Links to AGS games not in the database

Started by heltenjon, Wed 25/08/2021 09:43:12

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I thought perhaps such a thread could be of use, like the opposite of the Gameseek thread.

Some AGS games are not added to the database, and may fly under people's radar. If you find something that other people may be interested in, why not post the link in this thread? This could be stuff hidden in plain sight in the AGS depository on, or it may be jam games, demos or smaller games that for some reason haven't ended up in the database on this site.

I'll go first: In the Adventure Jam 2021 on GameJolt, you can find the following AGS games not currently in the database:

Nadir is a great and moody short piece set in a submarine.

Long in the Tooth is a short demo with marvelous graphics and animation.

Coffin Valley is a western game.

All Demons must go to Hell is a game announcing itself as user-unfriendly, but it's quite fun to play.


If someone else does what I do, and sometimes check out events of yesteryear, you will probably find out that some of those small event or competition games are missing from the database.

The 24 hours of AGS contest (from 2017) had six entries, but three of them aren't in the database:
Like a Fox

Now, there are some working links to be found in the game's thread, but you can find all (six) of them here if you want to play some fun shorties.




From an old MAGS with the theme "Jumping Jack Flash":
Jump! Jack! Flash!

Found by coincidence in the depository while searching for the "jump"-games above, an old non-interactive demo, probably aimed at atheists:
Preachers can't jump. (I had to dig up an old computer to run this one. Lasts a minute.)


Quote from: heltenjon on Fri 27/08/2021 17:40:56
If someone else does what I do, and sometimes check out events of yesteryear, you will probably find out that some of those small event or competition games are missing from the database.

The 24 hours of AGS contest (from 2017) had six entries, but three of them aren't in the database:
Like a Fox

Now, there are some working links to be found in the game's thread, but you can find all (six) of them here if you want to play some fun shorties.

Wow. I forgot about CyberJACK. It wasn't finished as the 24 hour time limit was exhausting. Maybe I will return to it one day.


I want to use this opportunity and say a big Thank You! to denzquix on (propably Denzil Quixode on the forums) for meticulously uploading AGS games to the archive and categorizing them. (Even though it seems he stopped doing so three years ago)


A couple more Mags entries not in the database:

Research Resident which is unfinished, but you can play the first room and walk around in the second. There's not a scripted ending to the demo, though. (From Mags March 2018 Three's a crowd.) Looks like it would make a cool game.

Gwen Darkly â€" intro to the first case which is a demo. (From Mags January 2018 Misunderstood Motives.)


Flight from the Robots is Fernewelten's entry in the ongoing Narrative driven jam 4. It's an escape the room game in a sci-fi setting.

Edit: It's in the base now, including a master mind-esque minigame not in the version linked here.


No-one Touches My Hamster is a short game from 2003 with some pixel hunting, but a charm about it.

The Unlikely Prometheus is a very funny entry in the recent $105 Adventure Game Challenge jam.

Edit: The Unlikely Prometheus won that jam!


Jonathan's Adventures is a short escape-the-room game from the $105 adventure game jam, where you need to help Jonathan escape a prison cell before the ogre makes ingredients out of him. Two endings, well suited for a lunch break.


I am not 100%, but the walking and some details look very agsy.

The game is not available yet - and the rest is too french for me to understand  :P


Quote from: eri0o on Mon 21/02/2022 20:46:26
I am not 100%, but the walking and some details look very agsy.

The game is not available yet - and the rest is too french for me to understand  :P
According to this: there is currently a fundraiser to raise 3000 Euros to complete the game. It's indeed made in AGS.


I'm only Sleeping is a Reality-on-the Norm game not in the database. Get it here or here. Davy's little brother wakes up in the middle of the night and needs to go back to sleep. Not easy when Death is sitting in the sofa, watching Gilligan's Island. Fun stuff!

Murder actually has a very long title. It's probably an hour game, three screens long. It's at

The Elegant Murder Mystery is a pretty good short detective game, as the title suggests. It's at

An even better mystery game is Anticipating Murder, which is both at and ,but strangely enough not in the main database.

(Can anyone tell I used "Murder" to search for Murder in a wheel and then just couldn't stop there?)  :-[

And most of the entries from the first MAGS ever:
Highly Hip Hendrix is at
Tiny Green Piece of Crap is at
Philip Illinilings and the Murder at Fish Hotel is at
They even had a Ceremony at the end, which is at
(Some of these old games won't run on modern computers without some fiddling. I have an old PC lying around for such occasions. ;) )


Most of the games from MAGS 2001/07 (One Room/Celebrity Photo):
I Want Candy is at
Pixely Pete is at (Note - probably unfinishable)
Adventure Noir is at (Note- demo game)
The Dog Kennel ia at
Fad of Devil's Hash is at
And a ceremony is at

Another old MAGS game:
The Treasure of Monkey Peninsula is at

Seek, and Ye Shall Find is at This is a short game where you play hide and seek with your daughter. Not puzzle oriented, but well worth a play. Tells a nice story.

Lassi Quest Remake Demo is at Unifinished and unfinishable, and not worth playing for other than historical reasons, I guess.

Major Bummer Dude: Lassi Quest RON is at This may be the only Lassi game that's decent.

Night of the Plumber is at This is a decent MAGS game if you can tolerate the toilet humour and one Osama bin Laden masturbation joke (!). (Okay, so maybe "decent" was a poor choice of words.)


The author of Lance the Penguin also made a couple of demos that work as standalone short games:
Persephone's Diary: Secrets of the South is at
Jimmy Goodlove: Serial Killer Fugitive is at

These are a bit of an aquired taste, as the graphics are, to put it mildly, not the strong suit of the games. Play Lance the Penguin first and see if you want more or not. The Jimmy Goodlove game has some humour I found in a bit of poor taste, as you may expect when the protagonist is a serial killer. Note that I don't exactly recommend these games, but I think they belong in the thread for the purpose of complete AGS availability.


Matti's MAGS entry with the theme "time", RunAway is at It's a clever concept  where the player chooses the best route to run through enemy lines.

Another arcade game is Invasion of the Floating Death-Orbs, which is a surprisingly addictive shooter in limited space, with steering like Thrust with constant full pedal. It's at and it's by master funny scribe, the Baron. Please add it to the database, my lord!

Then there are the AGS entries from the recent Adventure Jam 2022 which are not in the database yet:
The Witch's Lullaby by Honza (overall winner!) is at
Ghost V by Akril15 is at
Flight from the Robots chapter 2 by Fernewelten is at

There may be more. I've only scratched the surface of this jam so far.

Edit: Honza's game is in the db now.


From a MAGS back in 2004 with the theme Outdoors:
Smiley's Quest 2 is at
The Mushroom Man is at

Beard Beverage is at This is a short and cute game about a guy who wants a beard.
As far as I can see, The Marvellous Birthday of Princess Marian (or Princess Marian III) isn't in the database. But it's at This series is very cute and charming.


At the recent $106 Adventure Game Challenge game jam, there is an entry called Interdimensional Community Service. Funny short sort of investigative game.

This author's also made two more games not in the database: The Gardner's Heist and 12 Hours a Slave, which were entries in the $103 and $101 Adventure Game Challenge, subsequently. 12 Hours a Slave won!

Vampire Wombat has made a few MAGS entries that aren't in the database, probably because some of them are somewhat unfinished/in demo state. Nevertheless, at you can find Ka and Da, Lygophilous, The Summoned, Mystery Meat Mayhem, Research Reservations, Goat Burn, Shamrock High: Graduation, Flukie, Captain Carver's Carnival Curios, Sweet Mythery, Vacant Bodies, Pizza Calls, Comet Collision and Dr. Muttonchop. (My favourites among these are probably Lygophilous, Research Reservations and Comet Collision.) The real way to play MAGS games is of course to read the old thread of the competition and play all the games with the same theme. At least I find that more rewarding than playing them out of context.

Return to Candle Cove is at This is a "not-serious" entry and default not-winner of a MAGS with the theme "Legend" back in 2012. (It's an animation/joke game. For completeists only.)

The Object of all Dreams is here


Oh, there are games in this archival itch account that are recent. :0


Helm's "Untitled Demo Game" can be found here. It's one room and ends with an error message when you exit, and it probably won't work on a newer computer. Looks good, though.

An ancient joke game called Dan finds his beard can be found here.

A kind of joke game of a different nature  :-[ can be found here:
It's very short and not the same as the real Quest for Orgy, which can be found here.

A couple of older games not in the database, but on the archive: Trapped with Hell: Cruisin' and Trapped with Hell.
Edit: I tried the two Trapped games only after posting the links, hence no comment then. These are made by a kid years back. There are threads ridiculing them about how bad they were, and indeed, they're not any good, and rely a bit on offensive language. But they're not difficult either, despite what's said in the old threads where people gang up to ridicule a kid's game (not one of the forum's finest hours), so for someone who wants to play through all the available AGS games, they are a five minute distraction each.  Not worth the time of others than completionists and people who find bad games amusing.


Another demo from the archive is Ed's Gravedigger Demo. Short and unfinished, but cool integration of 3d through avi and even a rough combat prototype in the final scene.

Some may remember the sadly unfinished Longevity Gene. The Demo is here.

And a third classy demo is The Day of the Testicle.

