Anyone living in Amsterdam? Meet Ron Gilbert!

Started by jetxl, Wed 04/05/2005 13:43:02

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Ron Gilbert is holding a meeting in Amsterdam... TOMORROW! (Thursday May 5th)
It's a little short by day, but since tomorrow it's the Dutch Day of Freedom, you'll have no excuse for not being there because it's a school/workday.

Plans are not set yet, but the time and place could be at 7 or 8 on the Leidse-plein or Rembrandt-plein. Read the Grumpy Games tomorrow for Exact plans!

Sadly, I myself can't be there because I made other plans. But things might change...



Yep! True thing ... If I can poke a tiny hole in my busy schedule I'll head over to Amsterdam ... ;D


Did anyone go? ron has a picture on his website. Apparenlty, Marek, Paco Vink, and Calimonk are there.

Calimonk taught me how to use IRC... a long time ago.
The Tween Module now supports AGS 3.6.0!


I really, really, really wanted to go ... but simply couldn't free up enough time. Gah. Frustrating! >:(


So there wasn't a single AGSer at the meeting in amsterdam?
* jet  is sad to be a dutch AGSer
If I knew that I would have gone. Although getting back would have been a massive problem.


Dammit if I had known this I would've been over in an hour tops! :)

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