Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => AGS Games in Production => Topic started by: Cyberion on Wed 22/09/2004 21:39:25

Title: Terminator: 2031 - 50% updated (27/Nov/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Wed 22/09/2004 21:39:25
Terminator: 2031

by Nikolay "Cyberion" Ivliev

Game's Website -

or you may use the direct link (if you hate popups or do not have popup blocker) -

Developer's note:
I would like to say hello to everyone, because probably not many of you heard about me. My name is Nikolay, but many people call me Cyberion. I was the modder for the Excelcia community (mod for Freelancer). Excelcia Forum ( Currently we are developing the new modification. I'm also the 3D modeler, many of my works can be found on my website (
I would like to stress your attention to the fact that i'm not the native english speaker, so here and there you may find some grammar/spelling mistakes. Also according to that fact, the final version, well beta-version of the game will require some proof reading. I've began the development in english so everyone (well mostly everyone) in the world may understand what it's all about.

As you may see from the title, the game is based in Terminator Universe. 2031 is nothing else but the year. So the events of the game will take place during the war between SkyNet and Humans.
Tell me, have you ever played Bethesda's "Terminator: Future Shock"? If so and you liked it, than welcome to the same atmosphere. I tried to keep the feeling of this great game even despite the fact that it's quest and not 3D shooter. So far, everyone who have tested it, spoke about the atmosphere positively, so i guess i'm on the right way.
As I progress with the development i'll update this thread with some new stuff. Maybe some story details, maybe more screenshots (well i could post like 15 of them, but I do not want to give away all the fun), maybe animation sequences, we will see...



The story so far:
The year 2031. You are Chris Savage, the soldier of Resistance, the member of the "Grey Death" Task Force. You were hardened in combat with SkyNet's forces - Terminators. Your Resistence HQ is located in the suburbs of LA.
One day after the routine patrol, Colonel Burns, the head of your HQ, gathered your team in his office. The news was shoking. Terminators managed to infiltrate into LA's resistance HQ and destroyed it. Only few people were rescued. As they reported John Conner was unable to get through the terminator's blockade and had to hide in the seweres maze under the city.
Colonel Burns gives you the order to locate and save him. "Grey Death" group, consiting of you, Tom Gessert and your Captain Leon Sage, heads to LA's resistance HQ.

Grey Death (GD) Group
Captain Leon Sage - GD group leader
Lieutenant Chris Savage - computer technician
Lieutenant Tom "Tommy" Gessert - pyrotechnic/medic

LA's suburbs HQ
Colonel Burns - head of HQ
Guard - guards Burns' office
Peter - supply room keeper

John Conner - the one ;)
Colonel Peters - leader of "Hounds" group. Special reconnaissance unit within LA HQ.

well others are cencored, in order not to spoil the fun.

LA's suburbs
LA city streets
LA Subway
LA sewers

Game Development Elements:
The game is developed using AGS engine (;)), Duke3D build engine, Paint Shop Pro 8.10, few Wolfenstein3D sprites, few Terminator: Future Shock sprites/textures and of course alot of custom made stuff ;)

This is all for now, i'll keep you informed about the progress. Stay tuned!

Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Chicky on Wed 22/09/2004 21:51:14
Looks great, both character sprites and backgrounds :D

keep up the good work and welcome to the forums.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Privateer Puddin' on Wed 22/09/2004 22:00:50
Terminator Future Shock was absolutely fantastic, i still have it infact \o/
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Mr Flibble on Wed 22/09/2004 22:02:47
I am genuinely impressed, those graphics are fantastic!
Normally I don't go for Terminator much other than the films, but I'm looking forward to this.

Oh and welcome.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Darth Mandarb on Wed 22/09/2004 22:48:08
It's such a pleasure to find something like this when I login to the forums!

The game looks very good and very well planned.Ã,  I love the atmosphere to the Terminator movies (after the bombs).

The screenies look really good (could use some more lighting/shadows perhaps but this isn't the CL! (Critics Lounge))

Are the other environs going to be blasted/destoyed/twisted metal looking?

I fiddled with Duke3D's builder many years ago ...

Anyway, good luck and welcome to the forums!
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Bijulinus on Wed 22/09/2004 23:26:02
It looks very nice! I think using a game engine is a very nice idea... very goood! But will there be (uhm... I'm not native english speaker) action phases? They would be great for a Terminator game, I suppose.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Cyberion on Thu 23/09/2004 07:22:25
Yes, you will be able to shoot at terminators and btw not only at them...

I'm plaining making arcade game within the quest in order to add some run/hide/shoot action into the game.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Phemar on Sat 25/09/2004 06:26:30

Wow, screens look nice.

Just one thing though... Is that door in the 1 screen from Duke3d by any chance?
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Cyberion on Sat 25/09/2004 06:38:37
in "Game Development Elements" i worte the progremmes that are used to creat the game. Duke's Build Engine is there ;) I using it to creat backgrounds :D

Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: TheDude on Sat 25/09/2004 21:00:26
I think I bought Skynet which was the "sequel" to Future Shock, I liked it at the time!