A MAGS entry by Fsi with the theme Steampunk from 2009 is at
And another from the same author for the theme Prologue from 2008:

Ponch has some stuff not in the database. Barn Runner 0: The Case of the Runaway Robot is a short game/demo, and it can be found at

A MAGS entry by Mikko with the theme Haunted House from 2006 is at


Awesome Quest is a nice little two-roomer. It can be found here.

And Scavenger rescued his sister's (Gemmalah) game The Dragon Slayers from being lost, currently hosting it here. This is a cute game where you play a kid who has to find weapons before going on a quest to slay a dragon with his friends. Fully voiced!


Ben 304's first game, Hungry, is not in the database, but on the archive:
Kind of unsurprisingly, this is a tad better than most people's first games. Some people just got it.

Relight's first game, Abstract, is here. It's a demo where I don't think the player can do very much.

Icey made a game called Project 304 Style - Wandering Spirits. It is now available here.

The short movie intro demo of D.Jones: Deceased is here.

Remember hourgames? Games made in small contests in an hour or so? Here's a collection of 29(?) of them:

Edit: List of Hourgames in the collection (will update until complete):
Theme: Downfallen Superhero:
IB SHAG Entry 12.July (Indie Boy seems to not have given his hourgames proper titles)
Flash Down

Theme: Absurd Character Deaths:
2000 Ways to Play Badminton Without (...) and the title fills the entire screen.
Terlethour or possibly it's called Deadman Toilet

Theme: Time Paradox
666 Days a Sotona - This one is a RON game, sort of. Outside of continuity, of course.
Enkerro's Time Paradox
Time Paradox
Time Out of Joint

Theme: Magic
Wizard Hangover ExtreamZz!! - This one is actually in the main database.
Majixsis - I'm not really sure of the title of this one or who the author is. It features a creature locked in a Wizard's bathroom who has to make a voodoo doll to defeat the Wizard.

Theme: Worship Boxes or Breasts:
Box This one is actually in the database, too.
Preeee or possibly it's called Hurray

Theme: Buddy Brick
Buddy Brick

Theme: Gold
6 Day blah blah Vampire Gold
Uhhr or more likely the title is Annoying Quest

Theme: The Internet
Depressomatic (Title Screen says "Crap Game".) This is a cartoon made in AGS by FSi with no interaction.
Simppmdee This is a joke "game" about meeting pmd in a chat room.

Roald Dahl story:

Random Wikipedia:
FSi's Neighbor Mountain

FSi's Unbearable: Nickie the Bear and the Burden of Sanity short movie/non-game

Theme: Pirates
Bach's Dead This one looks like it's unfinished.
IB's SHAG entry 13.07.08

Theme: Story Machine

Theme: Really Bad Horror Movies
Ghost Stories
Attack Game

Theme: The Gods
Deus Ex Machina

Theme: Dark Room
Dark Room


An absolutely awful little thing called The Virus is at . It absolutely looks like the author tries to give seizures by flashing lights. But okay, it's made for the fun of it.

Another terrible game is "The Dark Cults", which is at This one is made by the guy who made "Not the explainable", and gameplay is mostly trying to find the hotspot that is an exit. You may cheat by ctrl-x and ctrl-c, though, if you want to see the ending. For completeionists only.

The long lost game Zemp's Birthday Kwest is now available at This is a tiny game with in-jokes that most of us are not in on. Still, it's a cool gift.


A collection of four Hourgames with the theme Graveyard is here. They are called:
Roger Finds Treasure
Treasure of Obese Bob
Fuck You, I'm a Corpse
Leo the Gravedigger's Adventure

Tino's Wake Up is here.

The Adventure Think Tank (also known as Troels Pleimert/The Space Quest Historian with friends) has released some pretty entertaining games that are not in the database. On the Gamejolt page we can find a few:
Were We Ever.
All Demons Must Go to Hell.
Long Distance Coughing.
Brexit-Man in Airportland: The Rebrexiting.
Ramp It Up.
Danny Sexbang in Celestial Catastrophe.
Kitty Quest.
A Life Worth Losing.
What's in the Safe..
What Spunky Found.



Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 12/01/2023 18:51:23A collection of four Hourgames with the theme Graveyard is here. They are called:
Roger Finds Treasure
Treasure of Obese Bob
Fuck You, I'm a Corpse
Leo the Gravedigger's Adventure
Nooooo! You dug up the Treasure of Obese Bob! WHYYYYYYY  :=
The ultimate Professional Amateur

Now, with his very own game: Alien Time Zone


Quote from: Babar on Fri 13/01/2023 13:41:04Nooooo! You dug up the Treasure of Obese Bob! WHYYYYYYY  :=
Because it has the nice Moon poem, of course. And a cool title. And the treasure is made for digging up.  :-D


Back in the MAGS April 2007 the theme was Unexpected, and there were 8 entries, including the famous Me Go Store. But four of the games were not added to the database. They can be found at the archive here:
Day of the Fish This one is short, but funny and well worth a try.
Cabbage Quest I instantly recognized the main theme song as an instrumental version of Frank Zappa's Zomby Woof. The rest of the game is delightfully and frustratingly weird. Thankfully, there are hints in the Mags thread.
Unexpected Quest seems to be a short game of juvenile humour.
West of the Root Wonder of wonders! This one also has a Zappa song as instrumental soundtrack: The Idiot Bastard Son. Aside from that, it's a straightforward short game with an exit almost impossible to find in one room. (Thankfully, you can CTRL-X out if you can't find the hotspot.)

Edit: It seems like the two Zappa soundtracks were no accident, as the two games were made by brothers, at first mistaken for the same person.


A probably unfinishable short training game is here: Gravity's Test Game

What is described as an interactive music video from another one of the Space Quest Historian's alter Egos, Error 47, is here: Zak the Maniac - an interactive music video It's a fun mix of Zak McKracken in the Maniac Mansion 35 years later, in an alternate dimension  where things didn't go well in the first place.


I don't remember seeing this game in the DB, it was made for ludumdare:



Hi there!
Here's two games that were recently reported on ScummVM's bugtracker, does anyone know the proper titles (or have any info at all...)

Time Paradox
This one look like a MAGS game? probably around 2007

Escape room using Indiana Jones' sprite, this one is recent. The ingame title says "Adventure Jam", but I couldn't find the entry



Quote from: heltenjon on Tue 21/03/2023 08:51:05This is from an hourgame contest. It's included here:

Thanks a lot heltenjon! I already had the hourgame zip but somehow I missed that game  :P


About the other entry, the author is "Luis Angel Aleixandre Arnau" and the game looks a lot like his unsuccessful kickstarter "The Seeds of Vala".
He probably reused some of the assets for this AdvJam entry.


Quote from: tag2015 on Tue 21/03/2023 11:55:24About the other entry, the author is "Luis Angel Aleixandre Arnau" and the game looks a lot like his unsuccessful kickstarter "The Seeds of Vala".
He probably reused some of the assets for this AdvJam entry.
Yes, I noticed that, too. He's not been active on this community since 2019, but you could try reaching out. Seeds of Vala uses the nine-verbs, though, while the jam game looks like it is made with the BASS template. The settings look a lot like the gameplay video posted for Seeds of Vala, so you may very well be right.


Hi all
have found this thread only today, and my bad i haven't think about, despite the interest that the forum have about the games already in DB and not

For each game i searched the entire forum for any posts:
Desert Miner
boite, La
City That Drowned, The
Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat, The
Vexation Island The Game
Wormhole - Ch.1 - Remake
Animal Agency
Escape the brothel
Monkey Island 4 Testprojekt - It's a post from 2016, but the download link is still functional
Putt-Putt Saves The Stew
Zap and Andy
Color me bad - I've contacted the author, KarjaJr, using an old email address from 2010 and a PM on AGS forum
Best Buddies In : Corporate Espionage
Kidnapper Escape - room escape
Kubik - hand drawn isometric puzzle
Wulffenstein – Das Adventure für Zurückgetretene - should be a joke i think, just select a dialogue. There's a link to a page where download it
Mission Zukunftia
geiger-counter – Ivans Adventure - download no more available, i've contacted the author via Adventure-treff forum
Jenseits von Traum und Zeit
Shards of Gods
Beep Boop
Magenta: IN SPACE
Leisure Suit Larry 3 Point and Click Remake
O Jardim das Fadas
Noir Bois: The Prequel Prelude Saga
Scratching Away
Murder on the starlight express
Les archives de l'insondable
Waiting For Your Boyfriend Simulator
A crow cawled raven
America 2000
Weeping Lilium
The last no vax
Fuori ora
The Misadventures of Patches the Spazcat
The Blob Game
Splurt in wasted town
Bunny's Night Out
Escaped 2
Buddiest Universe - Day Off
The greatest story ever told
Dream Diary Quest
Slick Adventures
Joke Quest
ziggy shorts :the milkshake of doom
Neon Wilderness
Plastic Mines
Basement in the Woods
Witch Way Out
Cullfield Investigation
Kłopoty Mirmiła - Rozdział 1
Fantastyczna podróż Tytusa, Romka i A'tomka

In ITCH there're other games made with AGS, they could be found using the tags, the bad is that not always they are advertised as made with it


Crimson Wizard

Idk if this matches the topic, but there's a AGS game on Steam which is not in DB. It's commercial though, with no demo.
Title is "Castle Agony":

Found its GiP thread:


Hey, nice to see others are still reading this thread: i was a bit worried about the number of edits i've made on my previous post (just to not double posting  :P )

Still on ITCH.IO
Bloody Scream
Sweet Nightmares
Get Some Sleep or You'll Die!

