Download the Daemons In The Attics Demo

Started by , Sat 11/10/2003 14:19:18

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The music is from 7th guest indeed. by some freak accident I found an old version of The Dancing Baby Screensaver in a store... bought it... and tell you what, there was such a huge collection of (mostly very good) midi files on the CD, including lots of tracks from computer games (there's the whole track list from kyrandia 1, for example). The midi files are not ripped but actually done by fans, and there seems to be no copyright on them...
Does anyone know if it is legal to use these? I think I'm safe as long as I keep DITA a fan project, but if anyone knows the exact legal situation, I'd like to learn more.

DITA has grown a lot in the last few days... it's now larger than 1Meg, even zipped, and so I think I'll just keep on working, finish the thing and then... okay, this is tricky. Anyone here knows a good site for getting free internet space? I'd really appreciate any useful links.

Your feedback surely made me proud. I'm working hard to make the game enjoyable, and even though my term just started, I'll try to find time to get things done SOON.


For webspace, you might want to refer to this thread:;action=display;threadid=7920

About the legal status of the MIDI: Technically you'd need the permission from both the person who "arranged" it (made the MIDI) and the composer (an employee of Virgin I suppose). As the "fan" who made the MIDI didn't get the permission form Virgin in the first place, I'd might be even more difficult (as she/he made the MIDI without permission and the distributor of the CD might not have the right to take them off the web and press them on the CD and sell it, but I'm speculating here). However, I think it's really quite techincal. It seems incredibly unlikely that Titus/Interplay or whoever has the rights on the 7th Guest right now would care and if they care, take any legal action whatsoever.

DISCLAIMER: I don't give legal advice and make no warranty whatsoever. ;)

Oh, and your avatars seems to be broken.
I look just like Bobbin Threadbare.


that looks quite promising, although i don't quite like the main chara Bev. Looks like a plain, hollow blonde to me.

in another threat you said your game would be released september. it's december. whre's your game, then?

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