Beyond Reality - Newer, more AWESOME update on Main Page

Started by Meowster, Sun 06/07/2003 02:13:39

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I forgot. I didn't sleep last night, so it's tomorrow already. I'd better dig something up.

Here we go. For all the nice people, who bother to check the main thread page for updates, or perhaps the suckers that were lured here with the promise of chocolate and bunnies:

d00d! It's cutscene graphics! But even though it looks nice and all... it isn't animated. At all. Not one bit. So much for that. And no, there is no chocolate, and no bunnies, and no chocolate bunnies. Nothing. Zilch. Naut. That is what you get for repeatedly believing a liar. Ha! False hope! I love it!

Maybe I'll try animating for my next project. But I don't even have a program to put cels together right now, so enough about that!

Happy Halloween.

Oh geeze, I only just posted on page 5 of this thread, the new update. Now I have nothing to update with here, and I'm all out off coffee-and-self-multilating-insect stories. Okay, wait, I'll think of something.

Bah. It would have been fine if I hadn't called this update "slightly more awesome" than the last, but now it has a reputation to live up to. Oh man. Okay. Give me a few minutes, I'll think of something to make it awesome. I promise.

Okay, maybe later. Like, tomorrow. Yeah. Tomorrow.

Great, we have a bunch of new helpers! Although... I'm not entirely sure what they're meant to be doing yet. I mean, you know when you just hang around, expecting somebody to tell you to do something but they never do? Uh huh.

Oh wait, I just got an email. Hang on...

Oh, that was just one of my associates. Anyway, here are the helper people.

SSH - Programmer, Counselling
Petteri - Music
Vel - Man Servant

Well, if you're reading this and you're not any of those people... fear not! There are plenty more positions open for man-servants.

Now, I have phone calls to make and business associates to remove from my leg, so if you will excuse me...

I'll just wait here 'til somebody calls me....

Yufster Out.


Names may be changed, backgrounds do not represent the final quality of the finished product, no similarities to actual people intended except for Monica Lewinsky, yadayada I think you know the drill....  ;D)

Website here. Exclusive Screenshots and... Also information on OTHER, GREAT new games! All one of them.

Ian is spending the night in a Family Run Motel when a small child is attacked by a cloaked demon. A girl called Aya intervenes, but too late... The demon escapes, and the child is left in a coma. Aya explains to Ian that the Dream Catchers are from the Dream World, and are stealing the minds of children. Somehow an opening has been created, a hole between Reality and Dreams. Nobody knows exactly why or how. The only way to find the missing minds of the children is to enter the Dream World...

...Which is a place that Ian is pretty familiar with anyway.

Ian has to sleep like he's never slept before to save the day.

Ian's particular Dream World is compiled by his own thoughts and imagination. He must find a way to break from his own subconscious into the dreamworld of the Dream Catchers and rescue the lost minds.

His Subconscious is split into three areas, Ridiculous Cliffside Village, Foreboding Mountain and Mysteriously Innocent Town. He is free to travel these areas for most of the game.

Non-Linear Gameplay
A large section of the game takes place
within the Dream World Map. Ian can
solve the puzzles in any order he wishes.

Lovable Characters
If you like alligators and piranhas, you'll
love these characters.

Original Storyline
I pride myself on the fact I wrote the entire
story and plot, sewing up plotholes and
writing puzzles, way before I started
the graphics and programming.

Loads of other Really Neat Stuff!
Like free chocolate and money for all!

Are, believe it or not, complete

I am looking for a composer with a style that
will suit the games atmosphere. Probably,
I'll release a demo before I get a musician.

Just under one half of the backgrounds are
completed, and a few sprite animations

Is not my strong point. Only a few loosely
connected rooms for testing the backgrounds.


Due sometime in a distant future... possibly Christmas 2003 if I have a lot of free time (which I plan for, as I'm doing Transition Year! Buwahahhaa!

Wait, let me rephrase that....

(with possible short, year long delays :D :D :D)

I'd love any comments, critisism or ...(?)....oh yeah, suggestions (my mind is going ???)