I like the shot of the gathering around the table, looks pretty interesting.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: Cyberion on Tue 28/09/2004 19:43:32
just uploaded the website, enjoy ;)
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 12% complete
Post by: [Cameron] on Wed 29/09/2004 01:57:20
Niice site. I await the launch of this game.

Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 20% complete (08/Oct/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Thu 07/10/2004 21:40:11
added demo. Plz visit the site and download it from there :)

feedback appreciated.

Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 20% complete (08/Oct/2004)
Post by: Ashen on Fri 08/10/2004 16:16:56
I've downloaded the demo, but it doesn't work - there seem to be a problem with the 'Terminator.001' file. All the others extract fine, but I can't play it without that one. I've tried downloading it again, but the same thing happens, and I've tried using WinRAR instead of WinZip - it says the file is corrupt.

Has anyone else had this problem?

If it's any use, the error message (from WinZip) is:
Use Path: yesÃ,  Ã, Overlay Files: yes
warning [F:\AGS Games\]:Ã,  extra 1 bytes at beginning or within Zip file (attempting to process anyway)
Error in file #1:Ã,  bad Zip file offset (Error local header signature not found):Ã,  0
(attempting to re-compensate)
Extracting Terminator.001
Error:Ã,  invalid compressed data to inflate

EDIT: The new download works, thanks.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 20% complete (08/Oct/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Fri 08/10/2004 18:00:19
strange, i've downloaded it and it worked for me. Anyway, i'm uploading a new archive. So wait 10 miuets after my post and download the file again.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 20% complete (08/Oct/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Tue 19/10/2004 18:29:13
*cought* *cought*

any feedback? Would appreciate to hear your critics ;)
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 20% complete (08/Oct/2004)
Post by: on Sun 24/10/2004 13:08:56
Hey Cyb, this is shadowman from exlcelcia.

I dont know how i got here, i was searching for something to do with excelcia and got here lol!

But i am glad i came, i dled the game and i really really like it!

Makes me wish i could do such things, i am lucky to even to get flash going hahahha.

I like it and the feel of it.

I also really like the control system with the the right click and all.
Though i must say the guy walks damn slow...i find the speed he walks quite irritating and a bit tiresome.
Maybe increase the speed a little ?

Apart from that its nice and i like the detail to the script and dialogue.

All in all is sweet so farm good work cyb!
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 20% complete (08/Oct/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Tue 26/10/2004 18:32:01
heheh, never expected to see you here, lol. On Infinity for sure, but not here ;)

About walking: well i may add the walk speed slider insdead of the text speed slider. I was thinking about that for some time and i guess it would be much better. Also since this demo release, many bugs were fixed and added some additional elements. As Scorpiorus is done with his sub-game script, we will publish the complete bug-free demo, to give you the "full" feel of how the game will look like.

Once again good to see old buddies here ;) especialy you Space Pirate ;)
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 40% complete (08/Nov/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Wed 10/11/2004 10:22:08
the progress of the development is going fine. Almost third location was done and soon will be script in AGS.

Scorpiorus is almost done with his mini-game for T:2031. I haven't tested it yet, but it should be amazing.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 50% updated (27/Nov/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Sun 28/11/2004 12:20:33
just a quick note for you guys, teh development is in progress, i've been very busy lately, but still in the work ;) The game is done by half...

also many things has changed. Especially this considers some desing issues.
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 50% updated (27/Nov/2004)
Post by: Lazy Z on Sun 28/11/2004 22:42:41
I played the demo of your game earlier today, and while I am not the biggest Terminator fan around, I have to say I was impressed! The graphics are simply excellent (great animation too), and for once I am actually pleased to hear that there will be action sequences in an adventure game. Hey, it can't be a Terminator game without some action pieces. :P

Really looking forward to the finished game!

(edit: One small hint though, it'd better if you edited your post instead of triple-posting. :) )
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 50% updated (27/Nov/2004)
Post by: Candle on Mon 29/11/2004 00:13:17
I get a bad zip from geocities .
Upload it someplace else  .
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 50% updated (27/Nov/2004)
Post by: Cyberion on Mon 29/11/2004 13:03:10
@Candle: well i'll upload it to my website. I have 2gb of storage heheh, just forgot to move it from geocities.

@Lazy Z: thanks for the warm words. About the hint - well it's not that i was a newbie or inpolite, but that was the only way to update the thread and bring it up. If you look at the dates of those 3 in a raw posts, you will see that the time period between them is rather big... i know the rules and all that stuff, i myself a moderator on 2 forums and an admin on the third one ;)
So excuse me for those posts, but i had no option, otherwise i couldn't bring this up and show the update ;)

P.S. Also if you hate pop ups, than use this link ->

P.S.S. the demo is uploading to the new location. You may get it from the game's site.

[edit]: ohh ya, do not forget to hit F5 in the download section to refresh the page (just in case)
Title: Re: Terminator: 2031 - 50% updated (27/Nov/2004)
Post by: Candle on Mon 29/11/2004 17:00:09
Thanks I just downloaded it and will give it a play . you have a fast server with that download , I was getting 70 to 90 kb's a sec ..