Fan Club - screenies added

Started by Totoro, Tue 03/02/2004 00:40:57

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Added two screenshots to the main post


What software are you using for your Bgs (and chars)?
Roses are #FF0000
Violets are #0000FF
All my base
are belong to you



Totoro, do you have her number, please?



The backgrounds are basically drawn in paint, then I use a strange mixture of paint shop pro and photo shop elements (because I cannot handle any of those two 100%) creating gradiants using lucasfilm-adventure graphics pallettes and some tweaking by hand, which looks better than just using thos "asscrap" gradients which come with paint shop pro.
For the characters I am using, as mentionied before, Poser. I just love the programme too much, not especially for character making,but for doing all kinds of things, I have been addcited to it for two years now. But I don't want the characters to have that evil poser-look, so I am dealing with lighting in poser and postwork in paint shop pro. I am also looking aroud the net to find appropiate characters and costumes for my actors...
Mmmh maybe I should say I drew them all by hand, but someone would realise anyway :P

Mods, her number is 555-.... I was told in American movies or tv shows all telephone numbers start with 555 because there are no 555 numbers in America, so I am sure you can get Brittany's number by trying some 555 combinations ;)

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