And soon the darkness.....

Started by Slasher, Sun 21/10/2012 16:07:08

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E.L.F.   And soon the darkness...

A spooky tale (with spooky music) of brave elf Elfie and a demented witch.

The arrival of a Witch shakes the once peaceful and joyful land of Elfenor.

The Witch's minions' attack brought a grim silence to the town folk.

Both its leader and citizens were unsure of what the future would bring to them.

And so, refusing to accept defeat, the bravest of the elfen community, Elfie, would step forward and try to bring an end to the curse of the Wicked Witch...

Navigate through a dark and eerie cave labyrinth (don't get disorientated), get the heart of a wild Minotaur, correctly solve a floor tile puzzle, fly a magic carpet and more.....

Chapter one has been re-written and tested ok.

This game is currently under testing.

Original character animations.

No dead ends.

640 x 480
16 bit color

Only a part of the witch's longer spell room (beware the vampire bat!)

A couple of the witch's rhino guards - watch out you don't get speared!

Careful you don't end up being thrown into the moat


Looking forward to the release of this one. I know you've been working on it hard Slasher!


Thank you Onker.

Yes, many hours, days, weeks and months of blood, sweat and tears have gone into this production to make sure it is bug free.

As I have mentioned, forget the chapter one demo, this is the real mcoy.

One it has been fully tested and confirmed a'ok I will release it. Not until then.

Of course if people can give / leave me some feedback, I will be able to use this for future games.



Game: 99.999% done
Graphics: 100% done
Audio: 100% done

Currently being tested by top testers.

QuoteDon't be afraid of the darkness.

An adventure cult game not to be missed!



Counting down..........................

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