Adventure Game Studio

AGS Games => AGS Games in Production => Topic started by: Tolka on Tue 17/10/2006 04:15:33

Title: The adventures of Glee
Post by: Tolka on Tue 17/10/2006 04:15:33
The adventures of Glee

This game is still in the early stages, but I thought I'd get this started.

Story â€" you play as Glee and alien “working” for a traveling space carnival.  She was raised from a young age by the ringleader who took her in because she belongs to an unknown race, and the unknown draws customers.  It was only latter when her psychic abilities developed that he new what he had.

Game play-  basic adventure game fare.  You use a verbcoin to interact with the world and your inventory (both have been improved from my first game immensely, I spent most of my time so far figuring out how to get it all to work right.) with an added action of Psychometry which can be used to get psychic impressions and memories from objects.  I also hope to add a second playable character with a unique ability you use for a segment or two of the game.

Anyway the pictures.



Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: splat44 on Tue 17/10/2006 08:14:06
Nicely done!

Good luck.

Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: thewalrus on Tue 17/10/2006 19:14:21
     Looks awesome.... I really enjoyed your first game and thought it was really well done. Is this going to be a full length game?
Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: Tolka on Wed 18/10/2006 05:11:15
I'm not sure yet.    I guess it depends on what constitutes full length. ;) it should be signifigently longer then Which witch at least.   My current draft calls for 14 rooms and 6 characters (including the playable ones, I'll put up some concept art latter).     But that's not set in stone or anything and probably going to change as I get further along and see what areas need more or less space or spread for puzzles or the story sake. 
Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: on Wed 18/10/2006 23:22:20
Looking good so far, nice art, nice premise :)
Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: CosmoQueen on Sat 21/10/2006 22:53:53
Hey those graphics are beautiful!! Looks like it's gonna be an awesome game.
Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: Tolka on Tue 31/10/2006 15:47:05
I haven't made as much progress on this as I would have liked.  Had some real life stuff come up.  But I wanted to make an update so here's what I do have.

I have Glee's basic walk cycle roughed out.    She needs more movement in her upper torso,  the neck needs to move slightly (or the shading at least)   and the hand position is all wrong so I need to tweak it a bit. 

I also uploaded some of the concept sketches I have been doing.   So introducing first looks at 3 characters.     I guess if you don't want some minor spoilers don't read below.  But these three will be introduced early in game   so I don't mind showing them.

This guy has no name yet.  Basically the ringleader's yes-man and gofer.

The professor.    He's booked passage on the carnivals ship.  (His pose is off,   and I will probably tweak his design a bit, mostly in the body and clothing)

And the ringleader.  He runs, and owns the carnival.  His outfit could use a bit more detail work,     and he looks a bit to insane, rather then aloof and sinister in this picture. 

I also spent some time playing around with music programs,  and coming to the conclusion that I have no musical ear.  Whatsoever, at all,  trust me.    So I will probably have to seek out help with that at a latter time.   

anyway, I'll post another update in a week or two.
Title: Re: The adventures of Glee
Post by: Buckethead on Tue 31/10/2006 16:03:11
this looks really nice!!  :D I have seen your BG some time ago and you seem to have improved much, well done!!  :)