Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => AGS Games in Production => Topic started by: SillySue on Sun 14/03/2004 05:20:33

Title: Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients
Post by: SillySue on Sun 14/03/2004 05:20:33
Yes, its true.

I have given up on Space Quest 2 too. Its the worst game to make. I have found an old text adventure and I'm remaking it with graphic.

Its called Indiana jones and the revenge of the ancients.

Title: Re:Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients
Post by: Snake on Sun 14/03/2004 05:41:19
Can never have enough Indy games :)

But let me ask you this. If that SQ game was too hard for you, shouldn't you work on a little test game instead of choosing another big game and PROMOTING it first? How much do you have finished?

Anyhoo, I wish you luck. Hopefully you finish this one,

Title: Re:Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients
Post by: Meowster on Sun 14/03/2004 10:04:00
This is possibly the worst attitude to game making ever.

Last game too hard, so you gave up. Found an old text adventure.

You have provided no information on the game but for three screenshots (Did you make them yourself or take them from the old game?). No story, no music, no character sprite.

How long before you cancel this one too?

Title: Re:Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients
Post by: SillySue on Sun 14/03/2004 10:19:17
Oh grow up both of you. No one was interested in Space quest 2 as a remake, so I had to do it by myself. Its not easy. To much work for one person!!I lost my passion for that game because of that reason.

I only got up to when Roger was kidnapped and he crash landed in the jungle.

Indiana jones will be good, too bad you'll never be able to play it.
Title: Re:Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients
Post by: on Sun 14/03/2004 10:46:46
If nobody here will be able to play it why the hell do you anounce it?

by the way good luck... :-\
Title: Re:Indiana Jones and the Revenge of the Ancients
Post by: Snake on Sun 14/03/2004 12:13:29
Grow up?
Read the forum rules, Jackass. PM me when you've got a significant amount done on this and I'll unlock it.
