Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => AGS Games in Production => Topic started by: Squinky on Mon 01/03/2004 01:04:03

Title: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Mon 01/03/2004 01:04:03
SquinkyProductions Presents....

Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold


You play Stan, a Pirate android that travels the galaxy searching for treasure and for his creator. During his Travels, Stan happens upon a small slaving planet and rescues Sancho, a man forced into work in the mines. Sancho convinces Stan to free him by telling him about the greatest treasure in the galaxy, Pirate Provencher's Treasure. And it just so happens that Sancho has the map...

Things get complicated and Stan and Sancho find out that they may have to do a lot more than treasure hunting...

Game Info
Setting: A strange futuristic world where pirates and robots travel thru space.
Pirate Fry 3 styled gameplay
320x200 resolution
Uses Proskrito's Lec template (with modifed Graphics)
Contains Characters from our Forum, including:
Captain Mostly as the Space-Pod Computer
Darth Mandarb as a Space-Traveling Historian
And Snake, like always...

Music by Petteri
Gui art will be redone by Darth-Mandarb
Story help (And anything else I can squeeze from him ) By Snake
Main Character Sprite Design Help by Evil

Designer Notes:

Currently I've placed about 12 rooms, which are about completed. I'm also nearly done with my design document for the first half, and the first half is so long that I may just split the game in two. Walkcylces half way done, and things are rocking along. I've got some cool effects like animated creatures in the background and a musical track that I've programmed to cycle thru Trap's music and ambient sounds such as wind blowing ect....

So, that's where I'm at today....

Designer Diary thingy
I haven't progressed as fast as I would like (no suprise there right?) but Darth has hooked me up with some excellent guis and some cool ideas on how to use them. Darth is so cool, we should all make little Darth dolls and dip them in chocolate...or better yet, I can use his name in my game. Speaking of which, I had originally planned on having a character named Darth play a bit part, but now, with further refinements of the story (more violence, boobs and more boobs) I have decided to make Darth a main character to the plot. Woo! So basically I've scripted about one room since posting this and worked like heel on the story+puzzles (first part done) and tried my damndest to make Darths fancy smancy-gui's work.....Wish me luck tomorrow...Please....


Whelp I decided to go with Petteri for the music instead of usingg Trap's Midi pack again...I still love Traps music though. Petteri's music rocks and fits quite well so far and I think it will help me out immensly...Beside that I've done some toolling with my intro and some graphical stuff. Things are progressing well...

More news 04/01/2004

I'm at 17 rooms, and I've added a fews characters and built up the foundation for the game to run on. I think I'm in the home stretch for getting a good bit of mometum (I had been a little displeased with the begining...Oh, and Petteri has hooked me up with four cool-ass songs so far! Hell yeah!
Petteri should have his own super hero comic....

News-October 5th 2005

I have recently started fooling with Ags again. I have another game in the works, that I love totally, but I felt I should start this up again. Wrap it up, time to move on. I wasn't working on it because I had lost the design document and all the files associated with the game. Dug around in my pile of cd's though and all is good.

I'll prolly pull a Fry 2 with this, meaning I will cut it a little shorter and leave it open for a sequel. Wish me luck, I got 2 damn pages of bugs to fix, yay!

Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provenchar's Gold
Post by: Nixxon on Mon 01/03/2004 01:16:37
Wozers, this looks teh promising :P
I love those clean/crisp backgrounds, i distinctly remember the second one from the crit lounge a while back.
I also admire the borders, perhaps it's the contrast between sand/metal? S'very nice anywho :D
Keep up the top notch work squink.
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provenchar's Gold
Post by: Moox on Mon 01/03/2004 01:24:37
Thats really nice, I wish my games could look like that
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provenchar's Gold
Post by: Kal-El on Mon 01/03/2004 03:07:21
Hi Squinky!

I love the look of your game so far and I like your interface a lot!

Your pal, Daz.
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: BerserkerTails on Mon 01/03/2004 04:39:22
Looks amazing Squinky! I remember seeing art for this in the critic's lounge, I'm glad that the game is still in production.
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: evilspacefart on Mon 01/03/2004 05:37:39
w00t! awesome!
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Mon 01/03/2004 05:50:35
As always, excellent.

I recognize your characters/backgrounds from previous posts in the Critics Lounge.  Good to see them in a game.

Also good to see a forum member making an appearance.

~ d
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Pet Terry on Mon 01/03/2004 10:15:24
Great job Squinky, can't really wait for this one :)
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Czar on Mon 01/03/2004 21:51:06
Somehow remindes me of Dune.
And as always, looks really nice.
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Tue 02/03/2004 21:41:04
Thanks Everybody! I've got a sweet looking Gui design from Darth, and other things are progressing well....
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: piraatlife4me on Wed 03/03/2004 17:16:43
Hey Squinky, looks great! I like the look of the design of the panels on both sides. Is that a clock on the left one? A health meter?
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Timosity on Thu 04/03/2004 07:44:12
Cool Squinky, you seem to be always working on something (except Fry2)

Looks like a cross between Rogermonkey  Fryinstagame

Good luck & enjoy
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: M on Thu 04/03/2004 09:54:43
Sound good. Looks good - nice trademark Squinky-graphic style. I like the wind blowing thing you mentioned, nice touch. Can't wait to try it!
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Wed 10/03/2004 08:17:31
It's just some designs I was coming up with to make it look futuristic. I was going to have them be little gauges with moving needles...

