Adventure Game Studio

Community => Adventure Related Talk & Chat => Topic started by: Ponch on Wed 09/03/2011 20:52:58

Title: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Wed 09/03/2011 20:52:58
It's been several days since the AGS awards and, like me, most of you are probably only now recovering from trying to drink away the shame of losing. -- Except for Theo, who had to hire someone to help him carry all the trophies out to his car. Congrats, Theo. I hope that all the fame, money, and power that come with those AGS awards won't go to your head, leading to a Charlie Sheen style meltdown. (I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you, buddy! ;) )

Pictured: How the AGS Awards Looked From A Monitor That Clearly Wasn't Theo's

So now, as I try to pick up the pieces of my shattered hopes and dreams from the smoking crater that was the bookshelf I built to showcase my hoped-for trophy ( :'( ), I have come to the realization that only one thing can help me to heal... and move on with my life ( :'( :'( ).

I am, of course, talking about lesbians.  :=

I can think of no better way to find the strength to live (and love) again, than to release a special, exclusive "AGS Community Only" patch for the game in which I had invested my very heart and soul ( :'( :'( :'( ) in the hopes that this year, at long, long last, would be my year ( :'( :'( :'( :'( )

So allow me to present the super duper, extra special director's cut edition of "Fully Automatic Mojo"!  :D

Pictured: Boobies. If anything is going to get me through this terrible time, it's them!

This new version adds three new arcades, several new cutscenes, and an entirely new and amazingly unnecessary shower scene (as so many of my favorite 80s horror movies, which were the inspiration for this game in the first place, were chock full of). There's also a smattering of lesbianism, because if there's one thing that will bring this community together, it's two women soaping each other up in the shower!  8)

So download and install this patch, AGS Community, and feel the warm wetness of my love for you (and lesbians)!


You'll need a copy of Fully Automatic Mojo to apply the patch. You can get it here (

So congratulations to all the winners (most of whom were Theo ;) ). Maybe next year will be my year, AGS Community.... Maybe next year.  :-*

- Ponch
(Of course, I'm kidding. I had a very nice time at the ceremony (first time I've ever done anything like that, btw), and Operation: FORKLIFT was a better game, so it deserved the win. Thanks to all the AGSers who put so much work into putting the ceremony together!  ;D )

Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Frodo on Wed 09/03/2011 20:59:37
Great patch for a great game.   ;D
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Wed 09/03/2011 21:03:20
Quote from: Frodo on Wed 09/03/2011 20:59:37
Great patch for a great game.   ;D

Oops! I forgot to mention you!

Thanks also to Frodo, for play testing the patch!  :)
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Dualnames on Fri 11/03/2011 05:02:18
So let me, get this straight. If you had won, I would have seen BOOBIES!?
Damn!  :D
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Fri 11/03/2011 10:58:00
There's a lesson here: you don't patch boobs. You integrate them from the beginning. God didn't make the same mistake as you ;-)
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Fri 11/03/2011 16:33:26
Dual: Yes you would have. But I didn't win a Roger, so your life must tragically go boobie-less  :(

Ouxxey: I've seen the error of my ways. Thank you. ;)

Also, Frodo found a bug in the patched content, so I fixed it and uploaded the new version of the patch. Thanks, Frodo!
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Charity on Sat 12/03/2011 08:31:24
Quote from: Ouxxey_games on Fri 11/03/2011 10:58:00
There's a lesson here: you don't patch boobs. You integrate them from the beginning. God didn't make the same mistake as you ;-)

Oh the irony.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Armageddon on Sat 12/03/2011 08:41:20
Does playing it on bad ass unlock the shower scene? Or was that a hard troll?
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Frodo on Sat 12/03/2011 11:45:27
Armaggeddon... you can unlock the shower scene on any difficulty level... as long as you find a certain item.    ;)

(Ponch, hope I'm allowed to say that.  If not, I'll delete it.   :))

Loved the shower scene, btw.   :o
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Sat 12/03/2011 15:08:50
Frodo: Thanks. I did my best to make a shower cap sexy. It wasn't easy! ;)

Armageddon: The trick to unlocking the new movie is finding the piece of evidence that Prick says he couldn't find earlier.
There's a silver briefcase somewhere in the last arcade, when the CHUDs are chasing you around. Pick it up and you'll unlock the new movie.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Armageddon on Sun 13/03/2011 01:01:50
I can't go back down after I go up, too many CHUDs... :'(

This'll take a LONG time.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Sun 13/03/2011 01:45:26
Quote from: Armageddon on Sun 13/03/2011 01:01:50
I can't go back down after I go up, too many CHUDs... :'(

This'll take a LONG time.

