Started by MHawk, Fri 20/06/2003 18:41:51

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Due to other engagements, commitments, and issues, this project cannot get the amount of time it deserves.  For that reason it is being postponed until further notice.  Most likely until next summer - if at all.

Sorry, for any inconvenience this might have caused.




I hope to see more development from this project in the future.  Sounds good so far.  Good luck with your endeavour.

- Bryan


How many colors are you using? 256? You mentioned something about Manannan's house being in hi-color, I suggest making the WHOLE game 256 in order to keep concistancy in graphics. It would be goofy to experience the whole game like shown in that screenie, but then get to Manannan's house and it's 3D rendered, lol, or a scanned pic  ;D

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"


> *BUBIS (Better Under Bed Inventory System)

Funny Idea! Good luck with the project!  :D


A small request which probably goes without saying: if you're going to remake King's Quest III and add things to it, please be kind enough to pretend KQ2+ never existed.


I would suggest looking at AGAST's background tutorial (I don't know if you're an artist or not, but it helped me!) and I'm working on finishing up a background tutorial of my own as well!


I haven't seen much of your own art yet, except the BUBIS (I love your acronyms). I can easily tell that you have a great handle on the programming, but it will be very difficult to do the entire project yourself.

Not puttin' you down or anything, but maybe try going to www.sijun.com and finding an artist? That way, you'll be able to work on programming 100% of the time, and it should cut development time in half!

I fully support what you're doing.


His site mentions he has a VGA artist... It says:
"Using original KQIII backdrops for now until my Graphics Artist gets the VGA ones to me."


@ Michael

I suggest you to use the collage-technique that Tierra used for KQ1VGA & KQ2VGA. That way the backgrounds are easier to make. Use the SCI Decoder to extract backgrounds from KQ5, KQ6 or Robin Hood and use them as raw material. Here  are some examples.


Mike, If I could make a suggestion, if you're planning on using the original KQ3 graphics maybe you should try to emulate the original style of drawing that of the old version when you are making a new room. Unless, you're planning to take the original graphics and spruce them up and stuff..

I'm just saying it may look a little wierd (unless you want that, which is cool too) going from a 4-bit room to a PhotoShop created room.

34r1w00d!  :P


Good luck MHawk,
It could take a year on your own, and that's before you even start doing your own graphics (depending on how much free time you get[depending whether you work fulltime or not] plus how long between breaks of motivation)

I've been working on a similar type project for a few months, which is coming along nicely, I might ad, I just don't like this sort of early publicity, when mine comes out it will be a surprise to most people, others that know what I'm doing have probably already forgotten, which is the way i like to work, under the cover of night, with hints here and there (this is a sly one)  but in reality, I don't want many people to d/l it, just the few who really care, I just want to create a commercial favourite, to the ultimate non comercial market, ie the ones who flukily pick up my hints, (but this is not one)

Good luck Mhawk,

may your enthusiasm run through to the end



Off-topic posts and smart-ass remarks removed.
Now, PLEASE stay on topic.
ONLY post if you have something good to say about MHawk's project and/or if you have any suggestions regarding graphics/sound/etc...nothing regarding Tierra's remake. DON'T force me to lock this thread, it would be unfair to MHawk... as if it's not unfair already with everyone arguing in his promotional thread, while not paying any mind to his progress.

Grim: "You're making me want to quit smoking... stop it!;)"
miguel: "I second Grim, stop this nonsense! I love my cigarettes!"

Matt Brown

hey, this looks pretty profesional. Im intersested, and will be watching this one.
word up

Dave Gilbert

Heya.  More power to ya!  KQ3 was my favorite of the series (if only because it was the first game I solved 100% on my own).  Remaking it and adding more detail sounds like a great plan to me.  I'm looking forward to see what you come up with, dude.



And now, for the constructive critic:
Mhawk, you may be a good programmer, but that doesnt get you out of your newbie status. And, you'll have to agree with me, that when a newbie's first post is about a remake of one of the best games ever, which itself is a very, very ambitious project, people are not very likely to believe him.
Now, critic by categories:
Graphics: Though we havent seen a single actual screenshot yet, those "devshots" seen so far dont seen very optimistic. The only one you have made, under the bed, looks more like a table, and, moreover, I bet anyone could do such backgroung in 3 minutes. I will have more criticism when you show us screenshots from the actual game.
Sound: You said that your remake is going to feature additional music and voice packs. But you still havent found a musician nor voice actors. And I think that a KQ voice acting without the original actor for the player character wouldn't be very kq-ish.
Plot: You mentioned that it would feature additional plot elements. Youve gotta be very, very careful though, because you are not dealing with a world you have created yourself. And I BET that your version of the cat's story is a man who tried to defy manannan but got turned into a cat instead. I may be wrong though.
Scripting & Misc: I have not seen your actual in-game code yet, but it seems like the only thing you do not have problems with. And an on-screen inventory does not seem very kq-ish either, do you not think(since you are remaking it in kq5 style, not in kq7 style)? And one more thing - I do not want to know about EVERY single thing you have done for the game. So do be a little bit more laconic in your post and site, okay?
I dont want to be offensive nor insultive, but kqs are the series that introduced adventure gaming to the world, and thus deserve to make a good remake. Time will show who is right. I pray that it is you.


I think MHawk that you should've announced this game later after a few more breakthroughs. Anyone can just SAY that there are going to do a remake without doing one. You trying to WOW us with that screenshot makes me regard you as a loser. Now you must prove me wrong. I'm counting on you.


MHawk, I hope you will go on despite the stupidity in this thread.
Please try and don't pay attention.
I cannot find words to describe the absurd behaviour on part of some people.


Goldmund, if you have something against, me, just tell me. Not that I have something againgst you though.

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