I have been cursed to always work on crappy adventure games, lest my testicals sprout mogwys....
It does kinda look insta-gamey...Which is, I guess because I learned a lot from Eric's tuts....I don't know...
And you see, I was working on Fry2 the whole time! ba ha ha ha ! Fooled you!

Cool man

I'm glad your all interested. I've bumped the thread to show what little progress I've made....
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: fovmester on Wed 10/03/2004 17:24:50
Looks kinda cool! Pirates and Robots and Spaceships! Wanna play now!!!
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: remixor on Thu 11/03/2004 04:20:30
Dude, this looks awesome to the max
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Wed 17/03/2004 00:42:02
Thanks for the comments guys, and the original post has been modified with a littel update for any who care...
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Blackthorne on Wed 17/03/2004 02:25:04

This game looks great.  Great GUI, great graphics.  I can't wait to play it.

Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: AGA on Thu 18/03/2004 12:25:37
Isn't Provencher Snake's real surname?
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Fri 19/03/2004 02:57:29
Yep, It's Snakes name...or at least the name he gives...

I have to use it, it's part of the bargain I made when I married his ugly sister...
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Pesty on Sun 21/03/2004 04:52:52
Goddamnit, Squinky, you rock so hard.

Never stop making games about pirates!
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Peter Thomas on Sun 21/03/2004 08:00:24
QuoteNever stop making games about Pirates

If you do, I shall ENSURE that your testicles sprout mogwys.

What's a Mogwy?
Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Thu 25/03/2004 05:28:38
I have no decent or sane reply to that Peter....

Title: Re:Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Fri 02/04/2004 03:18:13
And on that note, time to bump my thread for a crappass update!
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Queen Kara on Thu 06/05/2004 07:24:17
Darn it , Squinky!  >:(  ;)
You beat me to making a space pirate related game! 
I guess I'll have to
abandon the idea of turning
Cassia's life story into a game now....

Rock on!
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Mon 10/05/2004 17:01:18
Keep up the good work man!

This is one of my most anticipated games at the moment.

I can't wait to see the GUI in action ;)
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Phemar on Tue 13/07/2004 07:00:55

It's this game still in production? Good. If you make this game as good, or better, as Fry3, then I shall worship you.
Actually I already worship you, but hell yeah, rock on!
You should change those little GUI Buttons to the same colr as the BG, like I've shown here:


I've also lowered the label by one pixel...
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Sat 18/09/2004 06:49:43
It's still in production, I was just taking a break from it....Burnout stage you know. I've recently been working on another Pirate Fry Project with my artistically talented brother though. I've realized that having a good artist requires a decent amount of waiting though, so I'll prolly wrap this one up soon....

Wish me luck...
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Phemar on Sat 18/09/2004 14:10:20

I love you so much.
(in a non-gay manner)

Thanks god, praise him! A Fry 4!
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Sat 18/09/2004 15:52:46
I would just like to say ...

YAY YAY YAY YAY YAY!!!! oh and YAY!!!!!
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: wyr3x on Sat 18/09/2004 20:27:02
well, i`m surely waiting to it, tell me if i can help, so we can have it finished before !.
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Wed 05/10/2005 22:49:21
Updated, news on the first page.
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Thu 06/10/2005 04:45:19
For some strange reason I can't explain; my world now feels more ... complete.
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Candle on Thu 06/10/2005 05:34:04
Not Found
The requested URL /squinkyproductions/ was not found on this server.

Apache/1.3.33 Server at Port 80
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Thu 06/10/2005 20:22:28
Well, thats sucks. Lost my avatar too....Hope it comes up again soon...
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Fri 07/10/2005 18:26:03
I've been working on this straight for the last couple of days, I am now down to wrapping up the last puzzle+end scene. Then I'll start the beta-testing prolly....I'm pretty excited about how well this is going....

Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Minimi on Fri 07/10/2005 18:44:38
wow, it took you 18 months to complete this? Did you have a break inbetween, or worked through all the time?

I'm waiting for the server to come online again.... my server is down too :(
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Fri 07/10/2005 21:38:11
Well, more like worked on this for about a month till I decided I wanted to start another project, then I quit that project too and starting playing online games....Ragnorak Online, City of Heroes, Anarchy Online...but now I am done with that crap....back to being a real person, heh.....
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Wed 09/05/2007 03:33:12
I hate to dig this thread up and show my shame, but I am currently working on this old again. Hope to have some more images to post here real soon, since the old ones have gone deadlinked.

Wish me luck, hopefully finishing this will help me overcome my ags block.

Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Wed 09/05/2007 07:16:43
Bless you Squink ... bless you.
Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Blackthorne on Thu 10/05/2007 20:40:29
This game has been on my "list" for three years!  I hope you finish this up, Squink.

Title: Re: Stan and Sancho and Pirate Provencher's Gold
Post by: Squinky on Sat 12/05/2007 02:29:37
Yeah, its been a shameful long time really. I am hoping to get this one done here soon and break the curse, maybe start making a new game I wanna make super hardcore, but this one has been dragging me down...

But its all coming together now. Thanks again.