Eric And The Apostolic Megalith DEMO AVAILABLE

Started by Duckbutcher, Sun 21/06/2009 16:25:41

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Just a quick bump....I need a couple of beta testers to give the game a test drive. PM me if interested...!

Just to clarify, it's not the full game, just the demo, or Part One. The full game is still some time off yet...


Well, it's been a while, but it's time to unleash this beast upon an unsuspecting public.

I've actually had the demo lying around for a while, but haven't quite got round to uploading it until now. Anyhow, here it is. It comprises part one of the game. I'm mired under a lot of Uni work at the moment, so I probably won't start working on the rest of the game until April at the earliest, so make it last!

As always, feedback is welcome. Cheers!


Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

Igor Hardy

Excellent atmosphere of adventure and funny dialogs. Also, the music from the Cities of Gold is great as ever. I'm going to play more tomorrow.


Haha, I used to love Cities of Gold as a kid.. And I played the demo for a bit, and I enjoyed it :)


I'm loving the it even more with a walkthru, heh   ;)

Seriously, the graphics are great, love the look of the inn, and the Green Man cracks me up!


Very promising, looks to be a winner.
Demo was good as well, and it really made me want more of the game.

Hope to see the release ASAP.
Smile :]


I've tried to play this game, but my mouse cursor keeps disappearing. It started in the intromenu,but then smoehow my mouse appeared again, so I could click the start game-button, then when I got off the opost coach, the cursor was gone again. I'm now sticking to 64/x//400 windowed.

I was running it at 640x400, full screen (my PC can't do 320x200 FS)

Oh and I've found a bug with the savegame-dialog parchment: the text I'm typing appears in a strange place (see blue arrows):


Never use 640x400 mode, run it with a 2x filter. That should usually fix it.


I've had a look at the savegame issue, and it'll be sorted in the final game. Not sure how it slipped through the net! Ah well.

I'm also aware of the dialogue problem whereby if there's too many dialogue options, the bottom one tends to get cut off at the bottom of the screen. I'm working on that too.

If anyone finds anything else, let me know!


I talked to the shopkeeper, and after ending the dialog, there's the scene where he starts laughing like crazy. I tried to skip it to see more of the demo (being already late for work at the time) and the game hung badly.
I could move the mouse, the background music was still playing, but nothing else worked, no key presses, no clicks, nothing.

(Btw, your screenshots are jpgs which really ruins the great graphics. Use png instead.)


This is the type of game I love, and that makes me love AGS. I love the feeling that I have somehow uncovered an unheard-of gem from circa 1992 and playing through it for the first time and this game is giving me this in spades. I've only just got started I'm afraid, so no bug notices or anything like that. But this is right up there with your Doctor Who game and Cirque Du Zale in nowstalgia stakes.

Looking forward to the full version, natch.


Duck, I found the demo to be really good. The graphics and music are top-notch! It has this total retro feel to it! Well, done!
Worked on Strangeland, Primordia, Hob's Barrow, The Cat Lady, Mage's Initiation, Until I Have You, Downfall, Hunie Pop, and every game in the Wadjet Eye Games catalogue (porting)

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