Adventure Game Studio

Community => Adventure Related Talk & Chat => Topic started by: neighbour on Sat 24/05/2003 20:59:27

Title: any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Sat 24/05/2003 20:59:27
hi. i'm making a game that's got quite a few erotic scenes. would it affect my AGS membership to complete it?

and if you want to add something to add something, or ask me a question about my upcoming game, feel free.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eggie on Sat 24/05/2003 21:04:31
There's nothing wrong with sex and nudity.

It's when it becomes porn that most people have a problem with it.

But you wouldn't let that happen, right?

I mean...Who would be stupid to enough to make sex the object of an adventure game...No-one would want that.
*Chuckles in a blissfully ignorant way*
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Sat 24/05/2003 21:08:13
but how about "porn" in a larry's leisure something kinda way?
(can't remember the name of the game. there are eight of them)
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: scotch on Sat 24/05/2003 21:11:09
Leisure Suit Larry are classic adventure games, you'd be praised for making games like those..

As long as you put a waring on you can have sex or nudity in games.  That's why theres a Sex/Nudity rating thing above each game on the games page.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Sat 24/05/2003 21:32:51
hell, I'll need like four warning-signs just to cover the first part!
no, just kidding.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Evil on Sun 25/05/2003 01:51:17
Intreging to some, offencive to others...
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Shattered Sponge on Sun 25/05/2003 02:19:37
Quote from: scotch on Sat 24/05/2003 21:11:09
Leisure Suit Larry are classic adventure games, you'd be praised for making games like those..
That's a matter of opinion.  True, pretty much everything is a matter of opinion, but, you know... yeah.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: scotch on Sun 25/05/2003 02:38:44
Well I don't like Larry games personally.. I am currently lost in LSL 6.. but, I don't think it's a matter of opinion that they are well regarded among lots of adventure gamers.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Ghostmaker on Sun 25/05/2003 05:52:12
The LSL series is a classic one, the reason, it manages to keep the actual pornorgaphic images down to a minimum, while the dialog, while mostly consisting of sexual terms, is what was so great. Make your game, put a few warnings in it, if its to graphic, only horny men will download it, thats most of the people here (joke).
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Sun 25/05/2003 08:33:58
I think there's a distinction between porn and erotica.

Porn is basically very explict, exploitive, and used only for purposes of gratification.

Erotica, on the other hand, serves more of contribution to narrative.

I use Seasons of Sakura as an example (Yes, I'm bringing up that bloody game again).

What differs between this game and other "hentai" games is that the few sex scene within the game contribute to the story.

For example, the scene where your teacher "teaches" you about sex serves as a turning point in the story -- Your character matures at this point and begins to see things differently.

I use this example in juxtaposition to other hentai games because the other games seem to be a series of overly-gratuitous sex scenes connected with a waffer thin plot.

It's similar to comparing "Blue Velvet" to "Debbie Does Dallas" -- The former is an erotic drama, and the latter is porn.

I'm okay with erotic games, but pornographic games are quite pointless.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: GarageGothic on Sun 25/05/2003 08:53:06
Personally, I never liked the "erotic" parts of the Larry games, in fact the only Larry game I really like is LSL3 and that's because of the puzzles (in parts LSL3 seemed more like Space Quest than Larry, exploring the jungle and all).

It's not that I find nudity or sex offensive, but it's so obviously only being used to sell the games. And any hint of eroticism is diluted by Al Lowe's questinable sense of humor (sure, innuendo might  be funny... for the first three minutes or so). I doubt that anyone above the age of 12 found the Larry games even vaguely erotic. It's like those teen titty flicks of the 80's, "Porky's" and whatnot, trying to be raunchy and failing in every other respect.
I think eroticism COULD be done well in games, but it would have to be treated matter-of-factly, without the  self-consciousness that you're doing anything controversial, without self-censorship (the Larry games have an Austin Powers-like approach to nudity) or without turning it into a joke for fear of offending people. And of course it would have to be justified by the story, not the other way around as seems to be Al Lowe's approach.

If you want to do it Larry-style, I doubt anyone will feel offended. If you want to do it properly, I think it'll be a difficult task, but if you succeed it'll be worth the trouble. Good luck.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eero on Sun 25/05/2003 08:58:19
Actually, every new part of Larry had more "erotic" parts than the last... Now if I think about that, I'd better dig out LSL7...
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Las Naranjas on Sun 25/05/2003 09:05:13
The distinction is easy.

