Quest for Justice 1: The Tale of the War (Aventure/RPG hybrid)

Started by Drowps, Mon 28/08/2006 21:43:26

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My first AGS game. It's a RPG/Adventure hybrid (A bit like Quest for Glory.)

You are Debbie Wantootu, a hero wannabee that has come to Raurku town to stop a war between the two countrys of Sharrekla and Mena.

Your firsts investigations reveals that the motive of the war is some precious substance of energy that it's on the desert of Mohk, just between the two countrys.

The questions you ask to yourself is, these countrys were very poor before. Who supplied them with weapons?

Who revealed the energy substance on the Mohk desert?

And, if that wasn't enough, you discover a third group interested on the desert of Mohk...

(Screens ugly, graphics not my thing)

Part of the intro.

The overworld.

Debbie fights a bandit. (The sword under the enemy's shoulder is a cursor)

Much of the credit goes to the RPG tutorial found on this page, I'm using most of their methods.

There are multiple solutions to different puzzles (You want to use your brawn or your brain?), two different endings, side-quests, overworld, a main character with personality and not just an avatar like on other RPGs, a level up system and jobs system.

The battle system is turn-based, but you use the default GUI for fighting. You can use the hand icon on the enemy to attack with your bare fists or use a weapon of your inventory.

There are five dungeons on the game, not counting the training dungeon and the end of the game.

The Status Line will show:
HP (Health Points): All the life you have, when this reaches 0, it's game over time.
MP (Magic Points): Your energy for casting spells, when this reaches 0, you can't use magic.
EXP (Experience): The experience you have, when this reaches 100, you level up.
GP (Gil Points): All the gils you have (money).
SP (Stamina Points): You stamina, when this is below 20, you start losing HP, when it reaches 0, you die.
IC (Item Capacity): All the items you can carry, when this reaches 0, you have to drop one of your items.


Heh, this looks great. I'm really looking forward to trying it out. :D


this looks funny. I really like RPG's. Don't worry about the graphics too much. It doesn't looks half bad and graps are mostly not even that important (only when picking games to download) , it's the gameplay that does it!  :) Good luck with your game!


I added more information on the main page, like features, more story and explanation of battle system.


Sorry for double post, but updated the screenshots (The old ones are no longer on the game), added the overworld screenshot and explained what will be shown on the status line.



Your Fantasy RPG game looks very interesting! Any chance you could give me a Demo Game/Template Code so I could model my Adventure/RPG Game, Knight's Quest: Shield Search, after it? Please?

*edit by Eric


WackyWildCard, this thread is from september last year. Please stop digging up threads to ask for help. PM people you think might be able to help you.
"This must be a good time to live in, since Eric bothers to stay here at all"-CJ also: ACHTUNG FRANZ!

Darth Mandarb

It never ceases to amaze ...

I'm locking this thread.

Drowps [who hasn't logged in since November] ... if you're still out there working on this and wish it re-opened for an update send me a PM if and when.

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