
Started by homelightgames, Mon 18/08/2014 09:06:34

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You want us to keep you safe by flying your planes and driving your vehicles.  You want us to keep the peace by efficiently deploying your law enforcement and military forces.  You want us to keep you fed by managing your food production.
We are the Artificially Intelligent Distributed Network.
There is only one problem.  There is nothing artificial about us.

Wrecked is about a young man who crashes into a barren desert landscape, with his sister, and discovers the only way to escape is to find out why they crashed in the first place.

Initially, Wrecked was just supposed to be a quick project to cut my teeth on, but after almost nine months I've learned there is no such thing as a quick project.  While nearly all of the backgrounds are done, and most of the basic puzzle scripting, I have yet to finish the dialog, sound effects and the all the little script fine-tuning.


UPDATE 2014-08-28
I've finished all of the basic puzzle scripting, so now the game is playable from start to finish (albeit without any dialog or sound effects).  I've also uploaded a couple new screenshots.

UPDATE 2014-11-21
Betatesting Starts!

UPDATE 2015-01-02
Wrecked has been released!


Ah yes, the old "let's just do a quick game, maybe finish in a a couple of weeks or at least no more than a month" which turns into a "hmm... I started this game two years ago and it's still not finished" project...  I know it well... :-D

I'm really liking the look of this.  Nice art style and plenty of potential for an intriguing sci-fi plot.  I look forward to seeing the complete game release announcement sometime in 2018!



Thanks ChaptainD. It's been a good learning experience, which is valuable, especially learning what's important to spend time on and what's not as important.


Quote from: visionmind on Mon 18/08/2014 18:01:54
Thanks ChaptainD. It's been a good learning experience, which is valuable, especially learning what's important to spend time on and what's not as important.

Sometimes though the "not as important" stuff is more fun...But yeah, it won't get your game finished faster...

This looks awesome by the way!


That is really true.  More than once, I find myself working for hours on something that is only in the game for a few seconds.

Thank you, Mandle.



This looks very interesting.
You probably have done a lot already, but please consider using the BASS interface (2 click interface) and not the thousands of different icons where you even have to scroll through interactions to just walk somewhere. Ghost wrote a nice plugin for this to make it easier, and you also have to write less interaction reactions ;)


Yeah, the interface is something I've put a lot of thought into, and I agree, a lot of icons is annoying.  Currently my gui has three verbs, walk, look at and interact (and an inventory item, if its active), and the right mouse button is used to scroll through them (along with an inventory item, if its active).  I would like to combine the walk and interact, since walking is never really needed on its own, but I'm not quite there yet.
One of the main things I learned from reading the many forum posts about user interfaces, is that everyone has different preferences.  Some people like the bunch of verbs.  Some people like the coinGUI (like Monkey Island 3 or Full Throttle).  Some people even like the 1 click interface (like Machinarium or Kings Quest 7).  Even with the 2-click interface, some people prefer left interact/right look, while others love the left look/right interact.  For me, I sort of feel the 2-click is a bit too minimalist, but if I had to pick I would prefer left interact/right look.  In the end, I realize, all I can do is experiment and see how well my gui works.  I, of course, hope it does because it's my own preference but the people who play it may not agree.  I'll have to see.
Thanks for your feedback, selmiak.



So I've just finished all the basic puzzle scripting, so it's possible to play the game from beginning to end without any debugging cheats.

The next step will be to import the dialog/reaction text, assess all the sound effects needed and polish all the GUIs.  That will be a big step, but at least the basic infrastructure is complete.  Yay!

Oh, and I've also added a few more screenshots.



A beta version of the game is available and I'm looking for playtesters! If you're interested, head on over to my Help Wanted page for more details.

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