Erotica has French dialogue.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Igor on Sun 25/05/2003 09:59:27
Well, what i like about Larry games, is the comic edge. As a matter of fact i always found it intriguing, how some people can find a few lines/pixels that form a naked character with over-sized heads even remotely offensive/tasteless. It's a cartoon for christ sake ;)
The funny thing is, those same people won't even blink with their eyes when they'll see some gore-violent image or game... even less if it will be a cartoon version of it.
Eh, the only thing that comes to mind is: social programming. Some things are more acceptable than the others... even though it should have been the other way around. Kind of creepy actually :P

Anyway, to answer Neighboor's question: go for it!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Sun 25/05/2003 14:15:24
i bet many of those who read this topic thinks i'm a pervert and a sexist. that's wrong. i think sex is a beautyful thing (as long as it isn't the kind were people are having sex with a random person on a public bathroom(porn)). I am not a womanizer, and i do not objectify them.

people shouldn't be offended by it just because they aren't getting any! (joke)

sex is just our way (hell. everyone's way) of showing we love eachother.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Sun 25/05/2003 14:21:44
We're probably more perverted.

"W0w! A p0st @b0ut 3r0tic@!! M@y83 th3r3 15 s0m3 pr0n!!!11!!"
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: on Sun 25/05/2003 15:00:36
Oooookie doke :) Can we round this up now then? :P

Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Vel on Sun 25/05/2003 15:48:12
By the way, what happened to Kinky island?
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Sun 25/05/2003 15:51:20
Oooookie doke  Can we round this up now then?

By the way, what happened to Kinky island?  

Irony is so sweet!

No wait -- it's bitter with a twist of lime!  
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eggie on Sun 25/05/2003 15:52:57
Neighbor: Why are you so desperate to offend us? I'm very sorry, none of us hate you and none of us think your game will be perverted or sexist.


Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Sun 25/05/2003 16:58:06
I'm a newbie! I'm allowed to ask stupid questions! ;D
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Archangel (aka SoupDragon) on Sun 25/05/2003 19:16:12
Hehe, of course it's just coincidence that any post with 'erotica' in the title immediately jumps to at least two pages in size.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Nightfable on Sun 25/05/2003 19:58:47
I personally think that there's no problem with adding erotic parts in your game, as long as you add a proper warning. I just started working on my own game, a week ago, and have wondered about sliding in some romantic/erotic parts near the end. I'm not against porn or nudity as long as there's some romance.

Bottom line, it's your game, it's your style, it goes.  (Unless a Moderator says otherwise, lol!)
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Harvester on Sun 25/05/2003 20:29:00
Either I haven't read your posts carefully or you haven't mentioned whether your game contains just nudity or porn. In my opinion nudity is OK and porn sucks (although we can make a looooooooong debate on what porn actually is). Anyway, just put a proper warning and notify me when your game's done so I can play it  ;D
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Andail on Sun 25/05/2003 20:45:14
Apart from too much erotica being just tasteless and cheesy, you're free to do what you want. This is underground, and we can't tell you to take down your game.
We could tell you that you're an immature pervert, and stop talking to you, but that's all.

I mean, having seen Davy Jones being anally raped by the devil (albeit not in a very explicit grahpics) I don't think we're easily shocked around here
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Nightfable on Sun 25/05/2003 23:52:12
What is your game going to be about? Storyline-wise I mean... lol!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: on Mon 26/05/2003 01:03:09
Vel, dont you worry, Kinky Island has a very clear warning screen at the start of the game with a very clear message:

Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Evil on Mon 26/05/2003 03:32:40
Very clear mods, very clear... :P
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Vel on Mon 26/05/2003 09:46:46
The clearest warning I've ever seen(heard)....
Mods, in case you didn't realize, it was just a joke... no offense.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eggie on Mon 26/05/2003 10:39:36
m0ds, you am teh mp3 wizard.   :P
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: on Mon 26/05/2003 11:36:26
Vel, the mp3 is also a joke ;)

Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Helm on Mon 26/05/2003 13:16:08
Quote"Debbie Does Dallas" is porn

How dare you? A masterpiece in the vein of 'Der Golem' and mid-century german expressionism reduced to being called porn? GAMUTLOBSTER!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Vel on Mon 26/05/2003 13:29:38
Of course it was. Anyway, what's up with Kinky Island?
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Mon 26/05/2003 14:02:36
Quote from: Helm on Mon 26/05/2003 13:16:08
Quote"Debbie Does Dallas" is porn

How dare you? A masterpiece in the vein of 'Der Golem' and mid-century german expressionism reduced to being called porn? GAMUTLOBSTER!

I'm sorry, Helm, but I thought that scene where he fingered her anus was unconvincing and reeked of insincerity -- they just didn't seem to lose themselves in the moment!

Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: 12431 on Mon 26/05/2003 17:39:11
Now my brother's been kicking my ass (litteraly), so I'll help him with his game. like i haven't got enough work to do with my own. well, we'll see what it becomes...
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Mon 26/05/2003 17:58:07
I do that all the time! stop bitching about it in the AGScommunity!

would it be sexist to call a woman "bitch"? just asking.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Pumaman on Mon 26/05/2003 18:04:50
Quote from: DGMacphee on Mon 26/05/2003 14:02:36
I'm sorry, Helm, but I thought that scene where he fingered her anus was unconvincing and reeked of insincerity -- they just didn't seem to lose themselves in the moment!

