Razors in the Night! - RELEASED

Started by piraatlife4me, Tue 16/12/2003 23:28:47

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Razors in the Night is released!

Here is the link to the completed games forum:


Hello out there!
Hey I am just posting some updated progress that I have made with Razors in the Night! I am having a total blast making this it has always been a dream of mine to make a game in this style.  As for the production of the game it is comming along pretty well and is getting pretty big.(And this was only supposed to be a demo).  My idea for the game is not to create a game just on punks and their lifestyles.  My actual ideal objective is to create a game using a punkrock kid(named Knox) and his gang of friends who get blamed for a murder in a sorta rundown town.  But the game is full of many references to punkrock and punk in general that alot of people I know will find amusing. This is my second post for the game, and it is my very first AGS game.
So please let me know what you think when the demo is released.

So far this is what I have done:

-a foundation for the story of the game
-lots and of cutseens
-about 25 characters with there own animations(I almost have idle,talking,and walkviews for each character).
-some puzzles available to be solved.
-29 rooms.
-About more than half of my game scripting is done
-a customized iconbar interface.
-a custom quit screen.
-a custom save screen.
-about 20 inventory items

This is what I need to get done:

-dialogs for the game ( I havent done any yet and need to)
-I need to create a custom dialog gui (I want one like in S&M), to go with it.
-I need more solutions for the puzzles I have started.
-I need more work done on the scrips for each room
-I need more animations.
-A couple more rooms.
-SoundFX (I definitely will need help with this one)
-A game midi type music soundtrack (I definitely want to add some punk music but not all punk tunes, I want the game music to sound to be more in like a  cheesy new wave/80's style.

I guess thats it for now.  Any suggestions, advice, help comments,  I want really would like to know what you guys think of this project.


Below some more screenshots of what the game is looking like these days:


Wow!! This game is looking awesome! I love the art style (I think I might have said that in the previous thread too), but it looks as if you're getting better and better! The game looks like a blast to play already, I can't wait for it to get done!
I make music.


Nice screenies -  lots of details.
Looking forward to it.


Hey thanks alot guys for taking the time to post some comments.  I love hearing  a response from people (negative or positive).  I especially like hearing feedback because I can figure out what areas to improve on the most.  I will definitely let it be known in the forums when I get this neverending project done.  Thanks again




Yeah, it looks really nice!
I get a strong Maniac Mansion/Early Sierra-vibe out the screenshots, but maybe it's just me...
Anyway, good luck with it, and make sure we get to play it, eh?



  Your games graphics are very nice and colorful - I like them very much!  I look forward to playing your game.  Keep up the good work; don't let this one fall by the wayside!

"Enjoy Every Sandwich" - Warren Zevon



This game looks Awesome!  I can't wait to play the full version!( like the main characters hair style! lol!)


Hey! Guess what?
Razors In the Night now has an official website!
Check it out!


I am want  to change it to RazorsInthenight.com And the site still needs a lot of work. I just started working on it today but I put it up anyways. Let me know what you think.


Darth Mandarb

This looks pretty decent!

Pretty busy, but that's okay!  

It has a nice style.

Any idea on when you might realease a playable demo?



Certainly looks like it will be a good first effort, but the title always makes me think Frank Sinatra:

"Razors in the niiiight,
exfoliating stubble.
Razors in the night..."


Hey! That's too funny Frank Sinatra...ouch!
Actually the title comes from a song called Razors in the night from a 1977 punk band called Blitz. The songs lyrics kind of relate to the story of my game.  I wanted to the art style heavy influenced by Malcom Mclaren with that seditonary old punk look to it. That is why I used lots of ridiculously bright colors. The demo is just about done(I am soooo close) but I definitely am going to need some help with this project. I am definitely  going to need some testers within the next couple of weeks. Anyone out there want to help me out? And I am really going need some help and ideas with the sound. I just need some decent MIDI music that will work with the theme of my  game. I need to find some good background music to set the mood for all my rooms. Currently I have over thirty rooms  so expect this to be a pretty big demo. If anyone out there is willing to help out please let me know. Thanks again for posting your comments I appreciate it and I hope you guys like it when I get it all done(and I will get it done).
Thansk again


Quote from: piraatlife4me on Wed 21/01/2004 17:44:26
Hey! That's too funny Frank Sinatra...ouch!
Actually the title comes from a song called Razors in the night from a 1977 punk band called Blitz. The songs lyrics kind of relate to the story of my game.  I wanted to the art style heavy influenced by Malcom Mclaren with that seditonary old punk look to it. That is why I used lots of ridiculously bright colors. The demo is just about done(I am soooo close) but I definitely am going to need some help with this project. I am definitely  going to need some testers within the next couple of weeks. Anyone out there want to help me out? And I am really going need some help and ideas with the sound. I just need some decent MIDI music that will work with the theme of my  game. I need to find some good background music to set the mood for all my rooms. Currently I have over thirty rooms  so expect this to be a pretty big demo. If anyone out there is willing to help out please let me know. Thanks again for posting your comments I appreciate it and I hope you guys like it when I get it all done(and I will get it done).
Thansk again

Hmmm, big demo huh? If you'll ever have bandwidth problems (because of too many people downloading large files) with your hosting provider be sure to PM me.



