Offer Your Services - 2004 to 2011

Started by , Wed 21/04/2004 00:05:24

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I am a Junior Music Composition Major at a well respected university. I've never worked on a video game, but I think I'm pretty good at writing music and all. PM me if you want to work together.


Hi, I'm looking for a project in need of music. My musical background involves many so called "styles" from blues and metal to alternative, folk, retro gaming music and orchestral as in my latest work in progress

Some more samples of my work can be heard here

I don't expect ofcourse any financial reward for freeware games (other than their completion and credit), and I will work in them for the pleasure of doing something I believe in. Commercial projects on the other hand recquire some form of compensation.

Thanx for the read, feel free to contact me either here or prefferably mail me in shadesgrown[at]


Quill O' The Wisp - Forge Homepage


I'm available if you need a voice actor, beta tester, someone to help with story flow or dialogue flow, or even someone to just brainstorm ideas with.


Sorry this was a mistake....


I could do voice work if i'm available...

I've for 4 (Almost 5 now)... worked as a stand up comedian... (Sometimes I even make enough to buy a biscuit afterwards... its that lucrative!)... heres an example (This is a silly video I made).. but i do a number of over the top accents in it... just to give you a taste test of what my voice kinda does...

PS. Do not watch if your easily offended by dark stream-of-conciousness humor...

But I would be willing if I can find the time...

I've also played guitar for about 10 years... and can play both Celtic style folk rock.. and metal and blues style (I've got an old school flair to my playing...) but i could contribute a note or two if you really want... I write a lot of original compositions... and I usually go for something with more mood and feeling... I prefer prettier rock..

I'd be willing to lend my services free... (I'm one of those new age hippies who believe everything should be free...  it reaches more people that way....



Loney Childress

I'm a music composer that would like to work on a game project.   I've written for short films so far but got into composing because of the game music.

Here's an example of my stuff. I tend to do orchestral music but am also capable of rock music, etc

Let me know if anyone is interested, unfortunately there seems to be alot of composers and little demand.


Looks like those looking for music have no shortage of options, but I'd still like to offer my services.

I just graduated with a BA in Music Theory and Composition from my state university. While studying, I wrote a number of chamber pieces and large orchestral works, and also provided music for student film and dance projects.

Now that I'm out of school and have a bit more freedom in choosing projects, I'm really eager to finally try my hand at writing game music. After all, it was game music that first inspired me to study composition.

You can find samples of my music and further credentials at

Thanks. Looking forward to hearing from you guys.


Way back in the day I posted a collection of 30 MIDIs called, of all things, MIDI30.
I just thought I'd mention that these and about 60 other original MIDI files (total: 91 songs) are free for AGS-game use here:

Use, credit, enjoy!

Note: A couple of these were composed for other people's games (Piratefry, Waldo) but I don't think it should be a problem. The vast majority of them were made between 1998-2003 for my own unrealized and uncompleted games. Turn this .zip of my failure into a resource for your prosperity!



Having recently released my third album, entitled The Eye of the Beholder, I am currently looking to get back to composing music for games. By listening to the album you can grasp an idea of what I am into, although, of course, music for games vastly differs. If you're interested in having me on board your team as a musician, do not hesitate to contact me (PM me here). Please provide me with some basic info on the game you are working on, and I shall tell you whether I am up for it.



Writing & Art

A while ago I posted in here offering proofreading & plot-development services. I wanted to update this and mention that I am now also up for character design. Feel free to check out my online portfolio, Born to Wolves, and my semi-regular webcomic, Denim Trousers, for examples of my work.

If it helps, my favourite adventure games are LucasArts classics Sam & Max Hit the Road and Day of the Tentacle. Please note that I am not the best at making sprites or animation, as I am still learning both.

I hope to make my own AGS game or two at some point in the future, but unfortunately, I don't have the time.




Who am I and what am I doing here?
My name is Peter Silk and I've been composing music in one form or another ever since I started messing around with ProTracker on the Amiga, nearly 20 years ago. Now I'm looking to put myself out there for adventure game projects because I've been a fan of the genre since the old, old days and I'd like some more experience of putting music to games.

I'm fairly flexible in my capabilities and can adapt them to quite a few different sorts of music but my main specialities are orchestral-style pieces and NES-style chiptunes.

My musical influences include Michael Land (Monkey Island) & Peter McConnell (Grim Fandango, Psychonauts), old games by Capcom and Konami, film composer Danny Elfman and classical composers JS Bach and Prokofiev. I thrive on strong, memorable melodies and recurring motifs.

You'll get a much better idea by watching and listening to the music reel I recently put together, and I can provide some more examples on request. Do listen all the way through, as I cover various styles.

I would love to be able to work on music all day, but I do have full-time job responsibilities which take up a chunk of it so I will be making music in my free time, alongside other projects that I keep myself busy with. Rest assured, I'm not about to waste anyone's time: if you come to me with a project that excites me, I will happily make the necessary room for it.

If you want to contact me feel free to send a private message or drop an email to peter _dot_ silk _at_ gmail _dot_ com and I'll be happy to discuss things with you.


If you need programmer for project to put game together, pm me.

Looking for free work mainly. Any offer is acceptable.

Have got a 12hr day job. No time free avaiable. Apologies.


I offer my humble knowledge of arts for a simple game. Preferably a begginer project. Fun fun fun b4 all :D
Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
are belong to you


Hey all.

New here but thought I'd offer up some of services in order to gain expereince before moving onto my own game.

I am avaliable for helping people with the plots of their stories as well as cleaning up/rewriting any dialogue you may need, in general I'm avaliable for any story/dialogue related requirments.

I am also avaliable for Music for your game.

If you want samples of my writing or wish to collaborate PM me.


Commission artist available to do character and sprite animations, as well as background art (depending on style).  Artwork available in vector format so can be output at any resolution and in any format.  Please contact me to get a quote or for more information.

A huggamatron trophy!


Hey there.  27/m.  Offering vocal performance.  Try me out!  I don't charge yet.  Will work for coffee beans.  I have a personal computer again, so I can actually record and edit my stuff a bit with Audacity.  Send me a script and I'll try and turn it around for you via mp3 on audioboo.  Also, I've gotten a new microphone since the recordings below were made.  4chan vocaroo thread veteran.  Qualifications: /lit/ /b/ /r9k/ /soc/.  Flamed out on literotica interest.  No subject matter too unusual!  Can sing sometimes!  Have heard of improvisation once!  Prefers a script though!   

Last game completed:  Gabriel Knight 3.  GK4 is due out soon, right?  I"M  SO EXCITED.

(email preferred.)



I'm a British actor, I haven't done much V-O before but I REALLY want to do some videogame voice acting. I'm flexible, and can do American accents if required. I do not require payment or anything, just an enthusiastic and communicative team leader :)

Here are some samples I've recorded:

Just a couple of different voices for you to enjoy :) Please contact me if you want me to do voices for you!

'Hallow's End: Everyone goes there eventually'


I can voice act for any teenage, child or any medium to medium-high roles. I also can help with story and plot and some such stuff.
Current projects:

ZORK I: THE VGA GRAPHICAL REMAKE (Now with EVEN MORE puzzles, MORE story and character development, and SO MUCH CHEESE!)
Here is the site... yay for advertising!->



I'm willing to do proof-reading, play-testing, and any other grunt work you may have in store :)
I've been around for a long time and know the community well.
I can also help with puzzle or story design if needs be. Don't hesitate to PM me.

Warm regards,
Your resident owl

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