Swarm Development: Postmortem

Started by Baron, Thu 21/04/2011 04:58:20

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Another cool work Big GC
You work faster, then Baron can update the "to-do-list"  :o

There are still some points left and since it seems to me, that you are  â€žhaving a run“, you might also want to study this list over here (Points 3., 4. and 7. , 8. ) for some more challenges ;)

Crimson already „placed his flag“ to Point 5 and Armageddon to Point 6, so we should wait for their results (or cancellation [what I don't hope]) to this.

draculated Big GC:  You are not infected by the swarm! You are assimilated  ;D


Thanks for linking that list again Tabata. I am now making a list of the needed sound effects. I might be adable to provide a few myself later on.


 I've recently noticed this awesome thread and i want to contribute :D  Right now i'm doing a close up for the ginger scientist, i'll post it later so you can say if you like it
"Loose ends have a way of strangling you"


Quote from: Cleanic on Sun 21/08/2011 14:40:29
I've recently noticed this awesome thread and i want to contribute

The SWARM at work. Dear lord, what have we done?


Quote from: Ghost on Sun 21/08/2011 15:02:19
The SWARM at work. Dear lord, what have we done?

Wonderful - isn't it? ... reminds me of the pied piper of Hamelin

â€" come on my dear draculated members - mooooooooore!


I really like how the first background (and the other one) (no offence to the original) we're a bit cleaned up (style wise, the dithering) so it's easier to draw sprites on them. Kind of sad I toiled overthat freaking chair for an hour or so just so it won't clash with the background.  ;D

This is going really well as a project, maybe a tad over time limit, but still, it'll look real nice when it's done.
I don't want the world, I just want your half


Here's my list of needed sound effects so far. I'm not sure if there more to the game in the lastest build that I've missed. I got untill you can let the guard slip. There is probably more but I didn't know how to progress further.

- An alarm when the proffesor mentions it.
- An evil laughter from the proffesor.
- A wiggle free sound.
- Exploding dog sound.
- Sound for when you break free.
- Change glass sound.
- Laser sound.
- A hiss when the player stands under the crufix (and in uv-light).
- Door opening after the laser.
- Putting off the light.
- Going through the door.
- Maybe a sound of the probe flying around.
- A sound when the guard slips.
- A sound when the gaurds gets electrified.
- The guards shooting.
- Maybe a sound when biting.
- Twins crashing through the wall. 

I'll probably be adable to provide a few of these sound effects.


@ Buckethead:   ... there is much more ;)


Here it is

I really didn't know if i had to make it realistic like Secret Fawful's girls or more cartoony like abstauber's doc, at the end it came out quite cartoony...
what do you think?
"Loose ends have a way of strangling you"


I really like the ginger bearded bloke! Great job:)


Some talking! (i made just 3 cause you know, he has malocclusion, it's not like i'm lazy)
am i part of the swarm yet? :P
"Loose ends have a way of strangling you"


Nice work everybody.  I've undertaken some nightmarish renovations this past week but things are now reassembled enough that I'll be able to devote some time to AGS again.  Top on my priority list is to get these awesome animations implemented!

@Big GC:  Your animations are all superb and will add considerable visual appeal to the game.  Good work, sir!  I especially commend you on using the robotic arm for taking in both directions (and not coping out by just flipping the frames).  Uber kudos.

@Cleanic: That is the perfect scientist look, IMO.  You can see the buck-toothed nerdy boy that still lurks awkwardly behind the man beard.  Nice.

@Everybody: The Swarm lives!  Things got a little quiet over the middle of the summer, but I can feel the energy pulsing through this thread once more.  Keep it up!

Big GC

Cheers Baron and everyone who likes them.

I actually think I might have a shot at the scientist climbing his console and swing a broom madly.

Unless there is anything more necessary that needs animating first.
Making a game - this should be easy......?




Doesn't look quite wizened enough to be a scientist. :P
"But with a ninja on your face, you live longer!"


I think he looks good!
As far as I remember from the dialogs, one scientist explains things to the other one, so it's accurate to have one of them appear rather young and inexperienced :)


I love that sprite(icey's), so I think it definitely needs to be there. It's really good.
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Big GC

Allrighty - cowardly scientest climbs his computer console and starts swining a broom.

I broke them into a climbing animation and a swinging animation.

I 'stuck' the broom  on top of the console and also added the top left part of the computer console to help line it up in game a bit easier.

I went a little overboard so there are alot of frames. Instead of uploading them here try take them straight from my AGS albumn on photobucket


If that dosnt work I will paste them all here, just didnt want to slow the page down
Making a game - this should be easy......?

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