America 2000
New City



Still on Itch

(i've searched the forum, but haven't found it, still i think it could be somewhere...)


From the recent $107 Adventure Game Challenge jam there is Tony's Spaghetti, which is a fun short game about going undercover in a restaurant.
EDIT: This game is now in the database.

The same creator also made Magenta in Space Chapter One for the Adventure Jam 2023.

Another AGS game from Adventure Jam 2023 is  Office of the Returned, currently being updated and polished by Durinde.

Quote from: vga256 on Fri 15/09/2023 19:21:19
Quote from: ThreeOhFour on Thu 14/09/2023 23:51:58Be my guest!

Done! Falling Skywards now has a permanent home here. :)
For those who do not know, Falling Skywards was included in the Bake Sale some years ago. It's a great game with a moving story, good and quite challenging puzzles, wonderful animation and cool sound design.


Quote from: heltenjonFalling Skywards now has a permanent home here. :)

At last! :=
Thanks for the link

And here another one
Annie Londonderry


Quote from: TheTMD on Mon 09/10/2023 19:25:13And here another one
Annie Londonderry
I played this. Nice, historical graphics, and a very short game that would work nice as an intro to a history lesson about the real Annie, I suppose. Online play only. Thanks for the link!

On the site for that one, I found a link to Painted Hills, which is a fun short investigation game set in a Canadian native American village. Online play only, but very nice-looking and also using the relationships in the small village to make tasks/puzzles flow well in the investigation.

EDIT: Painted Hills has been added to the database!



Five hourgames are here.
Apple Theme - unexpected character death.
Kikme Theme - unexpected character death.
Bahx3 (May have another name) Theme - Must feature Al Lowe.
Ohno I don't know the theme. Escaping the room is the goal.
Woof Theme - animals.

Quote from: eri0o on Thu 09/02/2023 22:21:49Found this game in Global Game Jam, haven't played:
This is a funny little game where the turnip leads the other vegetables to escape the goat eating them. Funny jokes, very easy.

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 25/10/2023 18:20:19Spia
I think this game isn't finished. I could move around, but I couldn't find anything else to do.
Quote from: TheTMD on Thu 05/10/2023 20:05:28Smasher
This one is highly recommended! Digital Mosaic has made a shortie for a game jam, but there's great voice acting, graphics, music and writing. True, there is little room for puzzles, but there is a memory puzzle, so I'll check that box too.

Quote from: eri0o on Wed 08/02/2023 19:55:50I don't remember seeing this game in the DB, it was made for ludumdare:
Another good short game from the same people. This one is a sort of Frankenstein story.

Quote from: eri0o on Fri 27/08/2021 17:54:50Memochi
This one took a while until I realized that there was a game element to it.
Quite a different experience from a standard adventure.


Never thought there was more than just pushing the button in Memochi
(I've spent 10min of my life pushing and writing)

I forgot to link these ones
deep lake mall
Senpai Getaway
drawn to the flame
Sorry but I had some problem checking the site if they are already in the forum

For this one no problem in searching
This is a 2010 AGS prototype of a later flash game

For Spia: yes, judging by the itch page, the project is on hold (by 2016  :=  )


The MAGS contest back in September 2008 had the theme "Broken Game". Reading the thread is a tad confusing. Radiant first entered Awesmoe Quest, which is on the archive. This I believe to be just a joke, as ProgZmax replied about the game crashing instantly (which the version on the archive also does), and the game is the "game within a game" found in META (which is in the database). However, when Radiant entered his real entry, KATA, this was set up to be that he competed against himself. KATA is not in the database, but can be found on Radiant's home page. It's a parody of Windows, of sorts, and basically has the player battling error messages trying to install a game. I can see this being fun for some, and mildly annoying for others.

Chmelnica is a short adventure made by Czech one-person team Marion Software (not to be confused with our own Marion). There are translations to German and English. (The author had a game in the db called Bill DeBill, but it's gone now.) The moon logic level borders on asteroid, but I found the setting interesting, as I didn't know anything about the type of farm workers shown in the game.


From the author of The Beekeper comes 2 little game about Holmes' brother Mycroft
I've searched the forum, but strangely enough they aren't advertised in the Beekeper thread
as always not played, i leave the joy to others :D

(Hi heltenjon: after pressing post i got the error that another post was published just in the meantime, and i got asked if i wanted to change my text....should we rub our noses?
I'll check immediately your games, chmelnica sounds familiar)

found this in the forum
The Spirit of Christmas
and searching the web this one
Yahoo Groups Metadata Collection
but sadly the group nominated by the author doesn't seems to be on the list


Purpose : Retired
stating from the itch page, it's a short P&C adv, to be finished in few minutes

Zombie Train Beyond Earth: Episode 2
(the episode 1 is done with another engine)



Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 29/10/2023 10:57:54deep lake mall
This was a fun short investigation game.

QuoteSenpai Getaway
Short Slovak game that I needed Google Translate to finish. Made for a small anime-inspired jam, this is a mix of graphic assets that doesn't fit together. I found it kind of charming, anyway.
Quotedrawn to the flame
This one is a brilliant short horror piece featuring a scary elevator ride. No real puzzles, but I thought it was genuinely unsettling. Good stuff.

The same author also has a game in the database (Where No Fear Was), but on his itch page, there are also two other small games:
Grace Russell: Episode 1 tech demo, which is a taste of an investigation game. Just a demo, like the title says.
A Fool for Love (or: Finding the Right Words Beta Version), which is an unfinished game where the player control a cupid who is guiding a hopeless guy in his quest for love. Quite funny, and a great idea for a game.
This is a 2010 AGS prototype of a later flash game
It's a shame the flash game doesn't exist anymore. Very cool concept where the player has to time travel to preserve the history of Utrecht. Learning history this way is very appealing.


When the game is on flash i also check
but haven't found TijdTripper
(now i'm downloading the Ultimate version, but needs a lot of time....a lot....)

From ITCH comes
cosmo's trinket hunt
that could be categorized as joke since it lasts one click only



The September Mags 2003 featured a game called Dragonscale, which is on the archive, but not in the database. This is a short game set in a future which looks pretty much like our times, and perhaps involving a dragon. The theme was "Mythological Beast".

It looks like one of Daniele Spadoni's Back to the Future fangames is not in the database, but it is on the archive. This is the one similar to the movie.

And with Adultsqualman returning, why not post the link to his production from his younger days. It's on the archive again: A Cup of Coffee is worth 1000 Bathroom Trips This may require an older pc or some tinkering before it will run. And it's made by a kid, so be warned.  ;)

Quote from: TheTMD on Thu 16/11/2023 19:12:25From ITCH comes
cosmo's trinket hunt
that could be categorized as joke since it lasts one click only
Joke indeed. Looks nice, but a bit disappointing.
Quote from: TheTMD on Thu 02/11/2023 22:29:42From the author of The Beekeper comes 2 little game about Holmes' brother Mycroft
This is the same game, but with a bit more features in the expanded edition. Absolutely delightful and funny, albeit a sort of celebration of pointlessness at the same time. I was having a good time, achieving very little.  :-D
Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 05/11/2023 19:11:27Purpose : Retired
stating from the itch page, it's a short P&C adv, to be finished in few minutes
This is a really nice, "slow" game about a retired cop. Good-looking pixel art, too.
QuoteZombie Train Beyond Earth: Episode 2
(the episode 1 is done with another engine)
I checked out episode 1 (made with GameMaker Studio), and it was really cool. Making a flipped animation? Nope, just let the guy moonwalk (Space, you know). (laugh)  Episode 2 is well made, but I didn't like the idea that much. And I can't reveal it without spoiling it.


Found this randomly with the following quote

QuoteInspired by the creations of Roberta Williams and Ron Gilbert, my six-year-old, Oakley, wanted to create her own little adventure game. She grabbed her Boogie Board Magic Sketch, I learned the basics of Adventure Game Studio, and we put together a one-room experience.

I just thought the idea was cute. It's just a single room someone built with their kid. :)


And from kids to adults (I apologize for the lame joke)

The secret of Cougar Island
Quoted from the Itch page
This game features pixelated nudity, sex, recreational drug and alcohol use, swearing, erotic talk and other things some people might find distasteful. Do not play it if you are underage or easily offended.

The girl in the House
A FMV game done with AGS: how many have you seen? i don't remember any other...


Quote from: TheTMD on Fri 22/09/2023 20:09:27Bloody Scream
Sweet Nightmares
Get Some Sleep or You'll Die!
Amazing! These are three horror adventures made by kids on some sort of art related camp. I tried to play badly in Get Some Sleep or You Will Die, but got the good ending (of eight possible). Got to try again, I guess. This is a time management game, of sorts. The voice acting is over the top and reminds me of my own kids and their friends. (I don't think I would describe this one as a horror game myself, but I haven't seen it all yet.)

Sweet Nightmares is a crazy kind of adventure/platform hybrid game with a couple of rpg-like fights. Totally surreal and changes from cute to nightmarish and back again constantly.

Bloody Scream is totally over the top with gore and corpses everywhere. Kids won't think less is more! Adventure game, escape a house where a serial killer (?) roams. Two endings (I think).

