Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => AGS Games in Production => Topic started by: wotmeworry on Mon 19/01/2009 03:41:29

Title: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: wotmeworry on Mon 19/01/2009 03:41:29
"He has no name. He has no memory. He has no money. All he has is this strange crimson red house.
Is this just the crazy result of diet coke and mentos, or is there something terribly evil at work? Probably coke and mentos, but let's just assume for the sake of mystery that there's evil at work."

A brand new really pathetic game from Dean Miller that will shock the world so much, they'll

Take control of Sticky and escape from the red home of evil. Solve fiendishly ridiculous puzzles that make no sense. And escape from the clutches of the most horrible, most evil nerd of all.....Chris Jones himself!

And now, some screen shots!
(sorry for the weird colour issue. The graphics aren't super, but they look much better in the game)
a mousehole, a painting and a door. How original.
If you thought Brodies was crap, you aint seen nothing yet

Scripting - 90%
Art - 100%
Story - 100%

overall completion - 96%

This is a very short game, being my first, so the chances are I'll actually finish the game and post it today.
And no, I'm not using the default "Roger" character because I'm lazy, It's apart of the story.

Music (
Title: Re: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: MoodyBlues on Mon 19/01/2009 16:43:57
Okay, I'm not gonna lie - the plot description made me smile.  It might be a cheese-fest, but this game doesn't sound half bad.
Title: Re: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: Akatosh on Mon 19/01/2009 17:27:32
I'll have to second that, we've had much, much worse "first efforts"... although I had to get up and walk to the other end of the room to be able to read the plot description.
Title: Re: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: Dualnames on Tue 20/01/2009 09:09:37
It'll shock the world so much they'll kill themselves.. Really nice advertising there. ;D
Title: Re: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: wotmeworry on Tue 20/01/2009 23:08:37
OK, the game production is all finished! You can play it here:

I would really appreciate it if you could inform me of any bugs you find in the game.

Known Bugs:

*The intro scene doesn't work at some resolutions.

Hope you enjoy my first ever game!
Title: Re: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: Dataflashsabot on Tue 20/01/2009 23:31:00
Do you have to make it 32-bit colour? theres really no need for it and it really adds to the filesize.
Title: Re: Sticky the Stick Figure Part 1: The Crimson House (v 1.0)
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Wed 21/01/2009 00:34:01
If the game is finished please post in the Completed Games board and ask for the feedback there!

Congrats on finishing!