The Legend of Zelda game

Started by Abs, Sun 14/12/2003 22:11:20

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I am thinking of making a game of The Legend of Zelda. I have sprites for Link but no backgrounds or sprites for other characters.So if anyone could tell me of any websites that would help or draw some sprites and backgrounds to do with the Zelda theme that would be great. 8)


I made an engine based somewhat on Zelda.. It is incomplete but could serve as a good base for a game if you wanted the action elements..

The Nes/Snes zelda has a lot of the same ideas used in RPGs around that time. The persepctive is messed with a bit and it has it's own style but I would look into RPG art tutorials and such..

I will have you know however Zelda is my favorite game ot ever grace this beautiful earth and if you do it injustice demons will shoot out your eyes when you sleep!



Thanks for your engine. I am a great fan of your work and have already downloaded your space pack which i found a great help. keep up the good work.

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