It was fun to get a glimpse into the minds of these 10-12 year olds and their ideas of game design.

QuoteAmerica 2000
Philosophical dystopian game. I liked it, even though there is a lot of walking, some unmarked exits and the two endings could have been better signalled. Made for $102 Adventure Game Challenge.

The author also has a demo made in AGS: 99 Species Demo. This looks promising and gives an impression of yet another dystopian future.

EDIT: America 2000 is now added to the database!
QuoteNew City
This looks like the wrong link. Probably it should be New City. This is an investigation game, currently Spanish only.
This is a small piece made for an advent calendar. Looks like it has no ending, just an endless loop of Tomten (Swedish, "nissen" in Norwegian - a kind of farm-elf from Scandinavian folklore that is mixed up with Santa Claus) feeding a hungry fox. Cosy, though. I'll let my kids play it come December.  ;-D
Quote from: eri0o on Sun 19/11/2023 16:49:37
I just thought the idea was cute. It's just a single room someone built with their kid. :)
This was so cute! I love those graphics - a six-year-old's drawings. Aaaawww!
Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 19/11/2023 18:30:33The secret of Cougar Island
I was actually impressed by how well made and funny this demo was. Granted, NSFW stuff won't be to everyone's taste, and it does go one step further than the Leisure Suit Larry games, but I'd characterize it as a humour game with lots of lewd jokes, not as a "porn game".


New City
This looks like the wrong link. Probably it should be New City. This is an investigation game, currently Spanish only.

That's right, right title, wrong link....damn twin games

Beyond Dream and Time
for cat lovers


Bloody Scream

It only take 34pages to end the Point and Click tags from ITCH  8-)


EDIT 08/12/2023
G. Ramirez - The Missing Hat
A Room Escape disguised as P&C
may be finished in <2min

EDIT 09/12/2023
Not an adventure, not a puzzle game
Just a story

EDIT 10/12/2023
Ten Weeks
QuoteTen Weeks is an experimental point & click game about memories


Last few "Point & Click" games on itch

Space Misadventures
it's a short game

the animations of this game are spectacular: a very nice little gem


Here are some more games from Itch. (I don't think they are in TheTMD's lists yet.)

Abomination Obtainer
Vox in Rama

4kbShort (Christopher Forlines) has a couple of entertaining MAGS entries not added to the database yet. (Please do!)
The Passenger
The Delivery
The Gift

Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 19/11/2023 18:30:33The girl in the House
A FMV game done with AGS: how many have you seen? i don't remember any other...
I played this - it's a lot of fun! I guess it's somewhat of a pixel hunt and kind of repetitive by nature, but I love that these people acted out these scenes and made a short escape from the killer game.
Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Fixer
This was really cool. It's a long demo, and admittedly, many empty rooms, but it's nice on atmosphere because of it. You play a sort of fixit man for the local crime guys in a world of anthropomorphic animals. It captures the MS-Dos cga look nicely.
Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Man Who Mistook His Wife For a Hat, The
My comment from the $104 adventure game jam thread:
Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 19/10/2020 14:29:09The Man Who Mistake His Wife for a Hat: A bit experimental with using different senses. Not always logical solutions to the puzzles, more of clicking around to see what happens. A lot is not implemented. Don't play if that bothers you.



I think I found one here:

Edit: it was added to the db a few days after I found


Was this mentioned somewhere here?

I found this one by accident but I haven't played yet. But the images felt familiar.


Cabin Trouble, by -BigDaniel-
the download link in the first post is still working, and so is the game

Galaxia Quest, from the same author
The last site have a working link: it's the big red button "stàhnout hru"



The MAGS from May 2005 (Topic: humorous science fiction) was won by Linus Larsson's War Stars. As the name suggests, it's a Star Wars parody. The author also has 3 versions/demos of his unfinished game Artie Solomon: What time is it? on the archive, but not in the database. They are here:
It's actually quite cool to see the different versions of the same story or gameplay, but with changes in GUIs and overall design.

Another MAGS entry that's absent from the database, is the clickbaitingly named Pussy Hunt from July 2003. Take it easy, the game is about finding lost kittens and returning them to their basket.  (laugh)

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Wulffenstein – Das Adventure für Zurückgetretene - should be a joke i think, just select a dialogue. There's a link to a page where download it
In this short game, you select how a politician answers the press, and your points determine if you stay in office. German language only. It's a joke game, and I found it funny.

Edit: Here are two small joke games from Abandonsocios: (They are on the archive, as well, but not in the database.)
Achtung Franz - Quest for Wine
Doom - A Very Graphic Adventure

And here's an entry in the MAGS December 2002 (XMAGS): Muyeeb the Ghost. It's very short and sort of a joke entry.


Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 25/02/2024 17:54:29Ahamoth by Tatha_gata
Wow, that was...strange. Quite Kafkaesque. But I liked it, even though I never was really sure what was going on and what was illusions. Recommended if Kafka-style games is your thing. About 20 minutes playtime.

Back in June 2005, the theme for MAGS was "Outside the Boundaries", and the rules stated that the entire game should play out inside a bunker. And both entries made a game set in a golf course.  (laugh) One of them is not in the database, but here: Bad Bunker. It's a short game in the avoid the mines family, only that the player need to find water and/or the exit before he dies of thirst.

In June 2006, the MAGS theme was "The elderly", and two of the four games starring senior citizens did not  end up in the database, but are on the archive:
Infantry Division 1338 is a game where you control a group of commandos. You have to switch between them and make them cooperate. A bit tricky controls, but interesting concept.
The Family Treasure is a pirate game. Long and very fun!

Monkey Island remake demo is a fan remake from 2001 of the intro to Secret of Monkey Island, but in 256 colours.


Greycity! by gerumato
QuoteYou are Agent Gecko and your assignment is to eliminate all other agents in the city; Using just your wits and items you find on the scene.

Some kind of action, not an adventure!-alpha-0-1/

The download link in the forum page isn't working, but is available on the Wayback Machine (linked also in the Abandonsocios page)


Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 21/01/2024 19:15:12Galaxia Quest, from the same author
The last site have a working link: it's the big red button "stàhnout hru"
This seems to have disappeared! Did you download it for your collection just in time?

Quote from: TheTMD on Sat 02/03/2024 10:34:48Greycity! by gerumato
QuoteYou are Agent Gecko and your assignment is to eliminate all other agents in the city; Using just your wits and items you find on the scene.

Some kind of action, not an adventure

The download link in the forum page isn't working, but is available on the Wayback Machine (linked also in the Abandonsocios page)
I tried this. It's an adventure, actually. You need to find the correct way to take out all the enemy agents. One screen, some minutes gameplay. Even though it's called a demo, I think it's better described as a short game, perhaps lacking some polish (like sound).

Quote from: eri0o on Fri 19/01/2024 21:13:48

Day of the Sandwich. :)
Wow! This one is a must-play! I love the attention to detail and the great homage to DOTT. Not difficult by our standards, but well thought out and most of all, fun.
EDIT: This game is now added to the database.
Quote from: eri0o on Fri 12/01/2024 01:06:43Was this mentioned somewhere here?

I found this one by accident but I haven't played yet. But the images felt familiar.
This one feels more like an art project than a game. It shows a person living alone in the woods and his morning. Beautiful art. Made me feel good.


Galaxia Quest
The link from is working, but maybe the site hasn't a good reputation. My antivirus sometimes block the access to it
Anyway, I've shared a folder "AGS" from my Mega account: in there is available (tested and working)

I'll check again, maybe i've gone too fast judging the game

The two Greenback games aren't related

Greenback - The Series by Priabudiman
The Demo is still available for download
(on Internet Archive, despite the title of the page or the url, it's possible to download the 1.0.6a & 1.0.6b)

[Greenback] : The Beginning by Monk & CaptainD!/
Demo no more available (it was on 4shared)

EDIT 2024-03-03
Manoli - Apendiz de Hechicera by Joan Mon Games
sadly it seems that the only download link is on abandonsocios, whose servers are having problems and the forum page isn't available right now


Quote from: TheTMD on Sat 02/03/2024 15:55:41Greenback - The Series by Priabudiman
The Demo is still available for download
This was a nice first chapter of a planned longer game. Quite challenging puzzles, too. The game lets the player explore his grandfather's apartment, in order to find the secrets from his long life as an adventurer. Thus keys and passwords/codes must be found.

As @OneDollar participates in the MAGS contest this month, I was reminded that his homepage in addition to his games in the database (recommended play!), also has links to four older projects:
Little Simulated People Tech Demo was made for MAGS August 2010 with the theme Parody/Demake. It's a small scale version of The Sims, of sorts.
Recollection Demo is also a MAGS game, made for September 2007 with the theme Innovation. It's quite experimental, and I guess I would spoil it by telling you what it's about. Quite cool!
Attack Game is an hourgame with the theme "REALLY! BAD! HORROR! MOVIE!". It's funny and not very scary.  (laugh)
Roger's Juggle Quest is a surprisingly replayable beat-your-high score-thing involving juggling.