Give it to me straight Doctor.

Yes! More, Doctor, More!

... ???


 :o wow, those backgrounds are excellent, i love the way the light from the windows is reflected on the ground and the general style is really nice!
the only thing i don't like is that logo banner thingymawotsit, it hurts my eyes...
the story sounds great too, i've often thought of setting a game inside a dream, but with slightly stranger results :)
good luck getting it finished!

Limey Lizard, Waste Wizard!


Holy Crap!1 This game is going to totally slap the cat's ass!


I love the story you given us, and the BG's totally rule. I'm very jealous that you've got the story/plot/script finished. Actually, more envious than jealous. For Leitor's Edge I've got the main idea down, but the inbetween stuff is a major blur ;) You rock, girlie!

And you've scored major points on the promotion you've got here. Everybody should take hints from this (like many others' threads) and my Monkey Wrench one ;)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


It does? Oh excellent. Now I feel even more compelled to complete it.

Boyd: I have the light on my screen turned down, so it's fine for me, you probably have it up wayyyy high and then yes, it hurts... I will change that.... and the light on the grass I was actually gonna change because I think it stands out too much (But changing things in Dpaint after using a gradient is, as the french say, De La Bitche)

Snake: Leitors Edge slaps the TIGERS ass, if you abandon that game I will kill myself in a manner similar to the character in it. As for the Script/Story/Plot/Puzzles, I don't usually, but I decided this time, I really, really really, really had to. And I did. 20 mugs of coffee, but I did it.


Good deal, it's a MUST finish. This is definately on my waiting list  8)

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


Snake, you telling me that is like God telling me I have a purpose in life. That said, I'm going to ritually whip myself every day, morning noon and night until it's complete.


Wow. I'm impressed. Finish this one, please. I'll give you an dollar.


Hell yeah! I'll give you an dollar too....

Really, this looks like it'll rock, good crap...


this reminds me of a game I was working on:

IT WILL BE FINISHED I SWEAR!!!! (this is just for people who've heard of the game since ever like Trapezoid and Grundislav :P)

Femme Stab Mode >:D

I can't goddamn wait fot this game!  :o


@Netmonkey: Heh, there's always a game around here that reminds you of one of your games ;) CONSPIRACY???

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


looks awesome, smells good, and tastes great!


Looks great! Cant wait to play it.


Argh - What can I do other than agreeing with everybody else? This looks fantastic! I love the graphic style, the plot is interesting, and if I get free chocolate and money too, what is there to complain about?
Besides, when you have a Monkey Island-styled map, what could go wrong?

Finish it, for god's sake! ;D

Pet Terry

Sounds and looks nice! Good luck with this one.
<SSH> heavy pettering
Screen 7


Great graphics.  8)

This game should be great!!!

Is not my strong point. Only a few loosely
connected rooms for testing the backgrounds

What are the difficulties you are having with the programming?


Well the only problem I'm having with programming is my complete lack of it....

I started using AGS recently but figured that having used RPGmaker I'd know the basics about variables and suchlike. I also figured that I'd pick little bits and pieces up as I finished the artwork. I wanted to get the Art, Story, Puzzles and Design finished first because then I'd feel more compelled to work on sewing it together, so I figured that I'd have time to work out more complex programming as I finished the graphics. I figured an awful lot.

On the other hand, if my game goes as planned (And it is planned down to every last detail) then it could quite possibly be rather hard to make certain parts work... IE the largest section of the game being non linear in a kind of "MI2 The Three Islands" kinda way... solve either puzzle first.... might be difficult. I can make cutscenes on AGS, but still might find more difficult stuff impossible :D

So, depending or not on whether everything goes as planned...

I may need somebody to help me sew :D

EDIT: Hey, which reminds me, I have to proof test my puzzles. Would anybody volunteer to read over em and make sure they're not too hard?

Matt Brown

ill give u a dollar too
word up


You have no idea how much this thread compelled me to finish it :)

Matt Brown

yeah, I felt that way when people responded to my thread...which for some reason...they have stopped...even after I came out with a demo...

word up

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