What are your favorite/most hated Adventure Game Puzzles

Started by rtf, Sat 24/07/2004 21:30:13

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Most hated: Any puzzles in Schizm. ;)

Though particularly the one involving memorising the sounds, and working out the symbols they were associated with for a code of some sort. I mean, its an interesting idea, using sound as a puzzle, but the darn thing just drove me barmy.

Favourite: Insult sword fighting (MI1&3) :)


Myst must have been a nightmare for ye then.

Guard puzzles I dont really mind, but I think it would be a good idea if they were done in a new way. Instead of bribing or distracting these annoying people, how about cunningly blowing them up with an extremly volatile lighter? Maybe cliched, but its damn amusing.

The Deviant Gent
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I liked the puzzle in fallout2 of finding the pieces needed to activate the car, not so much that it was a great puzzle, but it was difficult, and the best part was the reward.  a nice set of wheels.


I don't know if this is counted as a puzzle, maybe not… but I HATE parts of a game where you have walking deads lurching around while you have to solve a variety of puzzles… and this is what almost put me off SP4 and 7days…

Because, take SP4 for example, I was walking around taking stabs in the dark, and just as I was about to leave the screen, that zombie thing rocked up… but at least it had a realistic progress system (while in 7days, the guys just pop up randomly). 

The reason I hate this is because I feel puzzles take time, and patience, and I don't need to feel that something is probably going to get me if I don't hurry, or feel under constant pressure, specially if it's a really obscure puzzle. 
Anyone else feel this way? 
"The world is my oyster...but i don't like sea food"


I can see where you're getting at... But if its the kind of atmosphere the game is trying to create, such as in 7 Days, then it can be done very well.

If its just there for the hell of it, then its pointless and bad storytelling.

Another good example is MI2. It worked really well, generally because it was the kind of deneumont that was kinda expected. Same as 7 Days.
The Deviant Gent
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My most favourite puzzle is in under a killing moon.
Where you have to get ,a cup fill up cup in swimming pool
pour water into jug, continue this until jug is full.So you
can retrieve item in jug cause the neck of jug is too small
to put hand in to retrieve item


Every puzzle in Schism sucked my hairy ass.  I still can't believe I squandered all those hours trying to figure out what to do just out of spite. :P

Best puzzle ever... probably using the used stoggie in SQ4 to see the laser beams.  I still giggle at the thought of Roger taking those big hauls...


I hate anything with a maze... for example the dungeons in KQ5 or the desert.  UGH.  I always hated stair climbing in the early KQ games... I ALWAYS fell off.  OH... and climbing the whale tongue in KQ4.  OH... and HATED the part with ogre in KQ4, where you had to sit in that stupid closet and wait for him to get the hen and go to sleep.

Favorites... 5 guards on Isle of Wonder in Kq5.  They were funny.  QFG... doing anything with magic... especially the wizard duels. 
The hardest thing in this world... is to live in it. (Sarah Michelle Gellar as Buffy Summers in "The Gift")


I don't like any of the puzzles that go:





I'm afraid the Space Quest games are particlaurly gulty of that. My least favourite was the hover-rink-race-escape-thing in SQ4. Particularly challenging (i.e. impossible) on Windows XP.

To make myself even more unpopular, I love any Myst-esque puzzles where you have to decode an alphabet or number system or memorize symbols or noises or make a chart...

*Ali meanders off into nerdish ramblings*


I loved the hamster puzzle in DOTT.

I hate maze puzzles, like the bone walls in MI2, the jungle in BS2 and so on. I always hate small games in the game, like monkey kombat and the rock thing from MI4, or the car crash derby in FT.


Hated - Those timed games where the bad guy is headed for you and you have to shoot him/pull the rug out from under him/hit him in the head.  I _always_ die several times...
Probably because I turn the game speed up so high.
But I'm going to pretend it's not my fault.


I loved the tomb/code/bug/maze puzzle in Gabriel Knight, every "puzzle designer"  should take it as example...  it "starts" at the beginning of the game (you write down the symbols on the tomb) and you finish it way later (where you write your own message in order to  find the cult) .

It's great because it's complex enough without seeming artificial, it's perfectly integrated with the story and require logic and ingenuity from the player.


The "weapon" making puzzles in Fascination, where you have to save a female photographer... And another one, where you have to "disable" a police inspector.


Most hated: The one I'm stuck on right at the moment.

Favourite: Can't remember, but I like driving off the seagull (to get the herring) in MI1 and anything that involves PUSHing people in Indy 4 or DOTT.
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.



Uh, no, I was referring to Fate of Atlantis, even though it isn't LucasArts' fourth Indiana Jones game. Last Crusade was the third movie, so the game to that is Indy 3 (for me at least) and the game after it (FoA) becomes Indy 4.
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.


Right, the evil movie-game connection. Gotcha! I was afraid I've missed two games.


FoA was the fourth Indy game, actually. Look:

Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis 1992
Indiana Jones and The Fate of Atlantis: The Action Game 1992
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Graphic Adventure 1989
Indiana Jones and The Last Crusade: The Action Game 1989
Indiana Jones in Revenge of the Ancients 1987
Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom 1985

So assuming you count both Last Crusade games as one game rather than two, there you have it, FoA was the fourth Indy game created...




Has to be out of DOTT or the MI series, Possibly The Ryming insult sword fighting in MI3, not only was it puzzle solving but great fun!

And in DOTT, possibly the hamster too, Time Puzzles in that game were very clever. But some like the hammer thing were purley luck for me, though

The Worst:

Ah the worst were probably the ones SO BLOODY STUPID i probably cheated on them. Lets see what would be the perfect candidate...

Full throttle, that part where you got to hit the right bit of the wall at the right time, OH MAN That got on my nerves, a case of you know what to do and how and when but takes you lots of times just to get the right set of pixels.

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