Chronicle - a Film Noir Adventure

Started by Blobby 101, Sat 02/07/2011 11:11:29

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Blobby 101

Hey everyone, first up just wanted to say that I received an email from Grant Naylor (the company, not either of the people) asking me not to continue with my Red Dwarf game, presumably something to do with their plans to bring back the show on Dave.

So that was a bit of a shame, I guess it's my fault for choosing to base my first real project on copyrighted material xD Anyway, this is my new game, Chronicle, It's an adventure game inspired by film noir and the art syle of Frank Miller. Not wanting to give too much away, here are some screens:

The notebook.

The desk.

An interesting newspaper report.

I'll be putting up some more info/pics later :)



Pity about the Red Dwarf game (you might want to change your sig btw), but at least you've now joined an elite list of people who've been told to stop making their game!  ;D ::)

New game looks interesting, hope development goes well.

Blobby 101

heh, yeah - good point about the sig xD

Thanks though, I hope it goes well too :P
Those screens all all from the desk area, it's where the game starts and you go back there after each chapter. I've planned this game out a bit more than Red Dwarf where I pretty much just jumped in at the deep end!


Guybrush Nosehair

Is the game entirely in black and white? That's such an awesome idea, I can't believe I never thought of it!

Blobby 101

heh, yeah - the game is entirely in black and white. I'm considering allowing a few more shades of grey though, the harsh B/W style might make some backgrounds a bit hard to make out properly :P



Guybrush Nosehair

A few more shades of grey might not hurt, but be sure not to over do it. If I may make one minor suggestion, I don't really like how the print around the main article in the newspaper is blurred out. I agree that something should be done to remove attention from it, but to me, it gave the opposite affect. Anyway, if that's my only complaint, it looks like this will be pretty amazing.

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