
Started by , Fri 14/07/2006 17:17:16

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Hand Of Omega

Ok so this is the first game i'm going public on so be kind


Wilson James in:

The Story

You are a young detective called in to investigate an accusation that a priest has been stealing money from the local collection,

After the story goes public the priest is found murdered in the church, a revenge killing? or somthing much more sinister, The Word "Avaritia," is scrawled across the church wall in blood...

But this isn't the first murder committed in these circumstances, and it's certainly not the last.

Ok - I did say it was my first game

Screen Shots: (well example of artwork anyway)

Wilson James

Scene Of Crime #1

Your Office

(I'm no artist either)

I'm really trying to create a game in the same sort of vein as PQ-Open season - on the trail of a psyco-serial killer, i've elected to use a quite simple GUI, similar to Beneath A Steel Sky (Right Click look, Left Click interact,) and focus most of the puzzles on collecting the clues via scene investigation, interviews ect with a couple of action sequences thrown in for good look.

Should be complete in a couple of months

Will have more details for you by end of month

anyone fancy lending a hand - animation / graphics / music - lemmie know

Aaron xx


The game looks good, but why is it called Superbia? The reason I ask is that I saw the thread's title and thought "Oh great, a game set in a suburbia where everyone's been turned into superheroes!" but this was not the case.


Quote from: SergioCornaga on Sat 15/07/2006 09:11:58
The game looks good, but why is it called Superbia? The reason I ask is that I saw the thread's title and thought "Oh great, a game set in a suburbia where everyone's been turned into superheroes!" but this was not the case.

If I'm not mistaken, "superbia" is Latin for "pride", one of the seven deadly sins. "Avaritia", which you can see graffittied on one of the bgs means "greed".


On a different note, I like the idea of the game a lot. Does it have anything to do with "Seven" (the film)?

It's not the size of the dog in the fight. It's the size of the fight in the dog.

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