Johnny Dove in Case Closed

Started by patrikn, Fri 02/07/2004 13:51:26

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Hi all! I'm working on a project i would like to share:

Johnny Dove in Case Closed.

I introduce to you Johnny Dove, a former journalist gone private eye. He gets his very first client and the assignment is somewhat tricky. He meets a woman who wants help with finding her long lost uncle who disappeared in thin air some ten years ago. The police has dropped the case and she's desperate to find help elsewhere. She tells a story of love and loss, how her father died and her uncle being the only link
left on her fathers side of the family.
But is she telling everything and is the whole truth behind her searching revealed? Why did the uncle disappear in the first place? What really happened to her father? Many questions arise along the way.
Johnny will head down a bumpy road and reveal that things aren't as they seem... Join him in an exciting adventure of twists and turns!

I'm in the early stages of development and I've been working on the plot and started to form the interface of the game and some graphics. There's a couple of screenshots available of scenes from Johnny's office here . I will use 640X480X32 resolution for the game.

Hope this teaser is awakening the detective in you. I bring more info as the development advances. Bye for now and keep up the good work you all!


hi there. Seems like a nice plot, I though have some critics on the screenshots.

The guy looks too much like a Poser guy. It's better to model your own human. Wich application do you use for modelling? because the chair also looks wrong and fill the room with more stuff infront. Furthermore it looks ok... and good luck on the game :)

The Book

You can model in 3d! I'm also trying to model, but with terrible tresults (see , the opening picture.

Congratulations on that.


Quote from: Minimi on Fri 02/07/2004 13:55:05
hi there. Seems like a nice plot, I though have some critics on the screenshots.

The guy looks too much like a Poser guy. It's better to model your own human. Wich application do you use for modelling? because the chair also looks wrong and fill the room with more stuff infront. Furthermore it looks ok... and good luck on the game :)

Hi! Critics noted, it's good to get a second opinion. The graphics was kind of beta anyway though. I use Poser for modelling characters, it's easier to animate that way, but i'm going to try to make the main character and others more unique looking. I can agree on that it's to much 'Poser mainstream look' on the current one. I will continue experimenting!Ã,  8)

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