LOL quite ... but then, you have to have special talents as an actor to end up in the porn industry  ;)

Quotewould it be sexist to call a woman "bitch"? just asking.

I wouldn't say that's sexist. In some cultures it's a mark of disrespect or power ("you're my bitch and you'll do whatever I tell you to") but in other cultures it can be a standard way of addressing people.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Mon 26/05/2003 21:06:39
well, that was just a question, and doesn't have anything to do with my upcoming game. since we got this discussion started, i figured it's okay to ask in this topic. right?
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Tue 27/05/2003 11:34:17
Quote from: CJ on Mon 26/05/2003 18:04:50
Quote from: DGMacphee on Mon 26/05/2003 14:02:36
I'm sorry, Helm, but I thought that scene where he fingered her anus was unconvincing and reeked of insincerity -- they just didn't seem to lose themselves in the moment!

LOL quite ... but then, you have to have special talents as an actor to end up in the porn industry  ;)

That's a valid point -- You've changed my mind completely and now I agree with Helm.

I give the film THREE THUMBS UP!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Barcik on Tue 27/05/2003 12:26:42
Quote from: DGMacphee on Tue 27/05/2003 11:34:17
Quote from: CJ on Mon 26/05/2003 18:04:50
Quote from: DGMacphee on Mon 26/05/2003 14:02:36
I'm sorry, Helm, but I thought that scene where he fingered her anus was unconvincing and reeked of insincerity -- they just didn't seem to lose themselves in the moment!

LOL quite ... but then, you have to have special talents as an actor to end up in the porn industry  ;)

That's a valid point -- You've changed my mind completely and now I agree with Helm.

I give the film THREE THUMBS UP!

Three thumbs up? That's impossi....


Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eero on Tue 27/05/2003 16:01:06
Well, third one was not his thumb...
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: veryweirdguy on Tue 27/05/2003 17:58:45
What was it? His nose? Or something a bit lower down? His toe?
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: on Tue 27/05/2003 18:05:05
No no, it was his Biro.

Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Trapezoid on Tue 27/05/2003 18:39:29
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: neighbour on Tue 27/05/2003 19:08:04
And his peanuts (but he can't move them like his third thumb though)!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Wed 28/05/2003 01:00:01
I will tell you what the third thumb is!

It is a mystery!

Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: 12431 on Wed 28/05/2003 13:20:05
that's it. I'm calling Sherlock Holmes!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: n3tgraph on Wed 28/05/2003 13:23:11
the secret of the third thumb
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: DGMacphee on Wed 28/05/2003 14:19:36
It is a rocket in my pocket!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: 12431 on Wed 28/05/2003 19:20:16
"Sherlock Holmes and the secret of the third thumb". it has got a nice ring to it! what the hell, i'll make it.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eggie on Wed 28/05/2003 19:56:12
Quote from: Barcik on Tue 27/05/2003 12:26:42
Quote from: DGMacphee on Tue 27/05/2003 11:34:17
Quote from: CJ on Mon 26/05/2003 18:04:50
Quote from: DGMacphee on Mon 26/05/2003 14:02:36
I'm sorry, Helm, but I thought that scene where he fingered her anus was unconvincing and reeked of insincerity -- they just didn't seem to lose themselves in the moment!

LOL quite ... but then, you have to have special talents as an actor to end up in the porn industry  ;)

That's a valid point -- You've changed my mind completely and now I agree with Helm.

I give the film THREE THUMBS UP!

Three thumbs up? That's impossi....



I think quotes within quotes look dumb!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: 12431 on Wed 28/05/2003 20:45:31
Quote from: Eggie on Wed 28/05/2003 19:56:12
Quote from: Barcik on Tue 27/05/2003 12:26:42
Quote from: DGMacphee on Tue 27/05/2003 11:34:17
Quote from: CJ on Mon 26/05/2003 18:04:50
Quote from: DGMacphee on Mon 26/05/2003 14:02:36
I'm sorry, Helm, but I thought that scene where he fingered her anus was unconvincing and reeked of insincerity -- they just didn't seem to lose themselves in the moment!

LOL quite ... but then, you have to have special talents as an actor to end up in the porn industry  ;)

That's a valid point -- You've changed my mind completely and now I agree with Helm.

I give the film THREE THUMBS UP!

Three thumbs up? That's impossi....



I think quotes within quotes look dumb!
I agree (which is kinda ironic)!
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Eero on Thu 29/05/2003 08:03:46
I think that a quote of an oneliner, which is also quoted and so on, looks great. It is silly though.
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: on Mon 02/06/2003 17:56:52
Haven't got any problems with erotica. no sir. but fingering anuses and eating reproductiveorgans are a little to much
Title: Re:any problems with erotica in games?
Post by: Mr Jake on Tue 03/06/2003 17:55:13

like they said it should be ok if you tell people it in it first....

And my point is: Porn = sleeze and pointless (IE: Movies on FIVE after 10.00 pm)
erotica=not quite so sleeze, romantic I suppose..

and quotes in quotes are acceptible in my books