quote from: Snarky on Sun 10/04/2022 09:26:41
And here is a scaling bug affecting one of the avatars (notice that the pink Eskimo under the cursor is half the size of the other one, my avatar):

It looks like this bug doesn't present itself for everybody at the same time, for some reason. At some point I noticed that Postmodern Adventure's avatar had shrunk to half its regular size, so I asked him "hey, what's with your avatar, it's tiny", and he replied that it looked perfectly normal for him. Conversely, as I was watching Scavenger's recording of the ceremony, someone with a HUGE avatar walked by ( at the 1:18:50 mark) but that did not happen in my client. Maybe it has to do with the zoom function?

Edit: now that I mention it, there seem to be quite a few cases of avatar gigantism going on, like at 1:40:00 with the sorcerer, Max and WHAM's avatars, which I don't think are supposed to be that large, even counting with the fact that the screen is being zoomed in. But this definitely did not happen in my client.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Kastchey on Sun 10/04/2022 10:25:41
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sun 10/04/2022 10:12:16
someone with a HUGE avatar walked by ( at the 1:18:50 mark) but that did not happen in my client. Maybe it has to do with the zoom function?
Wow. That was SCARY  8-0
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: heltenjon on Sun 10/04/2022 10:38:39
When Bicilotti's avatar was huge on my screen, someone else commented it, too. So I typed "Bici is an enderman", thinking it was like that for everyone. Guess I may have been throwing out an insult, then, if he looked fine to others. Oh well.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Snarky on Sun 10/04/2022 11:06:21
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sun 10/04/2022 10:12:16
It looks like this bug doesn't present itself for everybody at the same time, for some reason.

Scaling bugs in the past have had to do with not correctly updating all the character state when re-sorting the avatars in the avatar pool when someone logs off. The manifestation of the bug varies between participants because it depends on which order you have the other participants stored in internally, which depends on when you logged on. (IIRC, people who logged on before you are listed in alphabetical order, while people who logged on after you are added in order of appearance.)

I think we finally managed to fix it (though I think it took at least three years) since AFAIK it's been working correctly for the last few years, but it could be that Duals messed with it somehow. (Perhaps when doing the character tinting for highlighting your avatar, because if this is the problem it would be probably be related to the "wrong character highlighted" bug when people were called onto/left the stage that occurred during the beta.) Or perhaps the AGS version update means there is some additional piece of information we need to keep track of.

Incidentally, most of this logic is only necessary because the code was written before we could have pointers to custom structs in AGS. Today it might be possible to rewrite it to be a lot simpler and less bug-prone.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Tabata on Sun 10/04/2022 12:13:22
Here we have proof of one case of avatar gigantism while the screen is being zoomed in

I think that some of those little bugs are needed for to become an awesome ceremony  (laugh)
I loved it ( - great work from everyone involved.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Kastchey on Sun 10/04/2022 12:19:01
I think we need to turn this into a feature. Make a sheep avatar and if more than x% of the audience selects it, the client displays "TOO MANY SHEEP" and crashes.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Cassiebsg on Sun 10/04/2022 14:06:03

I just noticed while watching the video, that the trophy, was also buggy for me (and Duals apparently). On my screen it stayed visible until the next replace it. So I guess my comments about trophy flight mid screen or the winner forgetting to taking it joke was lost on most...  (laugh)
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: vga256 on Mon 11/04/2022 16:18:48
Quote from: Laura Hunt on Sun 10/04/2022 10:12:16
Conversely, as I was watching Scavenger's recording of the ceremony, someone with a HUGE avatar walked by ( at the 1:18:50 mark) but that did not happen in my client. Maybe it has to do with the zoom function?

:grin: LOL. Can confirm that was me at 1:18:50. I was definitely not that size on my own screen.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: eri0o on Mon 11/04/2022 16:22:29
Technically the sheep thing is solved in 3.6.0, I think that version CW removed the limit of characters following characters. It used to be limited to 30, so this means the emote thing had to have 30 people spamming emotes at the same time. :P

(But the bugs did make things more unique!)
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: cat on Mon 11/04/2022 19:59:40
Quote from: eri0o on Mon 11/04/2022 16:22:29
(But the bugs did make things more unique!)

I agree, an AGS awards ceremony needs at least one crash. We should maybe make a built-in crash button for the moderator to use when until mid-ceremony no crash has happened  ;)
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Dualnames on Mon 11/04/2022 22:11:24
I'll try and fix these things in the following day, that scaling thing is weird lol, and funny!
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: heltenjon on Tue 12/04/2022 02:12:05
I'm so glad Tabata got the picture proof: He really IS an enderman! 8-0
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: eri0o on Tue 12/04/2022 02:39:57
I saw gigantic Bicilotti too! I don't remember if I commented about it, but it was a bit scary!
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Dualnames on Tue 12/04/2022 03:31:04
Gigantic bicilotti is best bicilotti!
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Tycho Magnetic Anomaly on Wed 13/04/2022 13:13:18
Just wanted to say the awards show this year was really amazing, definitely a highlight to my year
outstanding job on the improvements to the client too
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Stupot on Wed 13/04/2022 13:40:00
Truly fun and well worth the 4am start.

Apologies for my slow typing while announcing the MAGGIES. I wasn’t trying to be overly dramatic. I was just trying to be respectful to the devs and capitalize the titles properly, but the right-hand shift key didn’t work and apparently I just found out I don't used the left-hand shift key nearly as much because I kept having to retype words.

Was that a bug, a feature or just me?

Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Snarky on Wed 13/04/2022 17:33:30
There is weirdness depending on your keyboard layout. We should really investigate closer at some point and do a proper engine bug report.

There is a shortcut in the client that allows you as an announcer to paste the name of a game into the chat input box by clicking on it in the program menu. I believe that was announced at the start of the ceremony, but you may have missed it.
Title: Re: AGS Awards 2021 Ceremony Client - Saturday 9th April - 20:00 BST - DOWNLOAD
Post by: Cassiebsg on Wed 13/04/2022 19:54:06
Not just you Stu, my right shift doesn't work either, and have two keys that don't respond either ( one of them holds the ' ). I've had this problem on this computer all the years I've attended, changing the keyboard language (I have english, danish and portuguese) doesn't make these keys to start working, only that I can go and get the characters on a key that works.
I usually use another computer due to it, but this year I decide to just not abbreviate and thus not need the '...