Well, having lived through and survived the punk era I would love to test your game.

* Hueij has a sudden urge to dig up his Stiff Little Fingers album


Great! I definitely will hold you to that. I will let you know as soon as I get to that point, which will be in the next couple of weeks hopefully. Which SLF album are you going to bust out? I am a huge SLF fan. I have seen them play live (as old men) a couple of times. Thanks for voulunteering I will keep you posted.


Hey, I'd be keen to help out with music and sound... I really like everything you've shown us of this game so far.


Really! That rules! Are you a composer?  I need some decent MIDI music for the individual rooms in my game. Like a good ambient sound for the video arcade room, and for  the restaurant I need a piano playing with the ambience of people talking,( you get the idea) and so on and so forth.  I pretty much have alot of sound FX already in the game I just need someone to through the game and help me figure out where and when a sound FX would be needed. Let me know what you think and what you could do. If you are totally down to help me out when I am  finished I could send  it over Ito you. I especially want the sound and sound FX to sound all cheesy 80s style to fit the theme of the game.


Quote from: piraatlife4me on Wed 21/01/2004 23:01:28
Great! I definitely will hold you to that. I will let you know as soon as I get to that point, which will be in the next couple of weeks hopefully. Which SLF album are you going to bust out? I am a huge SLF fan. I have seen them play live (as old men) a couple of times. Thanks for voulunteering I will keep you posted.
They still play? Good to know that, with all those new wannabee punk bands nowadays... ;)
The album is Inflammable Material, too bad my record player doesn't work any more. Maybe it's time to get a new one. :(

Let me know when you are ready.


Hey AGS forums!
I am just letting you know that the Razors in the Night website is now finished! :)
I added character profiles and descriptions for all the characters that are in my game.
Check it out if you get a chance:

(soon this will be Razorsinthenight.com)

As far as the demo I am still trying to get all the scripting and last needed animations done. I am lucky enough to have found someone who is going to help me out with the game testing. And if my luck dosen't run out I will maybe have a possible MIDI composer  to put together some kind  of game soundtrack...hopefully. Expect it to be all cheesy 80's style with some classic MIDI punk tunes as well.  Hey Erwin! I actually might have some problems with bandwith because this demo is kind of a monster. It also has a lot of sound FX in it as well. I will definitely let you know. Thanks for everyones support I appreciate it. Let me know what you think of my website!


The characters look awesome! Justin Tyme, the watch dealer, looks a little weird though. It's hard to see where his head is supposed to be. To me, it looked like he had a really odd shaped hat and a black mask. Evertything else looks great though.

Oh, and your Downloads link goes to the character page...


Karl Malone? Lakers? Chief of police.
Sounds funny!


Oh Man!
Karl Malone from the Lakers!
You caught that didnt you. Good eye!
It's such a cop's name though. Isn't it?


Hey everyone! Just wanted to let everyone know that the Razors in the night game is done and ready to be tested. Are there any other volunteers out there? Just let me know if you are willing to give it a go.
Thanks again


Sure, count me in. I'd love to beta-test it!

Darth Mandarb


You guys rock!
Here is the link


At : http://razorsinthenight.4t.com
You can also find the full walkthrough, game map, and points possible list

Thanks Darth and Rincewind for signing up I really appreciate it.


The restore game gui dosent work. I haven't been able to figure out how to fix it yet but everything else should be ok.
Let me know what you think



No problemo - I'll download it when I get home - I'm sitting at school right now.

Darth Mandarb

I've downloaded and played.

I didn't yet complete it, I've only played a little.

Good stuff:
* The characters and animations are awesome!
* The mood is perfect!
* The background details are great!
* The rain plugin used perfectly.

*Some of the backgrounds are a little busy and the fonts can get lost, but not a huge deal.
* Some of the walkable/walkbehinds could use some tweaking.

* The top GUI comes and goes and it gets confusing/irritating
* Occasionally text would just pop-up (Thanks to the AGS Forums, etc.)  Was this intentionally done?  

All-in-all it feels like a complete, solid game.  I'll comment more when I play it through (when I have time :()

Where is the walkthrough?  I couldn't find it.

~ d


Hey Darth!
So you got around to checking out my game. I am stoked you seem to like it for the most part. It is kinda long for a demo game. It actually is an entire completed game I am just calling it a demo and depending how well it does (If enough people enjoy it I might elaborate on this game. Oh the text that appears on the screen is supposed to be intro credits. They are only supposed to only appear once and only the first time the player enters that room. If it pops up on the scren more than that it is a bug. I will get around to fixing up the walkable areas and walkbehinds when I finalize it all. Thanks for giving it a look. If you get a chance to play it more just let me know if you spot any other bugs. The walkthrough is on the website under the cheats section.


If you go http://razorsinthenight.4t.com/images/walkthrough.htm
You get the city map, points list and instructions on how to play as well just click on the links.

Thanks again

If you need a tester for The adventures of jp let me know I am in
no problem.


I would also like to give you some critisism, but when I finally got the thing downloaded, the zipped folder was empty... Poobungies...
I'll try it again... Man, I wanna play this too...


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