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 31/01/2024 15:31:04Stargate la citée d'Atlantis by hanakin
in the french AGS community. The download link (from the forum)
I played this, and I am stuck on the last puzzle, involving recognizing star patterns to activate the Stargate. While the game seems to be atmospheric, I don't know this series and can't pick up on the lore. There are some annoying bugs that seems to reset the puzzle stats, but they are avoidable as long as you don't repeat actions. I'll post about this in the hint section, too. Hopefully some Stargate fans will come to my rescue. French and English languages. The French sound natural, the English artificial, while understandable.


Remembering of the AGS French Forum, i've checked some of the links i still have to, well .... check....
and the following are two games the authors haven't yet advertized in this forum

Chuck and the Island of Giants by Nylon
as stated in the page, the demo is actually just an incoherent sequence of rooms, that should/will be put togheter to form the game

Les aventures de Jacques Burton dans les griffes des pirates by Godzillu

And now i'll go checking OneDollar games  :grin:


Quote from: heltenjon on Sun 03/03/2024 17:39:51As @OneDollar participates in the MAGS contest this month, I was reminded that his homepage in addition to his games in the database (recommended play!), also has links to four older projects:

'Projects' maybe, I don't think any of them count as games. I just replayed Attack Game to remind myself what it was and immediately found a bug. It also contains the phrase "batters eyelids".


Found one weird one that it says it was released in 2022, but I couldn't find in this thread or the DB - or maybe I did a bad search?

It's named Little Mrs. Domestic Goddess, it's here:


Quote from: TheTMD on Fri 08/03/2024 19:27:28Rongyptian by jwalt
The demo is a short and fun RoN story, and the music video, well, it is animation to music. You can move around afterwards, but there's no extra game there. Still a bit of fun, though.

He made another music video: Spoons Music Video. This was while working on his game Spoons III, which is in the database. The Demo is not, but is still available in the GIP thread. There are a couple of beta version links as well, just in case any completionists want to check out the entire journey towards the completed game.

Edit: I played Spoons III, and realize now that the music video and the demo are both included in the game.
Edit II: Jwalt also made yet another music video: Could it be?
Edit III: And another music video! West End Girls

Jwalt has been quite prolific in the last MAGS contests, making a series of fun games about Davy and Josh travelling through multiple dimensions, but he hasn't added them to the database yet.
Here they are:
Wagu Ogambo (Nov 23)
Not My RON (Dec 23)
Trippy (Jan 24)
The Second Secret of the Orbs (Feb 24)
And he's working on the March installment as we speak.  (nod) By his own description, he's more of a movie maker than a game maker, but nevertheless I think he's a good storyteller and the games are worth a look.

Quote from: eri0o on Wed 06/03/2024 08:57:13Found one weird one (...)
It's named Little Mrs. Domestic Goddess, it's here:
This game is kind of a statement game. It's funny and feministic, just in case someone thought that was hard to pull off. The dev seems to have made lots of shorties using different game maker systems, and she also seems fond of deconstructing genres and make satire of them. Lots of swearing, in case that is important to whoever's reading this.

Some of the games Tag2015 asked for in the other thread turned up, and I guess they should be here, too.

Revenge of the Nagging Sister is a game a girl made for her brother to remind him that he had promised to make a game for her. (laugh) Don't expect the world, but it has some charm, I'll give it that. Basically, find the items-game.
Stick Man Quest is a two-room training game.
DROI0 (or possibly called DROID3, too) is a strange and bug-ridden game that has you controlling a droid and trying to gain control of a space ship. It's an adventure game, despite of what it sounds like. This will probably test anyone's patience.
Whodunit is an adventure with sprinklings of investigation, but for the most part this takes the back seat. I'm at a loss to describe this one properly. On the one hand, there are some clever puzzles and a couple of funny jokes here, on the other, there's sudden death, an enormous maze,some serious moon logic and the possibility of being soft-locked with no chance to win. Oh, and I thought the game was broken, but you move using the keyboard cursor keys. The walk icon is there, but does nothing.
Psychic Sam and the Postal Service of Doom
Last Order is by the same author as Nagging Sister a few lines above. This is a very short game about trying to get served before the pub closes.

(I will edit in comments here after trying the last games.)

Quote from: TheTMD on Mon 04/03/2024 17:15:13Les aventures de Jacques Burton dans les griffes des pirates by Godzillu
Unfortunately, this game is still in production, if I understand correctly.


QuoteUnfortunately, this game is still in production, if I understand correctly.
That's right, Godzillu have resumed the project in 2023
(maybe it's too soon  :grin: I got caught up in the passion and actually lost track of the thread)

Crimson Wizard

As an update to this:

Quote from: heltenjon on Mon 21/02/2022 23:52:39
Quote from: eri0o on Mon 21/02/2022 20:46:26I am not 100%, but the walking and some details look very agsy.

The game is not available yet - and the rest is too french for me to understand  :P
According to this: there is currently a fundraiser to raise 3000 Euros to complete the game. It's indeed made in AGS.

Gobliiins 5 have been released some time ago. It's made in AGS, and still not in database, so I guess this matches this topic.



Fragile by Peanut Panda Pixels

Earth AD: Low Estate by Uma

A Little Christmas Trial by fireorange

Salade Cosmique by Creamy
This one is available in the Mega folder: i've asked Creamy and he granted me to upload the game and share it

EDIT 2024-03-23
right from the AGS forum
David and the search for creativity
The download seems not to work: just in case it went missing, i've uploaded on the mega folder


From Global Game Jam 2024

Standup for Aliens by Chariot Rider
a JOKE about a comedian kidnapped by aliens. Two screens, some dialogues. Few seconds of gameplay

Clown Show by PariahCarey
played for 1 minute. Not sure it's and ADV or more a Joke. Buggy (the alarm clock still sounds after putting it in the inventory, the inventory screen seems not sized to the game resolution)


Jezioro Pingwinie by Ruszard
in polish

Comics Quest by Ninjer folder
From what i understand from, the game should have some puzzle involving inventory. I played for few minutes, but got only dialogues
I've uploaded the game in the folder. Trying to download it from the site raise a protection warning by the browser, but after downloaded it I've checked with windows defender and all seems ok


Semi new game from

Jaro by Rakkimaru
a 15yo demo, in polish.
Quote'Jaro' is a demo adventure game that was inspired by classic point and click games, and to a large extent by the game 'Teenagent'.
I think that an old game like this, that was only in the owner HDD, should be advertised to the fans  :-D

I kept these links in my pockets for some time

Scare House by Bideo Bames Games

Artisan by Digital Mosaic Game

From MAGS Dec'09
Snow Queen: After The Apocalypse by Kastchey


Back in August 2016, the MAGS theme was "Distance no object", and the games needed to include monkeys and a giant banana, among other things. Rango is a nice game with fiendish minigames that was never added to the database, but is on the archive.

Quote from: TheTMD on Fri 24/11/2023 18:39:11Beyond Dream and Time
for cat lovers
This is now added to the database.
Quote from: TheTMD on Tue 05/12/2023 18:54:06G. Ramirez - The Missing Hat
A Room Escape disguised as P&C
may be finished in <2min
I played this, and found it charming. Nice, feel-good story with a cool bass jazz track.

QuoteEDIT 09/12/2023
Not an adventure, not a puzzle game
Just a story
I think it qualifies as a game, though the two puzzles are rather easy. So it's short, but as everything from Digital Mosaic, it's high quality. The voice acting is great! I liked this a lot.

QuoteEDIT 10/12/2023
Ten Weeks
QuoteTen Weeks is an experimental point & click game about memories
This was quite an emotional experience, and a glimpse into what it could be like to not remember or being able to trust your memories. The game is worth playing a couple of times to uncover more details. Definitely worth a look if you like experimental games or stories exploring the psyche.


In MAGS October 2016, Cat and Raeff's entry is not in the database, but on the archive: CheKKen. This is a short prototype/demo of a mix of chess and Tekken. (The theme was "Genre Shift".) It's a 2-player game, so hit those keys and beat your friend into the ground.

MAGS September 2007 had the theme "Innovation", and saw seven entries, three of which are not in the database:

OneDollar's Recollection, which is already featured in an earlier post in this thread. I still can't say too much about it without spoiling it.

Jojoboy's Serum. In this game you have to try to contain a zombie plague. There are random infected, so the game is not the same each play, and it's pretty hard.

Radiant's Pixel Hunt. (Note that there are several games with this or very similar titles.) This is a shooting game, where you hunt...pixels. While they yell insults at you.  (laugh) Good for a laugh.

Quote from: TheTMD on Thu 14/12/2023 20:20:25Space Misadventures
it's a short game
Here's another NSFW game. This one with a bit more graphic nudity. No cheesecake, Ponch. Other than that, it's set in space, and the horny space captain has to fix her faulty spaceship. It's well made, but won't be to everyone's taste.
EDIT: This game turned out to be extremely explicit, with tentacles and whatnot. Far out of my comfort zone. Just warning you about what this is.

the animations of this game are spectacular: a very nice little gem
This one was incredible! It's like playing a cartoon. Highly recommended! (Though one of the sequences was so hard, I had to use dirty tricks to complete the demo.)


Some of the modules have demo games. Here is the PanoRama Demo. This is a room with some objects and a character in it, made for showing the module. The game ends/quits when you walk out the door, so I guess it's a very easy escape room game...

Alys vs the Phantom Feline Foe is a NSFW game. It's a reworking of Alice in Wonderland where the magic cat kidnaps Alys because he wants her to be his sex slave. And it gets worse from there. I mean, the first puzzle involves watering a plant with no external water sources. You have been warned.

