Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => AGS Games in Production => Topic started by: Sola on Thu 22/12/2005 08:11:16

Title: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Sola on Thu 22/12/2005 08:11:16
Concept Rejuvenated Studios presents:

Heaven and Earth: Quest for Oy'nix

The Story:

Long ago, when creation was young and virgin, the Immortals reigned.This era called the 'Golden age' continued for millenia until...
Man was to be created and to some,this meant the extinction and end of the reign of the gods.Now an envoy has been sent to find the last remaining priest who is believed to possess the knowledge to stop this act of the divine.

(All screenshots are in-game graphics, pls at the time of taking this screenshot,I hadn't worked on the cursors)

Development Progress:
Story: 100%
Scripting: 45%
Graphics: 100%
Sound/Music: 25%

Expected completion date: October 2006

Download it from:

Take note though it will only be up for 7 days starting from today.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Nikolas on Thu 22/12/2005 08:16:26

Your screenshot is not showing because you put it wrong. You don't need to put the url (putfile) here. Just use:


And it will show the screen shot.

Also you will need a second screenshot to show (FORUM RULES)

Now about the game:

The graphics look superb! The cursor awfull, but I'm sure that you will change it, or have some other GUI. And the story seems very compeling.

And the best part: It's almost complete! Another game to await its release...
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Sola on Thu 22/12/2005 09:51:34
Now before we get all excited about this 'game' it's probably best if I explained the nature of this here adventure.

i.First and foremost 'HEAVEN and EARTH' is NOT your regular stereotype adventure game... it's more of an interactive movie featuring a lot of FMVs (actually translate that to mean A WHOLE LOT!) :o

ii.Instead of puzzles,you get dialogs and Videos

iii.Pre-rendered Graphics

iv.Speech pack included
v.Immersion and Depth
vi. Unusal Character AI
vii. 3d FMVs
viii. Original Music

As far as Stereotypical adventure games go, H&E stands on its own 
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Elliott Hird on Thu 22/12/2005 09:53:30
Ah, no, it doesn't. It's an *shudder* FMV adventure.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Shane 'ProgZmax' Stevens on Thu 22/12/2005 10:30:30

Sola- after reading your description I'm not sure where you're going with this game.  You say there will be a 'whole lot' of FMV's and dialogs INSTEAD of puzzles?  Does this mean you go through the game watching things happen?  This doesn't sound like an interactive movie so much as just a movie since interaction implies more than clicking through dialogs imo.  I do like the look of the screens you've shown and I think it would be a shame not to have some actual gameplay elements (problem solving, action) involved.  Good luck with it.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Sola on Thu 22/12/2005 14:04:09
I think I owe you all an apology...
Probably,my explanation or rather description of this 'game' falls short.
Actually when I said 'a whole lot of FMVs' I meant this:
You play the game using the FMVs to advance you into the slightly complex storyline,but the interactive aspect would require a decent use of brain power in making decisions via dialog choices and inventory related situations.
You may not find the stereotypical brand of puzzles that require number placement or keypad combinations,etc...
What I've tried to put together is an experience that places you in a fully interactive world(or series of worlds),where you solve problems of a less intellectual nature. The real power of this 'experience' is the character AI which although is not (yet) revolutionary,enhances the gamplay and increases the immersion.
It's just kinda different from an adventure game developed 'by the book'. ;)
Oh I also tried inventing a new type of battle system to enhance the action.
So expect fights,bloodbaths,squabbles betwixt lovers etc...

This is my first public AGS game...FREEWARE. (Although I forsee people asking me why its not commercial).

Oh why not:

One of the game backgrounds...
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: futonrevolution on Thu 22/12/2005 18:38:10
Those screenshots are mighty pretty...

So, if I understand you right, Heaven & Earth is light on puzzles involving inventory or hotspots but heavy on dialogue puzzles and *really* heavy on animation? I enjoy the hell out of dialogue puzzles, character development and anything that shows a "new" way to use AGS so I'm sure to be a happy boy when this comes out.

Your story desciption's a little puzzling, though. The protagonist's initial mission is to prevent the creation of Mankind? So... is the priest a member of an pre-human servitor race, a prototype human or do the Immortals worship each other?
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Mordalles on Thu 22/12/2005 19:56:15
Quote from: Sola on Thu 22/12/2005 14:04:09
(Although I forsee people asking me why its not commercial).

hehe, people might see that as a bit arrogant. haha.

anyway, looks really nice. i like the last screnie the most with the planet/moon in the background with the glow. has a really nice feel and atmosphere to it.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: RcG on Thu 22/12/2005 20:37:32
Quote from: ProgZmax on Thu 22/12/2005 10:30:30
You say there will be a 'whole lot' of FMV's and dialogs INSTEAD of puzzles?  Does this mean you go through the game watching things happen?  This doesn't sound like an interactive movie so much as just a movie since interaction implies more than clicking through dialogs imo.

What's wrong with that, The Original Quest of Life I made with my friends was mostly about watching things happen. At given times you were asked what to do next. There was only one right choice to make though, and a wrong choice usually killed the character  :P.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Sola on Fri 23/12/2005 01:00:56
Firstly, I apologise for sounding arrogant. I honestly didn't mean it.
I'd really love to explain further but I'd be damaging the element of surprise as well as giving away most of the plot :-\
I can however, let you in on the concept behind the gameplay...
I intended YOU the player/explorer to be fully immersed in the virtual world.
Most people would say the 'game'( actually I prefer to call it EXPERIENCE)is in pre-rendered 3d and thus does not possess the 360 degree FoM(Freedom of movement),that's where the FMVs come in.It's a gamble!when players get bored with the 2d flatness along comes a mind-blowing 3d cutscene that not only inspires you to continue, but also provides insight concerning the unexperienced parts of the well...'experience' ;D
Like I mentioned earlier,this might dissapoint many AGS veterans in that it is unorthodox.The first thing you would notice is the freedom to explore and the tendency to drift!
Don't try to play it as you would a standard Adventure game(my favourite genre by the way) instead let the game guide you to the point where you begin to take responsibility for your actions.

A little patience...I'm trying to upload one of the FMVs for y'all to see.

edit by darth - double post combined.  Please use the modify button instead of double posting.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Mozesh on Fri 23/12/2005 14:22:21
Hey Sola, looks pretty damn good. I like these kind of games, the graphics look really good, could you tell us a bit about how you make them? (especially the movies ;).
I'm working on an ags game myself using 3d graphics *hint hint people* and I have planned loads of cutscenes but I got some problems with it, because of using several hard to combine stuff.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Spitfire on Mon 02/01/2006 19:40:26
What program do you use to create those?
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Sola on Thu 20/04/2006 16:50:02
A reminder to check here for the Demo:

If the link doesn't work, let me know will you? ;D

Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Gord10 on Thu 20/04/2006 18:33:07
The link didn't work for me now :(
The game really looks promising, by the way! Good luck with it.
Title: Re: Heaven and Earth
Post by: Sola on Sat 06/05/2006 00:39:13
Here's a new Download link:

It's going to be here for 7 days starting now.