The juncGames Archive -- Open Source Projects!!

Started by juncmodule, Wed 03/03/2004 20:55:56

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I have decided to release my entire collection of AGS games, source code and all. They are released as a resource for the AGS community though. If you would like to use any portion of them for anything you MUST contact me first.

Here is the rundown:

Keptosh I: The search for junc
Right click save target as
Description: My first adventure game. I make extensive use of the CCS by Scorpiorus.

Keptosh v2.0 DEMO
Right click save target as
Description: The game that never was. This would have been an enormous game. Too bad I walked away from it way too soon. Perhaps someday I will come back to it.

Oogly Adventures
Right click save target as
Description: This started as a test to see if I could create completely original graphics for a game. I still kind of like it.

AGI Template
Right click save target as
Description: I released this some time ago. Didn't get much response. Here it is again.

Spy vs. Spy DEMO
Right click save target as
Description: I was working on this for a few days and never finished it. I used to love playing the Atari ST version of Spy vs. Spy.

A note: I cannot find the full source or even the compiled version of "Tom Hanks Away". I have no freaking idea where I put it. I know I have it, it's just a case of too many backups. :p

UPDATE!: I now have a few different stages of the source! I should be able to put together a downloadable version soon.

If anyone is interested in picking up one of these as a project and continuing with it, let me know. I may be interested in picking one up on a part time basis again as a project director or something.


Darth Mandarb

Awesome resource!

Please come back to Keptosh 2!!!
It was at the top of my list of games I was waiting for!!

Take a few months off ... and then return to it ... ummmm ... please ... ?  


~ d


I'm about 90% positive that I will return to making all four chapters of Keptosh.

v2.0 however, is dead, and will remain dead.

The techniques for drawing characters, backgrounds, etc. took WAY to long. I have to dumb down the graphics a LOT more. I'm much more likely to go back to the Keptosh v1.0 style.

I do think there was a lack of intrest in the Keptosh remake. I may wait until I'm much further into the project next time around before releasing any info. At least be able to dump a demo on the community or something.

If anyone is interested in helping me restart this project drop me a email or IM.

I need 96 backgrounds and 53 characters, so there is plenty of work to go around. I also need puzzle help and coding help. I can code and draw a majority of the work, I just need someone to help with the repetitive work. Mapping out CCS for 53 characters is going to be absolutely massive. Any remake would involve a BASS style interface, no more SCUMM GUI.

Here is the "outline":



That's Excellent Junc, and very generous, I hope this helps people out (including myself)

I'd love to see V2, but from your planing of the other chapters, That's a pretty big job you've got ahead, I really can't wait for it all, so I'm going into hibernation......

........are we there yet.

damnit, it doesn't work like that.

Good luck,



Junc, big cheers for releasing the source. Its very useful. And about Keptosh 2, couldnt you rework it in keptosh 1 stylee, but just more colours. So it doesnt look so agi, i love the agi look but your Keptosh 2 characters would look nice in a simple high colour look.

um i know what im talking about...

anyways, cheers again


QuoteAnd about Keptosh 2, couldnt you rework it in keptosh 1 stylee, but just more colours. So it doesnt look so agi, i love the agi look but your Keptosh 2 characters would look nice in a simple high colour look.

um i know what I'm talking about...

I'm glad you do, because I don't..?? ;D

Perhaps you are missing that Keptosh 2 is just a remake and expansion. The first "chapter" of the game will in fact be the same exact plot as "Keptosh 1". My intention originally was to break Keptosh into about 4 or more games. With Keptosh v2.0 (meaning a upgrade, not sequel) I decided to just cram them all into one game and change the style. Which, it turned out, was a big mistake.

There is about a 90% chance that Keptosh will be redone in the following style:

This is easier to draw, and much quicker.

I hope more people find the resource useful. I have yet to put up the "Tom Hanks Away" source but, I will be soon. I just have to go through a few things...



Cool new style you got there Junc, it reminds me of Yoda stories a bit.

And thanks for the game sources.


Great resource, junc! Do you mind if I link it from the AGS Resources page?


Not at all!

I really don't think it has enough exposure. Very few downloads so far. While you are at it you may want to add

It's the most visited page on my site (607 views this month).

EDIT: I almost forgot, would you consider adding an open source section the AGS games page? Perhaps as a cross category?



and put a fake file of the AGS Source Code in there!
"This must be a good time to live in, since Eric bothers to stay here at all"-CJ also: ACHTUNG FRANZ!

Joseph DiPerla

Wow, very nice. Thanks for the resources. They will be handy.

I think someone should edit the Spy Vs Spy game and make it multiplayer online using the TCP/IP plugin. I always wanted to see that happen.

Thanks again.

BTW: Any news on when you are gonna update your site with those other resources?

Joseph DiPerla---
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It may be some time. I'm busy with a lot of things right now. I have another website to update, my site to update, album to compose and record, 2 games to make, then I need to do silly job and school thing, and somewhere in there spend time with my girlfriend. ::)

Lots o' crap.

I want juncSource to be a little bit more involved than it currently is, so it will be a pretty huge rewrite.

I would love to see someone do something with Spy vs. Spy. I wish I had put more time into it. It is semi-playable as it is, but not much fun.



I really like the AGI Template... though, I downloaded it because I thought it was going to have the old AGI style, with the keyboard commands to move around and the good old text parser...


Edwin Xie

What do I do on Keptosh 2 Demo? I got everything and searched everywhere too. I even made chicken noodle soop! Now what?
Moving at superhigh speed getting to the planet called Earth. But it is boxed in white......thing.....

Joseph DiPerla

Look at the source. All the answers should then be revealed.

Joseph DiPerla---
Play my Star Wars MMORPG:
See my Fiverr page for translation and other services:
Google Plus Adventure Community:


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