Buloght's Knightsquire is a very good game with Gobliins-like gameplay involving switching control between the knight and his squire. This has a Completed Game Announcement thread in the forum, but never made it into the database. Highly recommended!

Amberfish Arts' Indiana Jones: The Fate of Atlantis II project was never finished, and  what's released here are the four demos from the project. In case you have trouble running them, Arj0n tells you how in This post.

Another fan game is Monkey Island 2.5: The Prisoner of Monkey Island. This is in Italian only and picks up where MI2 ended.

Yet another that also starts in the same spot, is Monkey Island: Illusion. This one is partly translated into English, but some of it is still in the original French. The short game/demo is winnable, but there is a fatal bug early on that crashes the game if you click on a hatch to go below deck on a pirate ship. If you walk past the hatch, you will go below deck with no error, triggering the active region. I guess all of these games are for fans craving a small taste of what once was.

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Desert Miner
This is a short game with one puzzle. It looks like the developer abandoned AGS and made the sequel and other games using other engines.
Quoteboite, La
This is a cute game about a cat who wants to look into a box. It's French only, and my phone translator didn't recognize the font, but enough of the story is visual for me to play it through to the end despite not understanding the text. I liked how it looked, but the French speaking players will get more out of this than I did.
QuoteCity That Drowned, The
This is a demo or prototype that plays like a walking simulator. I didn't find much to do except uncovering clues to the story. The atmosphere and story were interesting, though. I don't think the demo has a scripted ending. At least I couldn't find it.


Bubby Kills God by DiggingUpGraves
QuoteThis is my first game made with AGS. It's mostly just a test to learn the various systems and mess around a bit, don't expect quality.
The game itself is about a little blob called 'Bubby' who wishes to kill God. Why? Play and find out!
[/url]Enjoy my first abomination.
Played for a while, found only 1 puzzle involving inventory. Then dropped it...

EDIT 18/05/2024
The Mystery of Epstein Island, part 1 : Day  by Sapo

The Mystery of Epstein Island, part 2 : Sunset  by Sapo


I downloaded and played RON: Purity of the Surf (Archive link), RoN Homepage link here, to help a guy out in the hint section. Turned out I had not played the game before, perhaps because it never made its way into the database. It's made by Dave Gilbert himself, and it's a great game which I can highly recommend.

The prototype RON Beach Party could be worth checking out for those interested in how the game was developed. This prototype later turned into the full game Purity of the Surf.

In addition, the RON Beach Party Demo is also at this page along with several other RON Demos:
Time Out Trailer (in the database)
Stuck at Home Trailer (not in the database, though the full game is)
Fifth Anniversary Promotional Trailer (not in db)
Simon, the Sorceror's Brother Teaser Trailer (not in db)
Edge of Reality Demo (not in db)
RON Xmas 2002 Demo (not in db)
Without a Prayer Demo (not in db)
Everything that Begins with an M Demo (not in db)
Reality Check 4 Demo (in the db)
Spoons III Unauthorized Demo (The demo is not in the db, but the full game is. See also here.)
Hidden Messages (not in the db)

Quote from: TheTMD on Fri 17/05/2024 18:55:59Bubby Kills God by DiggingUpGraves
QuoteThis is my first game made with AGS. It's mostly just a test to learn the various systems and mess around a bit, don't expect quality.
The game itself is about a little blob called 'Bubby' who wishes to kill God. Why? Play and find out!
Enjoy my first abomination.
Played for a while, found only 1 puzzle involving inventory. Then dropped it...
I played it...and not quality is about right. The game seems to be purposely made to be as offensive as possible. Sure, you go to
"Personal Hell" and chop off a guy's genitals with an axe and carry the chopped off penis as an inventory item
. To say it's not everyone's taste would be an understatement. But ok, that's on purpose. The game also suffers from first game syndrome with bugs turning the game into an unwinnable state if you do things in the wrong order. I do think some of the drawings were good, though. The talent is there, but unrefined.


Le monde d'hélycia by jolan
from the french side of AGS
The game is still downloadable, 1.5Gb that contains windows +  linux + source files

Quotechopped off penis
tried it but failed....have to try again  :-D

EDIT 24/05/2024
Rainerles Adventure - Episode 1 by Rammlord
In German. 244Mb of high resolution adventure

EDIT 26/05/2024
Federico Returns by JoanMon Games
by the same author are also available 3 other games (a prologue and 2 chapters) with the same character, that doesn't seems to be in the DB, nor info seems to be in the forum
All infos and downloads are available in Abandonsocios wiki / forum, always up-to-date
Just a note: on the Abandonsocios forum, JM Games have posted that a new chapter is in developing
Federico y La Herencia
( :-[ this shouldn't be advertised here, but is just to complete the update about Federico :-[ ) RELEASED

Double update
directly from Italy
The Improbable Humble Escape by ultralooca
the download link to mediafire is still working and so the game
It's like a room escape, but with point & click interface


From about 2 months I have started checking regularly and other sites, as on more than one occasion I have 'arrived' late at the game page and discovered that the author has blocked the download, closed the page or anything else, and not even with the wayback machine is often possible to recover the game
that's why I'm providing several links to the 'usual' distribution sites. And here are some others

Penguincy by Morfy

yaowiStudio give us three games
Wasko the cleaner
Tales of Infinum

I haven't played any of them, I'll leave the task to other AGSer :-D  :-D



Most of the Reality-on-the-Norm games are not in the database. At RoN's own gamepages there are 84 titles plus demos and specials. At the RoN collection on the archive, there are 124 titles, some of which are different versions of the same game.

EDIT: Another place on the archive to download all the RoN games is , which includes all released before January 2023.

Likewise, only a few of the Maniac Mansion Mania games are in the database, while the bulk of the 100+ short games usually are available at HTTP:// At the time of writing, the site seems to be down, though.

Another game by Leafthief is A Heart Between Parts, which finds us playing the role of Frankenstein's Bride. She's been locked in the cellar, and has to escape. Yes, it's an escape game. Well made and fun, with proper old English in the dialogues.

Ben304 made PISS as a part of the Summerbatch 2012. It's high quality, as expected. Don't be fooled by the name of the game.  :-D

Another well-known Ben, Ben Yahtzee Croshaw, made the demo Lee and Perrin: Paranormality, which was abandoned in favour of other projects.

Quote from: TheTMD on Fri 22/03/2024 23:41:07Earth AD: Low Estate by Uma
Quite alternative storytelling in this one. It's a science fiction dystopia story concentrating on storytelling. The puzzles mainly consist of finding the triggers for advancing the story, which I liked, especially the story narrated by the moon. (It makes sense in the context.)

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Prodigal
This is a game drawing heavily on Vampire: The Masquerade lore. It's wordy and may be a bit off-putting to non-fans. That said, the game is well done and I found much to like here. If you don't find vampires fascinating, you may be a bit at odds with the game's central premise, though.
This is another mood piece from Leafthief. Our heroine wants to skateboard again. Why shouldn't she? The reasons become clear soon enough. Sad, yet hopeful game driven mostly by conversation, but there are also other puzzles, including some fiendishly difficult jigsaws.
QuoteVexation Island The Game
Seriously, google this and read what this is a gamification of first. Played on its own, this is a prank and a very bad game. I can't recommend this. Maybe to art lovers who don't play games.
The movie by the same name goes in a loop. And so does this game. It's all slow walking which will eventually get you nowhere.
Nice music and waves, though.
QuoteWormhole - Ch.1 - Remake
All in Spanish. This is a short escape the room game. There are lots of jokes, most of which were lost on me because I only understand very basic Spanish. Fully voiced, beautiful graphics (the creator makes comics) and clearly great stuff for our Spanish-speaking members.
QuoteAnimal Agency
So, here's another game by Uma. This one is even more alternative, telling the story of dreaming/sleeping next to animals and avoiding a breakdown. I think. It's more of an art project than a game, funded by FACT Liverpool. I guess this may appeal to people into introspection or to alternative ways of telling a story, or perhaps light symbolism. I must admit to being a little bored.
QuoteEscape the brothel
This is an easy escape the room game. It comes in two versions, one probably made while quite young, and one with updated graphics 10 years later. Not really offensive, despite the settings, but not really worth the time playing either, except for completionists. A few minutes playtime.


I found some games in Russian:
4 (or maybe 4 seconds) is a sort of investigation game where the player examines what looks like a crime scene. I tried to play with a phone thanslator, but gave up, at least for now.

Graydale demo uses graphics and the world of the Fallout games. This demo has three locations (I think). Russian language, and I didn't understand much.

Buhf also uses Russian language, but this one has graphical puzzles, at least in the start. I played it for a bit, and it felt more like a puzzle game than an adventure game.

On Steam, there are some commercial games: Maggie's Apartment looks like a short game set in one room, which has got very high praise in the comments. Released in 2017 by Anatola Howard and Duncan Cross.

Another Steam AGS game is Outside the Box, which is a NSFW game. Screenshots indicate furry animal-people. The people behind this call themselves "The Circle Jerk(s)".  :-[

A free Steam AGS game is This Game Might Improve Your Memory, which totes itself as one part memory techniques and one part horror game.

Still on Steam, I found The Last Day of Adolf, which has the player play out Adolf Hitler's last day. I doubt this is worth the asking price.

