Still working on my game!

Started by paolo, Sun 24/01/2016 19:09:09

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It looks like the Games in Production thread for my game, This City at Night, might be locked as I can't see a reply button there, so I'm posting a quick update here.

Anyway, I'm still working at it. Just the last big scene to complete and a fair bit of tidying and bug fixing to do. And I've FINALLY upgraded to v3.3.4 from ye olde v2.7.1 :) It took quite a bit of effort (including buying a new PC) to get everything working with the new version but now it's so much easier to do stuff.



@paolo - if the GiP thread is locked but you are still working on the game and have meaningful updates to post, you could PM Darth Mandab asking him to remove the lock.  The locks are there so that we don't have a million threads of vapourware that get bumped by people asking "so when is this going to get made?" 3 years after the last post!

Darth Mandarb

Are you referring to This City At Night?

The last post was by you and was almost 5 years ago so I can't remember why it was locked (or even if I was the one who locked it (usually if I lock a thread I comment as to why I'm locking it so I'm guessing it wasn't me that locked it)).

If you want to post an update let me know!  The first post will need to be updated (the screenshots are dead) but we can certainly unlock it if you want.

Let me know (send a PM as Sir CaptainD suggested, I don't frequent this board all that often and might miss the reply!)


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