
Started by qptain Nemo, Fri 30/08/2013 21:39:36

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qptain Nemo

You know, it kinda goes without saying, since it was developed by Daedalic but... damn. Boy, is Memoria good. It's absolutely sublime. It's superb at telling its story in tasteful intriguing ways and at being an adventure game with smart interesting enjoyable puzzles. It surpases its prequel Chains of Satinav as well as  many other adventure games I've played lately. In fact it holds the standard so high up, many classics may start shying away. An absolute must play I'd say. And even though it's better so far, I'd certainly say having played Chains of Satinav before enhances the experience a lot. For one, Geron's quest as well as Geron himself are much more relatable after that whole adventure.

You can grab a copy on Steam here here, and in case you're even remotely concerned about playing good adventure games I strongly recommend doing so sooner or later.


I'm looking forward to giving this a go! Does it use the Visionaire engine?

qptain Nemo

It does. Unfortunately. I find the engine much too unoptimized, but it certainly doesn't stop me from loving the games they make with it.

Also I've finished the game. It hasn't disappointed me in the slightest, on the contrary, now I can confidently say this is another sublime pinnacle of the genre. I've been waiting for a game with this quality of storytelling, characterization and most of all pacing for quite a while. Daedalic have pulled it off and outdone themselves. And pretty much everyone else for that matter.


I've never really had any experience with the engine! Is it really that bad? How does it compare with AGS ito simplicity?


I bought Chains of Satinav months ago but never had the time to play it. Looks like it's time I to finally give it a go.


Saw screenshots on the Daedalic site, and a trailer on YouTube.  Looks amazing stuff.  :grin:

Really hope it will be available drm-free, and not just on steam.  :smiley:

qptain Nemo

Quote from: frenzykitty on Sun 01/09/2013 15:18:56
I've never really had any experience with the engine! Is it really that bad? How does it compare with AGS ito simplicity?
Well it does its job, but it's just ridiculously hungry both on RAM and CPU. But if you have a current gen PC, you probably won't notice it much or at all. Don't know how it's from the developer perspective. It's probably convenient to use since they've stuck to it for so long.

And cheers guys, thanks for trusting the recommendation. :) Looking forward to what you'll have to say. Something tells me it won't be words of regret.

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