And Gecky the Deenosaur...and a long, silly title, looks even worse. It's tagged AGS, but I'm not sure, and I'm not paying to find out either.

Quote from: TheTMD on Sun 21/01/2024 19:15:12Cabin Trouble, by -BigDaniel-
the download link in the first post is still working, and so is the game
This looks like a great short game. German language only, and quite hard. I haven't finished it yet...may need help from our German friends who played it years ago. The player starts out tied to a chair in a small cabin where there is a bomb on a timer. Excellent animation and voice work.
QuoteGalaxia Quest, from the same author
The last site have a working link: it's the big red button "stàhnout hru"
This is a quite long game, and I liked it a lot. A bit easier than the one above, but there is some pixel hunting required. This is a funny space adventure that doesn't take itself seriously at all. Satisfying story and puzzles, as long as you take it in stride. No sound, German language only.

Quote from: TheTMD on Thu 30/05/2024 18:34:52Penguincy by Morfy
The author wanted to add this to the database, but so far, there is only a Completeted game announcement thread. My own comment was:
Quote from: heltenjon on Sun 02/06/2024 22:14:38This was so much fun! Recommended! The game has cute penguins with different personalities, and puzzles that largely depend on you finding out what makes them tick. ;-D
QuoteWasko the cleaner
Spanish language only. This game starts as one thing, then turns into some other things. Best experienced yourself. Basic Spanish knowledge is a plus, but I guess you can play through it without knowing the language, too. Very weird game.


More games from Steam tagged AGS:

Blackwell Convergence was for some reason never added to the database, even though the other games in the series are present there.

The Adventures of the Black Hawk was released in February, and even has a Completed Game Announcement thread, but it's not added to the database yet.

Gobyworld is available for free on Steam and on It was also announced in our forums in a Completed game announcement thread, but not added to the database. This is an odd game where you play the part of a piece of gum, swallowed by mistake, that has to escape a human body. Including a sort of Wordle-puzzle and a small pink dog that follows you around. Fun one!

Projector Face is cheap on Steam. It was very well received in its Completed Game Announcement thread back in 2016.

Onironauta is in Italian only. It's available on and Steam. It looks like a comedy game. Released in 2017.

NSFWare is on Steam, too, and on and on the archive. Made by Pierre Corbinais for the "Make Something Horrible Jam 2018". He describes it as "WarioWare meets Pornhub. NSFWare is a colorful sex-positive porn game." Despite having several other games in the database, this one was never added. The archive version is free...

Remember Pedro's Adventures in Spanish? Well, it was released in other languages, too. Peter's Adventures in English and Pierre's Adventures in French. This is a long and truly excellent game in its own right, niftly teaching you languages.

Now that Ghostlady is updating her old games, why not point to them? Haunting at Cliffhouse is on Steam. Intrigue at Oldhaven Plantation looks like it may be bought at (haven't tried) while The Hauntings of Mystery Manor, the first in the series, is free from the same site.

Wadjet Eye's Puzzle Bots from 2010 seems to never have been added to the database either. I guess I don't need to tell you it's a good game? Completed Game Announcement thread here.

Proximity Games have several games in the database. They have some games on Steam that are tagged AGS, but it's not easy to say for sure. ( @proximity - if you see this, perhaps you could comment? ) These include Small Sister (a Big Brother game/parody), Sevgilim olur musun?, which is Turkish for "Would you be my lover?" (The English demo for this has an entry in the database, but seems to be lost.) and the post-apocalyptic survival games Insectophobia and Wolf Territory.

Phoenix Tales looks like a game inspired by Quest for Glory. It has a  Completed Game Announcement thread in the forums, dating back to 2019, but was never added to the database. Also available on

The Last Escape of Yeti looks like a hand-drawn game where you control the Yeti. It looks more like an action game than an adventure game.


...and even more games from Steam that are tagged AGS. I cannot always know for sure if they are tagged by mistake, so corrections or comments are welcome.

Lost in the Tomb looks like a Sokoban clone.

Ghostman: The Council Calamity seems to be a space comedy with rudimentary graphics. I think perhaps the author has used AGS for some smaller or unfinished projects, as well. Will edit this post when I have checked his content in more detail.

EDIT: Yup, on his page we can find two unfinished projects that are virtually unplayable, called Murder on the Starlight Express Demo and Ghostman (probably a prototype). I made them run using a copied acwin.exe file. Absolutely unrecommended unless you want everything someone has put out there made with AGS in your collection.

The Antidote is a game where the player is hallucinating and tries to find the antidote. That means that normal logic won't apply much, according to the comments. The game has a Completed game announcement thread in our forums.

Space Raven Quest - Tiny Planet seems to be a short point and click with mature references in the dialogue and descriptions.

Another game with NSFW content is The Secret of FYNDEMOOR Park. This game also has an entry on Abandonsocios, linking to Steam.

Al Emmo: Postcards from Anozira is a hidden object game using the characters from the Al Emmo adventure game. The Completed gane announcement thread is on the forums.

Weed Runner is an adventure game that has the player grow and sell drugs.

The Last Pirate Adventure: Drake's Treasure is a pirate adventure game, of course.


@Blackthorne and the others at Infamous Quests made a one-screen tribute game to Stranger Things. They got the vibes right! The Completed Game Announcement thread is here.

Quote from: tag2015 on Tue 11/06/2024 12:01:23Developer Theo Brochet (aka Rural_walker) released several short games which are no longer available on

The only one I could find elsewhere is Le Lac
I copied this from the GAMESEEK thread in order to have the working link for Le Lac here. This is a visual poem of sorts, or perhaps a poetic walking simulator. The player walks along a beautiful landscape, while lines from the titular poem appear along the way. Beautiful and relaxing, but all the player does, is clicking to keep walking forwards. The game aspect of it is very limited, in other words, but it works as an interactive animation, interpreting the poem. (Which is in French, but there are translations easily available.)

Quote from: TheTMD on Thu 23/05/2024 17:47:42Double update
directly from Italy
The Improbable Humble Escape by ultralooca
the download link to mediafire is still working and so the game
It's like a room escape, but with point & click interface
This one is in Italian only, and it's quite wordy, especially in the dialogues. I played it with a phone translator and escaped. I doubt I would have managed without reading the clues.
Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Putt-Putt Saves The Stew
This game is designed by a child 4 1/2 years old, it says. It's very charming! Kid's drawings and voice makes it hard not to smile when you see this. I suspect there is a bug somewhere, as I and my kids couldn't finish it on our first go, but it made my day anyway.
EDIT: Finished it...I now think I just couldn't get into the mind of a 4-year old the first time. :-)

QuoteKidnapper Escape - room escape
If not for the blue cups in the files and the setup program, I wouldn't have thought this was made with AGS. It's a short escape the room game, 1.2 Gb of hard disk space and five minutes playtime.

Soundless Gobliins-type game, albeit a lot easier. The player has to make a strong elf and a clever elf work together to get Santa ready for Christmas.


A lot of links to check, a lot checked

The russian site seems interesting, i should search through it better


I have an AGS game that is not in any database..

I once uploaded it here with a lot of description as to what it is, what's the reason, etc.

It seems NO ONE read the description and they judged a moped as a ferrari and disparaged me to hell and back.

I don't know what's wrong with people, but if anyone is interested, I can upload my AGS game somewhere and let people play it - AS LONG AS THEY ARE FAIR in their judgment of it. It's a THREE-room game, with a puzzle you can complete, its point is to draw in people that might want to create a TRUE sequel to Maniac Mansion with me. DOTT is great, but its style is different. Thimbleweed Park has a very inconsistent resolution and a pretty silly plot, plus, it does not happen fully in a mansion, and so on.

Nothing quite touches Maniac Mansion as a 'true sequel', so I would be GLAD to upload it to an appreciative audience that knows what it's supposed to be and so on.

Hopefully, we could create a maybe 20-room or 50-room FULL GAME in true (TRUE!!) Maniac Mansion style, not some Amiga version crap or 'Maniac Mansion Mania'-stuff.


Quote from: Schedina on Sat 22/06/2024 10:29:48I have an AGS game that is not in any database..

I once uploaded it here with a lot of description as to what it is, what's the reason, etc.
This thread is meant to provide access to AGS games that otherwise are lost or difficult to find. If you have a link to your game, we would be happy to play it. But I'd rather have it in the regular database, where it would get more views and playtime and feedback. If you have uploaded the game here before, I guess it must be under a different alias, as there is no easily found trace of it now.


@Schedina : Hi Schedina, it would be good to see (and download  (laugh) ) your game

From the evergreen prairies of
Haven't found any page in the forum
NeiroAlice by Russian Hackers
QuoteA game made from early neural networks based on Alice in Wonderland
Not an adventure, more like a simulation

Paradise Road by wiscorror
Well, in page is "Released", the url is "demo"....
QuoteThis is the demo for Chapter 1.  Full Chapter coming October 2024

7 meter away - Oscar and the cell of the soul by Dlou Saiyan

Sinfluencer by "Bideo Bames" Games
In development
QuotePlay as Amelia, a detective working in Perth, Western Australia. Her job is to find a missing person. It won't be easy - they seem to have dropped off the face of the earth!