Oh, what the hell. I've shared this with about ten people so far. Might as well share it with everyone.

Download this patch ( and follow the simple instructions in the Read Me file to see the secret cutscene without being chewed on by CHUDs.

Enjoy!  :D
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Frodo on Sun 13/03/2011 09:34:11
Now everyone will see the sexy showercap.   ;)
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Dualnames on Sun 13/03/2011 12:31:04
Quote from: Frodo on Sun 13/03/2011 09:34:11
Now everyone will see the sexy showercap.   ;)

And mock me.  ;)
But that's okay. So go ahead.  :D
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Sun 13/03/2011 23:21:11
Frodo: I'll have you know I had to work very hard to make a shower cap sexy. It's not easy!

Dual: Mock you? We do that anyway. Whenever you're not on, we start threads making fun of you and then delete our posts right before you log in again. ;)
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: on Mon 14/03/2011 14:27:52
Excellent humor, excellent use of AGS! (and I think I've picked up a reference tp colourwise :P )
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Snarky on Mon 14/03/2011 16:08:32
Isn't the more urgent question, "Can lesbianism lead to AGS Awards?" Or, to put it in more scientific terms:

H1: Lesbianism may lead to AGS Awards.

I propose we launch a large-scale experiment to test this hypothesis.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Babar on Mon 14/03/2011 18:33:31
Yeah, GarageGothic, you need to release your game this year!
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Mon 14/03/2011 18:38:45
Quote from: Snarky on Mon 14/03/2011 16:08:32
I propose we launch a large-scale experiment to test this hypothesis.

I second this proposal.   :=
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: tzachs on Mon 14/03/2011 19:37:12
Quote from: Ouxxey_games on Fri 11/03/2011 10:58:00
There's a lesson here: you don't patch boobs. You integrate them from the beginning. God didn't make the same mistake as you ;-)
Well, actually, he did.
Women are actually boob-patched Men...

Quote from: Snarky on Mon 14/03/2011 16:08:32
Isn't the more urgent question, "Can lesbianism lead to AGS Awards?" Or, to put it in more scientific terms:

H1: Lesbianism may lead to AGS Awards.

I propose we launch a large-scale experiment to test this hypothesis.
Interesting, very intersting...
I wonder, are the lesbians need to be large-scaled too?
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Ponch on Tue 15/03/2011 04:26:20
Quote from: tzachs on Mon 14/03/2011 19:37:12
Women are actually boob-patched Men...

So I have to ask... Did the patch fix all the problems? Or just introduce new ones? ;)

Also, I'm pretty sure just the thought of large scale lesbians is unsettling enough to keep me from sleeping well tonight.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: SpacePirateCaine on Tue 15/03/2011 07:07:34
Boob-patched, yes, but also with the "Stand up and pee" functionality greatly reduced. He also introduced a bug that causes emotional instability once a month for a whole week at a time for a large portion of the product lifecycle. And Ponch, I'm sure if you search the internet enough, you should be able to find plenty of lesbian giant porn out there. It is the internet, after all.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: on Tue 15/03/2011 07:40:48
Quoteplenty of lesbian giant porn out there

Haha, oh it's there, trust me  ;)

And Ponch, there's always next time - just keep on making stuff! With lesbians  :=
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Dualnames on Tue 15/03/2011 07:45:09
Quote from: Mods on Tue 15/03/2011 07:40:48
Quoteplenty of lesbian giant porn out there

Haha, oh it's there, trust me  ;)

I can also confirm that.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: on Tue 15/03/2011 07:46:06
LOL Jimbop. 4 macrophiles in one AGS thread, a new record!
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Dualnames on Tue 15/03/2011 07:57:39
Quote from: Mods on Tue 15/03/2011 07:46:06
LOL Jimbop. 4 macrophiles in one AGS thread, a new record!

Just wait till the forum lurkers get past the registration system. We'll be full of viagra ads and penis enlargement. It'll be a dream come true.
Title: Re: Can the AGS Awards Lead To Lesbianism? Find out inside!
Post by: Monsieur OUXX on Tue 15/03/2011 09:32:53
Quote from: Dualnames on Tue 15/03/2011 07:57:39
I want to be full of enlarged penis.