From the same author
Brine Scene Finvestigation
Scare House


The Funny Boneyard bigger demo can be found on and on the archive. It has a Games in Production thread, but was never added to the database. This one is absolutely worth playing. The graphics are in DOTT style, and the dialogues are full of jokes (which you can decide to read or not, if you want to get on with the game). I liked the humour and the character-driven puzzles. Here's hoping the game doesn't stay in limbo forever.

In the GAMESEEK thread, Cyrus posted these links:
Quote from: CyrusRe: Cadaver Heart - Still in production

Sat 22/06/2024 03:41:08
The project is officially cancelled, but what exists of the game can be downloaded here:

Or played online here:

Apologies for bumping, mods can lock the thread; just wanted to let you know.
This is mostly just showing the locations and graphics. You can walk around, but not really do anything. Pity, it looks good.

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 26/04/2023 20:24:07Monkey Island 4 Testprojekt - It's a post from 2016, but the download link is still functional
This is also just a demo where you can walk around in the Monkey Island world, but not do anything.

This is a very nice game where you have to go around on a space ship and try to save your crew members and find out who the impostor is. It doesn't feel like Among Us, even though there are some similarities. Even without polish, this one is well worth trying.
QuoteZap and Andy
This is as NSFW as it gets, I guess. The player takes the role of a demon who gets different odd jobs or quests in hell. All the characters, both demons and damned humans, are flamboyantly gay and horny males, and the sex scenes, while cartoonish and exaggerated in style, are very graphic. There are mini-games and actual puzzles to solve, and it's pretty well made, even though it won't be everyone's cup of tea, to put it mildly.

QuoteBest Buddies In : Corporate Espionage
This one is a Buddymon fan game. I'm not familiar with the franchise, but had no problem playing the game, which is a pretty straightforward breaking and entering game with some mini-games and code puzzles. The game mechanics relies more on code breaking and understanding the mechanics than traditional inventory puzzles.


by @Falsely

A Stain on the Company
QuoteA short (approx. ~950 words) and vaguely spooky visual novel
The rotating camera made me think to Zork Nemesis

Imposter Syndrome
QuoteA lightly-branching visual novel with only one ending (for now)

from GameJolt
Phil's Adventure - Chapitre 1 by MrGnouf


One from
one billion draculas are trying to break in to your house by 3DdotBastard
QuoteManifested in 24 hours for Sydney Game A Week (week 2)
Use the frickin fullscreen
Yes there is no sound
Bad game?
A joke game, few minutes to complete

and more from facebook, some by AMS Studio, some by others authors

Complete games, in hungarian
A hazaut -
A remény ládája -
Az élet rossz oldala - 1. rész: Hiú remény -
Az élet rossz oldala - Különleges Kiadás -
Harc az öltönyért -

Should be complete games
Bandi Karácsonya -
Bandi kalandjai -

Demo games
Dani Kalandjai: A hiányérzet -
Gordana Deluxe  -

Training game
Origami csillag -


Hi all

johnny gamer makes a sandwich by 3DdotBastard
again, few minutes of gameplay

Interview Gone Wrong by DiggingUpGraves
QuoteInterview Gone Wrong was made for the Anomalous Entity Game Jam.
It's a short game, made in the Adventure Game Studio

Once again an italian game, i'm a bit proud of it :D. Discovered in another forum
In Dip by SimSK
QuoteThe average engineering student just wants to study, and this is exactly the case of our "hero". Until he finds himself involved, against his will, in a research fundamental for the continuation of his studies...
the download link is in the first post of the OldGamesItalia Forum (the "Scarica qui lo zip del gioco" statement), but just to simplify


Quote from: TheTMD on Fri 02/08/2024 19:13:12Interview Gone Wrong by DiggingUpGraves
QuoteInterview Gone Wrong was made for the Anomalous Entity Game Jam.
It's a short game, made in the Adventure Game Studio
I played it. Nice work! I liked the artwork. Somehow, I
think the victims made more of an impression with their faces censored.
You get the message across with just a few drawn lines.  The story has a few WTF moments, and I liked that, even though you use known tropes to shape your tale.

There are a few minor inconsistencies, like getting a message/description that should no longer be valid, or being able to pick up items multiple times, but nothing gamebreaking, and it's not unexpected for a jam game on a strict time table either.

I hope it's the first of many. :)

Quote from: TheTMD on Wed 17/07/2024 19:01:54by @Falsely

A Stain on the Company
QuoteA short (approx. ~950 words) and vaguely spooky visual novel
The rotating camera made me think to Zork Nemesis

This time, Falsely has made a visual novel that has us walking around, trying to find our way in a mysterious abandoned floor in an office building. Creepy! (Also, some cool programming, if you read the devlog.)

QuoteImposter Syndrome
QuoteA lightly-branching visual novel with only one ending (for now)
Very funny short visual novel. I can't give away the main gimmick without spoiling the game.


I think this one is new

I see a few Display being used, so it looks like someone's first AGS game, haven't actually played yet - just quickly ran to check the basics.


This one appears to be old (2016?) but appeared in my radar now

I actually participated in this Ludum Dare I think, but used JS at the time.


Monty's Birthday Bash

Got this one by randomly searching for ags and I haven't seen it in the DB and don't think the author is here in the forums either.


Quote from: eri0o on Wed 27/11/2024 10:13:10Monty's Birthday Bash

Got this one by randomly searching for ags and I haven't seen it in the DB and don't think the author is here in the forums either.

Hi AGSer! Thanks for linking my game. It's fully playable to the "end" when your friends finally come over and wish you a happy birthday. But it's far from finished. I do appreciate you linking it though, it completely slipped my mind to do that here.

I first started using AGS and I have completely fallen in love with it. I am having so much fun using it to make my little cozy horror puzzle game.

Thanks again!


Oh, I somehow I missed the ping! Glad you had some fun with 'em, @heltenjon. All my games are made in AGS, but the ones that don't make it to the database are either ancient student projects or borderline tech demos. :P

The Zork comparison is pretty apt, @TheTMD. Grand Inquisitor is one of my favorite games. One of these days I'll sit down and rewrite the Panorama3D module to be less laggy so I can get some prerendered CGI backgrounds going, but I'm still fond of how things look in 2-bit.

I'd also like to do a full version of Imposter Syndrome one day but it's a low priority right now. That said, some of the characters in it have snuck into my other projects... 🤔


I haven't played and found it by accident, plus it seems it's some niche NSFW thing


Quote from: eri0o on Thu 26/12/2024 15:52:13I haven't played and found it by accident, plus it seems it's some niche NSFW thing
I played it. I read about the other entries, and it indeed looks like a fetish thing about big bellies, but while I guess all the other games can be safely disregarded (unless this is right up your alley), this game actually was very good! Basically, the plot is that the new ZomDogs joint is selling lots of hot dogs at the same time someone has broken into the cemetery. The player takes control of three characters and can switch at will. They have to investigate the case, and given their different personalities, the other characters will respond differently to them. The writing is hilarious (though verbose), the humour largely character driven, the animation and graphics are nicely done, including a zoom in/zoom out effect that's very cool. The story isn't finished, and the game sets the stage for a sequel, and I'm aboard. The fetish thing is touched upon in a humorous way, but this game is far from NSFW, unless cartoon zombies count.


Checking out Urgurgurg's other games (see the post above), there's at least one more AGS game:  Cheetahs are meant to be fast. And while the game still fights the good fight of fat people cheetahs, I must say that I heartily recommend this. It's a great parody of edutainment titles, and boy, does the fourth wall crack!

Back in December 2015, the theme for MAGS was Depleted. One of the participants is not in the database, namely Funkpanzer's Outta' Juice!. This is a sort of action game, where the player has to keep spinners, and then plants, watered (and fertilized). It works well, except that you have to start from scratch every time, and the two first levels are easy, while the third is hard. So having to replay the two first levels gets old quick.

Funkpanzer has a couple more games not in the database:

Nightwork, made for December 2016 MAGS, with the theme Pickpocketing. This game had me running around picking pockets while trying to avoid raising suspicion. Fun and hectic, but I had trouble figuring out the controls, and also by accident fell victim of a game-breaking bug. (But I will get back to it, there was still lots to try out.)

And also The Farm, made for MAGS January 2016, with the cheery topic Black Death. Unfortunately, this links to a corrupt zip file at the archive. It got rave reviews in the MAGS thread, so I hope someone still has this.


Quote from: heltenjon on Sun 29/12/2024 02:59:03And also The Farm, made for MAGS January 2016, with the cheery topic Black Death. Unfortunately, this links to a corrupt zip file at the archive. It got rave reviews in the MAGS thread, so I hope someone still has this.
I still have it, uploaded it here  ;-D


Benjamin Rivers (a quite known indie dev) released a very short AGS game, SNOW. The wayback machine archived it : SNOW


BTW, I think most people are aware of this, but the ScummVM wiki has an enormous AGS games list, if anybody has the time and willpower to cross-check it with the database


Quote from: heltenjon on Thu 26/12/2024 21:37:34
Quote from: eri0o on Thu 26/12/2024 15:52:13I haven't played and found it by accident, plus it seems it's some niche NSFW thing
I played it. I read about the other entries, and it indeed looks like a fetish thing about big bellies, but while I guess all the other games can be safely disregarded (unless this is right up your alley)

Thanks for the kind words about my 'Blue Material'! I've added them both to the database now 👍

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